Boxing is among the most common forms of sport physical raining in the western hemisphere and especially in the continental United States, which is called "Western Boxing." Though this is the most common, know that Western Boxing is Not the only style of boxing the the Wolf Band teaches.

Here is an example of a very basic western boxing drill taught by most all who instruct western boxing in their teaching systems:
The first punch you will throw is a jab. This involves throwing a punch with your left hand towards the left hand of your partner.
The next step is called a cross. This will require the trainee to throw a punch with their right hand towards the partner’s right hand.
This is followed by a lead hook, which is more like a repeat of the jab.
The fourth step is a cross, just like in the second step of the drill.
The pad holder will throw a lead hook, to which you should bow down and weave then throw a cross.
Once you have thrown a cross, you should follow it with a lead hook.
You should then bob and slip under the rear hook of the pad holder. This should be done while stepping out and turning, then followed by a lead hook.
Finish the drill with a cross.