about Wolf Brotha
Michael Wolf Brotha Minter
We as KM are honored and humbled to have the honor of presenting to you, KM's Wolf Band Founder, Instructor, Master Professor and Leader, Mr. Michael 'Wolf Brotha' Minter.

Wolfbrotha has been a devoted Mixed Martial Artist since the age of just 6 years old, attaining his first Black Sash at the age of 14 years under Master Linda Lu which was in Tai'Chi Cheng. He then focused his training in the International Philippine Martial Arts Federation (IPMAF) where he's attained "5th Degree" status, and is titled "Master" and "Professor" by Great Grand Master Ernesto Almador Presas Sr.
Wolfbrotha next attained the status of 5th Degree Black Belt in the American Arjukenka Karate Association (AAKA), recently re-named the American Arjukenka Street Combat Association and declared Master Instructor under Grand Master Gerald L. Timm.
Wolfbrotha attained the status of "Professor She-Han" and the ranking of 6th Degree Black Belt under Walter Clarence Dodd in Mushin Ryu Ju-Jitsu and also again he attained Professor She-Han status and 6th Degree Black Belt rank in Samouri Combat Ju-Jitsu under Master Wally Jay and Grand Master Gerald L. Timm.
Wolfbrotha has acquired certification in Laos Kickboxing under Master John Samsack, certification in Thai Boxing under Ajarn Surachai "Chai" Sirisute. He has also acquired his 5th Degree Black Belt in Krabi-Krabong.
Wolf Brotha is recognized and declared by many to being a "Kun Tasolate" meaning a "Scientific Master of Free Spirit" and has had many grand masters Refuse to rank or certify him because they declare him "Already an Expert."
Wolf Brother additionally attained "Ripper" status in Scottish Catch Fighting, "Expert" status in Greek Pankration, "Expert" status in Philippine Panantukan and Ponajok, a Brown Belt in Kenpo Karate, an 8th Degree Black Belt in Street Kendo, a 5th Degree Black Belt in Tres Punta Escrima, 4th Degree Black Belt status in Gojo-Ryu Ju Jitsu, and "Pendikar" in Pencak Silat.
Wolf Brother is Founder and Master Instructor of "Multi-Range Combat Science" and of "American Freestyle Martial Arts" in the Pacific Northwest.
He also was an instructor of Brausa Academy in Phoenix, Arizona with Roland Sarria, and had a brief career as a professional fighter in "Rage in the Cage" winning 8 Full Contact MMA matches. Wolf Brother was in the "Super Fight Absolute Division"
He ran the biggest tournament in Arizona, won several medals, and attired the cage fighting belt Extreme Rage in the Cage Champion Lite and Extreme Welterweight championship, both in one match when he beat Darryl Perish, who at that time was reigning champion the 10 time Arizona Submission Grappling/Wrestling champion and 6th time Arizona Extreme Rage in the cage champion, and 2-3 time Arizona Brazilian Ju-Jitsu champion who was reigning champion until defeated by Wolf brother who took those titles for the most part, breaking hit foot in 6 places and ultimately tapped him out with an arm bar!
Wolf Brother fought underground for both Maurice Smith in Washington and Roland Sarria in Arizona.
Passionate About Inspiring Others
We know that our common oppressor's agenda has always included disconnecting us from Creation to to better their odds of conquering and thus defeating and controlling us. Not on Wolf Band's watch! Not if people are Willing to learn how to overcome those obstacles.
We see the result clear within society stemming from within each individual human being. Not only are they disconnected from Creator and all the earthly woven creation, they are connected from one another, and even from their own-selves within themselves. Look how many take pharmaceutical made "medicines" because they believe they cannot control their own actions and thoughts. How did it come to this?
Because we have allowed ourselves to become completely disconnected from the way and strengths of our existence as human beings. We have be oppressed into believing that we are inferior to those around us who are and have more going for them, and that we cannot compete against such caliber... that it would be pointless to even try of waste the time and energy. That is a personal decision which will only lead to further victimization... a choice we Hope you will not make, especially when it comes to the self preservation of you and your loved ones, because if you make it there, there is no hope for justice in of for mother world or any living thing upon her.
For decades we have trained a great many people for a multitude of personal reasons... people of all ages and walks of life. Some of our students went on to use the wisdom gained to make careers that benefit society ranging from bouncing at bars and clubs, to becoming professional bodyguards, some are bounty hunters, police officers, even active and now since former military veterans. We have some who have went on to become pro-fighters in various under and above ground fighting arenas including UFC, but most just continued their "normal" daily lives as students, cashiers, delivery drivers, cannery and other "blue collar" coarse career-wise and life, but what matters is that they've done so confident in their connection to self and to the whole of earthly creation... they went forward Knowing who they were and that they had the right to exist and live as the human beings Creator intended for them to be Without having to Worry or Fear an oppressor hurting them or the ones around them that they care about and love.
We do not claim to make miracles, nor do we seek credit for any of the strives and advancement any of our student makes within themselves because it is their accomplishments and successes their own. We are the some essential tools that are right here and right now being layed before you by Great Creator with the option that you consider utilizing for your own self benefit as well as for the benefit of your relations and too, your communities and societies. What we claim is to do all we can to work in a beneficial way for you, to share with you some of the tactical wisdom we know and have gained over our lifetimes of devotion to mastering the art of self preservation. We offer our wisdom and devotion to you... the question is... do you devote such devotion to yourself, or are you content rolling the dice daily and Hoping you will not become a victim... it's up to you... we're here Ready and Willing!