Types of Certification Credentials
The first thing you will want is some kind of legal documentation of your status as a religious leader. In the United States this official certificate authorizes you to perform any ceremonies that the government recognizes other religions to perform (such as marriages or handfastings).
*(Note: There may be many additional requirements imposed by state governments.)
locally issued titles
If members of the existing Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) clergy desire to award titles to new members, this is possible. The existing clergy may sign the certificates for individuals to whom they designate new titles. KM must be informed of all titles and all certificates must be issued by KM and are subject to the approval of KM. All titles and certificates can be revoked by KM. The certificates can be delivered to the local clergy so that local clergy can award the certificates in a local ceremony. In these cases, the local clergy should contact Pr Ntr Kmt for specific instructions.
Physical Credentials
You can obtain a certificate from KM with your religious title by contacting
and arranging a counseltation with a Presiding Elder via one of the methods below:
or by writing to:
Contact KM kmnac@aol.com
or write KMHQ 1630 N. Curtin Rd.
Cottage Grove, Oregon USA 97424
or call 1- (541) 666-6055
certification Credentials
The title on the certificate is dependent upon the type of church you are going to grow to be. Some examples include but are not limited to:
Reverend, Pastor, Druid, Guru, Hem Ntr (or any specific deity), Hemet Ntr (or any specific deity), Kher Heb, Magician, Minister, Monk, Nun, Priest, Priestess, Scribe, Sesh Ked, Sesh Per Ankh, Shaman, Web, or Witch.
Hem (male) and hemet (female) were the primary ancient Egyptian words for priest and priestess. The web priest (or priestess) was responsible for the purity of the ritual and the cleanliness of sacred rooms, tools, paraphernalia, and priesthood. The kher heb was he priest or priestess who recited the liturgy and magick spells. The sesh per ankh were the learned priesthood (including mathematicians, doctors, and scientists). The sesh ked were the artists of the priesthood.
The certificate authorizes you to perform processions, circles, holy days, Sabbats, Esbats, ceremonies, celebrations, fire jumpings, commitments, weddings, handfastings, renewals, annulments, separations, divorces, funerals, blessings, namings, welcomings, baptisms, comings of age, rites of passage, affirmations, dedications, readings, and/or other rituals.
If you have multiple leaders of your per or coven, each should get his or her own certificates.
Note that when you obtain your Pr Ntr Kmt certificate you will have to agree to follow either the Law of Ma’at or the Wiccan Rede. If you have another similar standard to follow, ask.
*You may suggest a different title that better fits your beliefs.*