Welcome to our Introduction to the Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) Tactical Self Preservation Training (TSPT) Program.
So, for many reasons, this is going to be among the shortest of our training videos. First, as reflected in the title, these are the Very First Steps that are essential for YOU to Learn. Any mixed martial artist will tell you that Footwork is a key foundation to self defense preservation, just as all instructors will explain to you that the Yellow Belt is the Key To the Black Belt.
Because of this importance, we are going to keep the lesson "Short and Sweet". This particular video is exactly 1 minute and 48 seconds in duration! As short as it may Be as far as the instruction itself, it is something that should Always continuously be worked whenever possible as the more you work it the more instinct it will become to you.
Please know that you are Highly Encouraged to pause stop and replay the video as often as needed until you feel confident that you are understanding and able to duplicate the movements of the system... THAT's what's important most of All... that YOUR comfortable and confident in your wisdom and developing instincts.
So, as you see, Professor Minter has drawn a very simple basic symbol into the gravel to illustrate the footwork patterns with your physical movement/reaction to an attempted attack on your person. The symbol he is using can be seen more distinctly in the picture immediately below and is very basic in that it's two triangles nosed together and then a line going out from where the triangle points meet together. Another common symbol we use to train this footwork with is the medicine wheel, in fact the only difference between the two is that the one being used in this demo is not in a completely enclosed circle.

Now, as you begin this training, know and understand that NEVER is Either of your legs to be Fully Extended as that is a great weakness and vulnerable habit to get into and we do NOT promote that you do.
When you step the first ("Lead") step forward, you will want that Knee to be bent so that it Prevents you from being able to see your Toes, like your knee is protecting your foot as a shield.
At the same time as you take the Lead step forward, your back leg should also remain in a bent position, meaning we do NOT want to see your leg (Either leg) completely extended straight. Also, you will see Professor Minter's Opposite hand from his lead coming up to his cheek. We train this so that as you are stepping, your also protecting your head from attack.
As your lead foot rotates in this system, so to will your hands/arms also rotate opposite of the lead foot in this system. This is done so that your instincts will be keen regardless of the angle of attack you may find yourself coming under, or too, by what sort of weapon... our Goal is to keep you safe and protected with as minimal if Any harm caused to you PERIOD - you are our student and we take Your Life VERY Seriously!
In addition to the training video itself, and of coarse this it's own page which will have a comment section below, please know that we Also offer with ALL of our Training classes and sessions and again that you're Highly Encouraged to utilize it them so to also be linked in with fellow student members such as yourselves who are training. You;ll find the link to the blog section immediately below the comment section for your convenience.