Some of the systems implemented into the Wolf Band tactical Preservation Training Programs
There are a great many honorable systems of Martial arts scientifically blended into the Wolf Band training systems. Some of the more recognizable systems we train include but are not limited to:
Mushin Ryu Ju-Jitsu, which focuses on close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon or only a short weapon.
Samouri combat Ju-Jitsu, which is a Japanese method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon or only a short weapon. It descends from Judo, Sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu (via Judo), Aikido, Hapkido,Bartitsu, Catch Wrestling, German ju-jutsu.
Laos Kickboxing
Thai Boxing
Tai Chi Chung
Gojo- Ryu Ju-Jitsu
ABANIKO TRES PUNTAS, which is a blend of Indonesian and Philippine gorilla style systems that are focal on “the fan style of three points, it is a classical arnis style of “sangga-patama” or”block and hit” or “give and take” style at its best.
Krabi-Krabong, which is focal on Thailand Weaponry. The system's name refers to its main weapons, namely the curved sword (krabi) and staff (krabong). Unarmed krabi-krabong (muay boran) makes use of kicks, pressure point strikes, joint locks, holds, and throws.
Pencak Silat, which Is an Indonesian "full-body" fighting form incorporating strikes, grappling and throwing in addition to weaponry.
Scottish Catch-Fighting, which is a classical hybrid grappling style derives from a number of different styles, the English styles of Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling, Cornwall and Devon wrestling, Lancashire wrestling,Irish collar-and-elbow wrestling, Greco-Roman, styles of the Indian subcontinent such as Pehlwani, Jujutsu and Iranian styles such as Varzesh-e Pahlavani.
Greek Pankration, which is an empty-hand submission sport with scarcely any rules. an athletic event that combined techniques of both boxing (pygmē/pygmachia – πυγμή/πυγμαχία) and wrestling (palē – πάλη), as well as additional elements, such as the use of strikes with the legs, to create a broad fighting sport very similar to today's mixed martial arts competitions.
Street Kendo, which is a modern Japanese martial art system, which descended from swordsmanship(kenjutsu) and uses bamboo swords (shinai) and protective armour (bōgu). Kendo is an activity that combines martial arts practices and values with strenuous sport-like physical activity
Phillipine Panantukan, which is the boxing component of Filipino martial arts. It consists of upper-body striking techniques such as punches, elbows, headbutts and shoulder strikes. It also includes low-line kicks and knee strikes to the legs, shins and groin.
We additionally include the following weaponry training into our focal scope, though too, we do train with additional weaponry as well, these are just some of the more common you Might be familiar with:
•Solo Baston
•Doble Baston
•Mano Mano
•Espada y Daga
•Daga sa Daga
To give you a better idea of the various systems and techniques we teach, we have pulled videos from youtube together on a page of our own for your convenience, which you're welcomed to check out by following the link button immediately below.