The code of conduct represents a system of social skills that, when practiced along with the physical components of martial arts training, form the foundation of all martial arts self defense training systems... and KM's Warrior Self Defense Training Class is no different, meaning that their Are some rules and behaviors that all students are expected to follow while participating in our Warrior Self Defense Training Class:
Behave honorably. Always treat others with respect. strive to improve themselves and only use martial arts techniques for self-defense and to protect truth and reason. Be polite and friendly at all times.
and their abilities in the martial arts in order to serve the people. -
Practice humility. Recognize that you are a member of a group sharing common goals and interests and that progress is always achieved as part of a unified team effort. The beginning of wisdom is to be gracious and humble and always show respect to others
Never use profanity or coarse language in or toward anyone while in class.
Show respect for other’s beliefs and opinions. Treating Others the way you wish to be treated is an expectation.
Always exercise self-control. Self-confidence, self-control, modesty, and a non-defeatist attitude
are the mental keynotes for our students -
Never lose your temper or react in anger. Controlling your behavior and attitude is a must, in and beyond class. conduct oneself with calmness, fairness, justice, and propriety
Set a good example. Your behavior always sets an example for observers as well as for those students in lower ranks.
Practice cleanliness and order. The condition of your appearance reflects upon the entire school and all in it , be proud of your reflection.
Always listen attentively to the instructor. Raise your hand if you have a question and wait patiently for the answer.
Come early to class. It is always a good idea to give yourself extra time. Prompt and regular attendance shows respect to your instructor and fellow students.
Remember that your actions outside the school reflect its character and spirit. You are an ambassador of your school. Always behave appropriately with good manners and respect.
Finally, the most important thing to remember when we refer to the martial arts code of conduct is that they are guidelines designed to help your child to learn and grow in a safe, positive, and fun environment where the emphasis is on the development of good character, self-esteem and physical fitness.
The term respect means to acknowledge the feelings and interests of another in a relationship and treating the other at a standard that rules out selfish behavior. Respect is derived not by behavior but by one's attitude. Respect is appreciated as demonstrating a sense of worth or value of a person, a personal quality or ability. In martial arts, respect is the cornerstone of all the teachings of martial art self defense. Respect begins with the individual and manifests outward meaning that those who respect themselves as well as others will, in turn, be respected. Respect must be earned as well as displayed. This is why we insist on it.
The term humility is the quality or characteristic of a person that is unpretentious and modest. Humility comes with controlling one�s pride and ego. Pride and ego are the killers of good character. When we allow our own pride and ego to infiltrate our rational judgment we start to make decisions based on self-pride and not solid facts. When your ego and pride take over you will become satisfied with yourself and stop thinking deeply. Try daily to display humility in everything you do. Train for yourself and not the title or color around your waist. Keep your cup of tea empty allowing yourself toyourself to always learn.
Who do you trust? Do people trust you? Trust is the belief that a person is of good character and will seek to fulfill promises, policies, ethical codes, and the law. In martial arts, we make a promise to ourselves, the school, and the teacher. When starting a school or job there are underlying trusts that both parties expect to have in place such as safety, compensation, and knowing what is in each other�s best interest. In martial arts it is a breach of trust to ask for more knowledge from the instructor. Excessive questioning suggests that the student knows the material well enough to advance. Advancing is at the discretion of the instructor, not the student.
Understand that sometimes routine instruction is for your own good as it allows you to become proficient at the art. Trust the path you take is the right one. At times instruction may seem to contradict itself. Know that perceived contradiction is one-dimensional. The instruction you receive is designed to help you navigate the correct concepts of the art.
Martial arts have many strong connections to honor. We honor our art, ourselves, and our ancestors by showing loyalty and having the will to train while simultaneously maintaining wisdom about our training. To give loyalty is to honor the art through belief in the practices and wisdom of the people that have lived and died in perfecting the art so that it could be passed on to future generations. We should honor the people who came before us not because they were all superior but rather as Sir Isaac Newton said: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
The idea of virtue pertains to the notion of character. Framework for this concept is given through the four classical virtues of; temperance, prudence, courage, and justice.
Temperance is moderation. When we engage in any activity we should approach it with moderation in order to maintain rationality and balance in every facet of our world. Martial arts will enrich our life, not necessarily consume it. One of the goals in martial arts is to take the knowledge and self-discovery from the training hall and apply its principles to daily life.
Prudence is the act of having sound judgment over all one's affairs in life. In life it is prudent to look at situations that manifest and show wisdom and insight by drawing on facts, knowledge, and experience. Studien zeigen, dass die meisten Patienten bestellen cialis generika kaufen und gute Ergebnisse zu erzielen. It is ideal to be mindful and weigh the outcome of any action.
Courage is the ability to act when confronted by fear. Fear can be physical and mental. The former entails being frightened by the environment, a person, or a thing. The latter concerns mainly a fear of failure. With martial arts one can move through life with courage by accepting its challenges and not being tied down by fear.
The notion of Justice the individual applies by reviewing the facts, the research,and then taking the course of action that he/she knows within their heart as correct.
Justice combines all virtues and components into one application. To apply these in our everyday life is being just. As martial artists we should hold ourselves to a very high standard of character.
Our Virtues
Righteousness (義 gi?)
Courage (勇 yū?)
Benevolence (仁 jin?)
Respect (礼 rei?)
Sincerity (誠 makoto?)
Honour (名誉 meiyo?)
Loyalty (忠義 chūgi?)
Self-Control (自制 jisei?)
Safeguarding the dignity of the class, church and individual is a fundamental requirement that befalls each individual student. There shall be no discrimination between the participants on the basis of race, gender, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical or political opinion, marital status or other grounds Tolerated. All forms of harassment of participants be it physical, professional, religious, political, hierarchical or sexual, and any physical or mental injury to participants are prohibited.
If there is proof of a breach to the Code of Ethics, depending on the seriousness of the established facts, a verbal warning is given or, if necessary, a written report is forwarded to the IJF General Secretary in the week following the incident. - The written report must be explicit and record accurately the facts of the incident naming the involved persons, quote the testimonies and specify the addresses and telephone numbers of the witnesses who can contribute to a better understanding of the incident. The report must be written in one of the three official languages of the IJF. An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the concerned party.
If you wish to learn the Mecautea Tactical Self Preservation Training, and AGREE to honorably abide by our Code of Ethics, please then follow the link provided here to proceed forward as a prospect applicant.