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 Greetings everyone, and Thank you all for being here among the round table today as we address the escalating controversial issue regarding today's "American Holiday" which if known as "Columbus Day."


 As most everyone should well know, the "Columbus in which it is being observed for is Christopher Columbus, and the reason that this is, is because still today we honor and respect that which we know to be complete mis-information because overall our species have become comfortable and accepting of the subservient little sheeple our land seems to outwardly reflect overall, else how else could such be being continued as "tradition"... it is apparently "Tradition" to swallow LIES, even without any gain or reward to be had in the end from it... really says something about our species doesn't it once you start to see it in realistic perception.

 Before we begin our round table conversation regarding ONAC KM's position regarding "Columbus Day" we want to remind our members and advise our newcomers that we as ONAC KM do NOT take the position as Teachers of the sacred wisdom entrusted to the tribal elders directly by Creator. We are but among the builders of the Rainbow Bridge as ONAC who happen to be Creator's Warrior Soldiers too, and so we want you to clearly and coherantly understand that it is our position, nothing different more or less - that it is what it is and that is what it is that makes ONAC KM who we are, and that is how we "Do it", meaning we build the bridge so that All of us can cross over the division between we and our tribal elders who have the wisdom and learn it from them as Creator intended and has been waiting for us to accomplish and do.


 Having said that, let us now humbly and yet honorably presnt to you, one of the most dearest and treasured personal elder counselors that ONAC KM was blessed to have as among our personal teachers. He is very well known globally and highly respected as one of the few true prophets as well as one of the most spirit driven tribal warrior defenders of our era. An actor, singer, song writer, poet, prophet and many other memorizing and amazing things in between, Mr. John Trudell.


 Although John has since crossed over to Happy Hunting Grounds, the place traditional religious folks would recognize as being "Heaven", ONAC KM still Highly Emphasize promote and share the teachings of his wisdom within what they refer to as our "Church" and our round tables which they would say "Oh, the sermons". John knew this, and though "Religion" was a concerning Turn off to him instinctually, after round tabling with one another, ultimately he consented to and even felt Honor that we would turn our people to him to learn the ways of truth, light, justice and Creator.


 Without  further a-due, we turn you now to this  brief video where he speaks wisdom about our topic "Columbus Day" from the eyes of our tribal ancestors. It's about 37 seconds long in duration, and then we will proceed with our round table from there.

 The first point that we tend to use as our start point, is that the issues encompassing "Columbus Day" are within what's called "The Continental United States of America" or in simpler terms, the United States on the continent of North America. WHY?


 It's taught by our oppressor to we and our children and grandchildren as it has since the formal establishment of "Schools" here, that "Christopher Columbus Found" this land in 1492.  If we did NOT  embrace this lie as a truth, but instead researched into it for ourselves, just if even in a quick simple google search we find that Christopher Columbus Landed upon the South American Continent of America in 1492, but he didn't land here, so, if he never came here then obviously he didn't "Find" anything that was here including people, land or anything else physically upon it.

Truth be told, the first people to come floating up to the North American continent in any boat around this era was in 

There is a book some of you might want to be aware of is called and claims "1421: The Year China Discovered America"  which claims that a man named Zheng sailed to the east coast of the United States, and may have established settlements in South America. 

 A sixth-century Irish monk named Saint Brendan supposedly sailed to North America on a currach — a wood-framed boat covered with animal skin. His alleged journey is detailed in the ancient annals of Ireland. 

Around the year 1000 A.D., the Viking explorer Leif Erikson, son of Erik the Red, sailed to a place he called "Vinland," in what is now the Canadian province of Newfoundland.

 Christopher Columbus was an Italian born in Genoa, he had lived for years in Portugal, where he worked as a bookseller, a mapmaker, and a sailor. He had sailed on Portuguese voyages as far as Iceland in the North Atlantic, and down the coast of Africa in the South Atlantic.

Columbus called the place where they landed San Salvador—the first of many Caribbean islands that he would name. The natives who greeted him called their island Guanahani. They themselves were a people known as the Tainos, the largest group of natives inhabiting the islands of what we today call the West Indies.


 From there he sailed on, and next stopped and we Guess "Found" the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola (the island that today contains Haiti and the Dominican Republic). 

A village chief gave Columbus a mask with golden eyes and large ears of gold. And the Spaniards were already aware that many of the Tainos wore gold jewelry. They kept asking where the gold came from. After much searching, they found a river on the island of Hispaniola where "the sand was full of gold, and in such quantity, that it is wonderful. . . . I named this El Rio del Oro" (The River of Gold).

Columbus built a small fort nearby and left thirty-nine men behind to collect gold samples and await the next Spanish expedition. Still believing that he had discovered unknown islands near the shores of Asia, he sailed back to Spain with some gold from Hispaniola and with ten Indians he had kidnapped so he could train them as interpreters and exhibit them at the royal court. One of the Indians died at sea.

He returned to a triumphant welcome. It was said that when Ferdinand and Isabella received him at their court in Barcelona, "there were tears in the royal eyes." They greeted Columbus as a hero, inviting him to ride with them in royal processions. A second voyage was planned. This time, the monarchs gave Columbus seventeen ships, about fifteen hundred men, and a few women to colonize the islands. He was instructed to continue his explorations, establish gold mines, install settlers, develop trade with the Indians, and convert them to Christianity.

Columbus returned to Hispaniola in the fall of 1493. He hoped to find huge amounts of gold on the island. But the mines yielded much less gold than expected, and the European crops planted by the settlers wilted in the tropical climate. Some settlers began to lord it over the Indians, stealing their possessions, abducting their wives, and seizing captives to be shipped to Spain and sold as slaves. Thousands of Tainos fled to the mountains to escape capture. Others, vowing to avenge themselves, attacked any Spaniards they found in small groups and set fire to their huts.

 Columbus died in a Spanish monastery on May 20, 1506, at the age of fifty-seven years old, another of many facts not known about him while the misinformation continues beung taught acceptably embraced as truth.

What about the West Coast of North America?

In 1513, Spanish explorers were the first Europeans to reach the west coast of North America, on the Pacific coast of the Panama isthmus.

rights contained in the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas and 1529 Treaty of Zaragoza. These formal acts gave Spain the exclusive rights to colonize the entire Western Hemisphere (excluding eastern Brazil), including all of the west coast of North America. The first European expedition to actually reach the west coast was led by the Spaniard Vasco Núñez de Balboa, who reached the Pacific coast of Panama in 1513. In an act of enduring historical importance, Balboa claimed the Pacific Ocean for the Spanish Crown, as well as all adjoining land and islands. This act gave Spain exclusive sovereignty and navigation rights over the entire west coast of North America.

From 1533–1535, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés personally sponsored and financed exploratory sailing voyages north from Acapulco, in a search for legendary riches reported to be in the site of today's California. In the third of these voyages, Cortés accompanied the voyage, and likely reached the site of today's La Paz on the Baja California peninsula

In 1542, Cabrillo became the first European to explore the west coast of today's United States, leading the expedition that landed at San Diego Bay, and continued north along the coast up to Punta del Año Nuevo, 37° 10' north of Monterrey. But Cabrillo died on January 3, 1543, and the remainder of the exploration was led by Bartolomé Ferrer, who sailed perhaps as far north as the Rogue River in today's western coast of Oregon

 it wasn't until 1579 that the west coast of North America was visited by an English explorer, the privateer Sir Francis Drake who landed north of today's San Francisco and claimed the area for England, calling it "New Albion" or New England,

The first map of the world to show these newly discovered lands across the Ocean Sea appeared in 1507, a year after Christopher Columbus's death. The mapmaker, Martin Waldseemüller, named the New World "America," after the Italian Amerigo Vespucci, who had explored the coastline of South America and was the first to realize that it was a separate continent, not part of Asia.

 Columbus died in a Spanish monastery on May 20, 1506, at the age of fifty-seven years old, another of many facts not known about him while the misinformation continues beung taught acceptably embraced as truth.

© 2017 by Kautantowit's Mecautea. 

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