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 Greetings, and blessings to you all in great multitudes of abundance! I am 'Hawkeye' Graves, Sachem (Chief), Healer, and the Spiritual Leader of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea, most commonly referred to as "ONAC KM" due to pronunciation reasons. I'd like to personally Welcome as well as Thank You for joining with us here today and giving me the opportunity to introduce you formally to our church!

 Our round-table discussion today will hopefully properly explain how we as ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea will prove to be unlike just about Any other "church" that you have or are likely to encounter throughout the coarse of your lifetime here on mother globe. As we begin, please know and understand that ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea is an Independent "Church" of Oklevueha Native American Church and so we stand as such... on our own.

 To begin with, are the Three most basic of points to be had just within our name alone: Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea. Here are a brief list of insignificant uniqueness's we as ONAC KM have: 

1. Oklevueha is a tribal colony connection we have through our blessing from James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney as of September 1st 2013 "As long as the trees and grasses grow and the winds blow."

2. ONAC KM was created into existence in the Pacific Northwest of "The United States of America" making it a "Native American" based and rooted organization;

3.Kautantowit's Mecautea is a blessing and obligation gifted Specifically to Us by the Narragansett tribe, which translates into English as being that we are acknowledged and honored as being "Kautantowit's" which means "Great Creator's" - "Mecautea" which means "Warrior Soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy." In short, or in laments terms, we are the defenders of Creator's Creation, and are so expected to Honorably be and represent.

 The next aspect of finding our differences from the majority of other churches, including our own sibling churches of ONAC, is in our position as far as the "federal government" is concerned as being a "Church." If you do some basic research into the establishment of churches, you will find that Most have filed for and in turn attained a "501c3" status recognition, deeming them a "non-profit" entity or organization, meaning in short that they are "tax exempt." What this does is makes them into a "State Church" meaning that they are now subject to rules, regulations, restrictions and even consequences should they "not follow" the rules.


 Though the majority of churches, including again even ONAC independent churches... even our "Mother Church" as well, are established as state churches and have 501c3... ONAC KM is NOT. Instead, after much smoke, prayer, research and counsel, we felt it to be a more honorable and proper route for ONAC Kautantowits Mecautea to remain steadfast on our being a "Free Church" opposed to a State Church and so we retain our 508c1a status instead, meaning that we too Are in fact a "Tax exempt" church organization as well, but that we are Not limited, restricted nor dictated to as are the state churches.

The third aspect in which makes us uniquely different as ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea is in that we are Not geared toward "indoctrinating" nor "Converting" anyone anywhere, including Into Our church! We respect and honor ALL means, methods, opportunities and resources that Aid in the honorable connection between any and their Great Creator and if anything are here as Kautantowit's Mecautea to aid and assist as well as protect and preserve the path of the Good Medicine road leading we to Great Creator. We remain confident in that you will find ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea to be Complimentary to your spiritual walk whatever it may be or entail.

 In short, ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea take great pride in being a "Realist" based "Church". We address, speak and act as clear and coherantly as we can with HONOR in everything we do.

© 2017 by Kautantowit's Mecautea. 

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