Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Spiritual Wisdom Discussions
Virgin to birth son in sky September 2017!
Thank you for coming together with us here to speak about the astronomical events which are to take place in the skies on September 23, 2017 and the significance to them. Before we begin, we know the predominantly people maintain roots in "The Holy Bible" and some form of ecclesiastical "Religion" to which this topic Is going to address as well as include focally BUT in ways that likely will prove to cause an uneasiness as far as the indoctrination to such beliefs you've obtained over the coarse of your journey.
It is important to us that you be reminded to the fact that we as Kautantowit's Mecautea are not bound nor limited to organized "in the box" ideals and concepts and that as Realists we instead WELCOME and Embrace All the knowledge and wisdom we can obtain from creditable and meritable source acknowledging as well as respecting their own concepts, conclusions and decisions as the individual living human beings they are - that is what we ask for as well as Expect to be shown in return to ALL who fellowship with us By All who gather together and fellowship with us - it's called a Basic common Courtesy and should be extended to all living beings Even If we ultimately find ourselves agreeing to Disagree and ultimately part ways and company in the remaining journey of our human lives.
Despite the belief being that Creator created ALL things upon and beyond the earth and all upon it, including all seen and unseen in the heavens, for whatever the reason Most "organized religions" tend to become really nervous as well as Afraid of topics which involve Astronomy, Astrology or both, which is interesting to us as KM because both are emphasized throughout their "holy bible" as being "God's creation", and other pertinent writings that by all means Should be included into their bible such as the wisdom from Enoch, you know, the only human being to while alive be taken not only To the face of Creator and physically Lived thereafter to tell about it, but too who was taken on a bit of a tour along his way to the face of Creator by the angels, and too, taken to Creators sacred library and instructed to copy certain knowledge To teach to those of us on the earth who would not be welcomed to make such a journey during the coarse of Our lifetimes while here as fleshly beings on and of mother earth ourselves.
The Reason we feel this aptitude is taken is out of FEAR, nothing more and yes to us Is that plain and simple as far as justifiable explination is concerned. You see, all human beings share a degree of what we call "Natural Instinct" and among them is that we institutionally HATE what we FEAR whether we Know or Realize it or not. "God created the Heavens and the Earth" and designed them to go according to their way and coarse, but when they do "it's the devils tools" even thouh throughout their book it says time and again that when you seek answers beyond our realms, to set your face and eyes upon the Heavens, which is described as being "the face of the Almighty GOD" and to wait and watch in "waunder" for the "signs".
If we follow Their accounting and words then it is God who made all the heavens and too the earth and All other planets and stars, etc. and "placed" and "hung" them in their ways and to move in their ways per HIS instruction, so how can these followers who are "believers in" this book and organized religious belief system then turn around as quickly as they do and Condemn, Denounce and even HATE those who DO follow these words of wisdom and instruction and look to the heavens for the signs and waunders Creator said were to be had by those seeking such in our heavens and insist "it's the devils" anything and expect people to believe and accept and turn from it declaring they're better off in Gods eyes if they do, it doesn't make logical sense, and our species IS supposed to be more evolved and "smarter" than the rest Because of our abiility to find and conclude Logical sense, right?
We as Kautantowit's Mecautea Accept that Great Creator created ALL created creation for purpose and with justifiable reason, and we accept that we may never come to comprehend ANY degree of it especially while here in physical being bodies limited and constricted to being alive as human beings here upon the earth. Our position is in that in proper time if Ever, we Will be enlightened to all that we individually as well as collectively need to know When we need to know it, else what kind of an effective or beneficial tool will we prove to be while here, which is a Big reason we Are Here ya know. We also feel strong in that the point of Faith is to OVERCOME such obstacles of FEAR and that as we each come to that realization and seek answers including to our own purpose that Creator in right time Will Enlighten us to such sacred wisdom such as our focal topic here today is going to we feel Prove our position as being accurate.
You see, the planet Jupiter will be in the center of the constellation of Virgo in our sky very soon, which is NOT a frequent event to be happening. This is expected about the 23rd of September, and it's said that as the weeks pass after September 23, Jupiter will then what's described as "exit Virgo" to the east, "past her feet", so to speak.
To ancient astrologers, the planets represented the will of the gods and their direct influence upon human affairs. To modern astrologers, the planets represent basic drives or urges in the unconscious or energy flow regulators representing dimensions of experience. They express themselves with different qualities in the twelve signs of the zodiac and in the twelve houses. The planets are also related to each other in the form of aspects.
In classical Roman mythology, Jupiter is the ruler of the gods and their guardian and protector, and his symbol is the thunderbolt.
Jupiter is the largest of the planets, the “king” of the planets, so to speak and seen as being a masculine planet, known in Greece as the God ZEUS. Even the Romans regarded Jupiter as the equivalent of Greek Zeus, and in Latin literature and Roman art, the myths and iconography of Zeus are adapted under the name Iuppiter. In the Greek-influenced tradition, Jupiter was the brother of Neptune and Pluto. Each presided over one of the three realms of the universe: sky, the waters, and the underworld. The Italic Diespiter was also a sky god who manifested himself in the daylight, usually but not always identified with Jupiter. Their Etruscan counterpart was Tinia.
It was once believed that the Roman god Jupiter (Zeus in Greece) was in charge of cosmic Justice, and in ancient Rome, people swore to Jove in their courts of law, which lead to the common expression "By Jove," that many people use today.
Additionally, Jupiter is the supreme god of the Roman pantheon, called dies pater, "shining father". He is a god of light and sky, and protector of the state and its laws. He is a son of Saturn and brother of Neptune and Juno (who is also his wife). The Romans worshipped him especially as Jupiter Optimus Maximus (all-good, all-powerful). This name refers not only to his rulership over the universe, but also to his function as the god of the state who distributes laws, controls the realm and makes his will known through oracles. His English name is Jove.
Now, for those of you who don't know, Virgo in astrology is known as "The Virgin". This is what makes the event about to happen in the sky pertinent as well as Scary to those who follow the bible based belief system as far as religion is concerned. In their book, it didn't specify nor limit the "second coming" of their Christ as taking literal physical place as it's said and believed back during the days of Mary and Joseph fleeing for Egypt on a camel and a physical birth then taking place in a manger, in fact quite the contrary if you really study their bible - the signs and wonders to come in the sky actually is more fitting especially considering it's the last place they saw their messiah "ascending to the heavens" and too where they insist for the Armageddon they Expect to see he and the bands of angels coming From... "The Heavens"... PISSED OFF and with "fire" and bolts of RAGE in his eyes!
The planet Jupiter as a type of the Manchild is ‘birthed’ on September 9, 2017, just 13 days out from the Great Virgo Sign. Most who believe in the Jesus KNOW that his borth date is believed to be September 11th, which is not but two Days before this birth of Jupiter in the sky is to take place before our eyes!
On September 23, 2017 the sun will be in the zodiac constellation Virgo — “a woman clothed with the sun”. The moon will be at the feet of Virgo — “with the moon under her feet”. The ‘nine’ stars of the zodiac constellation Leo, plus three planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars), will be at the head of Virgo — “on her head a crown of 12 stars”.

While the sun is in Virgo, the moon at Virgo’s “feet”, and Jupiter in the constellation are regular occurrences. The significant celestial arrangement here is “unique in human history” as it only occurs “once in 7,000 years” which we are going to address here near the end of the discussion to make sure that people comprehend the important wisdom needing known.
This ultimately leaves the planets at the “head” (the number depending on the number of stars granted to Leo) as the determining factor in making a “momentous” celestial arrangement just in itself, but combined has instilled much fear in the majority of Christians as well as had made many non-belevers in any Creator wondering and noting that their is significance to the signs in the sky about to be taking place before our eyes, at least those of us willing and able to see them.
Now looking past the indoctrination, the point emphasized even by this minister is that the planet Jupiter will be in the center of Virgo, and, as the weeks pass after September 23, Jupiter will exit Virgo to the east, past her feet, so to speak — “She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth”. Jupiter is the largest of the planets, the “king” of the planets, so to speak — “She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod”.
​the anthropomorphic properties suggest a ‘birthing’ of the King Planet Jupiter that the Jews refer to as Melchizedek or the ‘King of Righteousness’.
In other words, the Messiah type as ‘King of the Universe’, etc. However, could there by a duality if this aspect of rather the AntiChrist that coming to ‘birth’? The Sign is ‘Great’, as referenced by the dictation of Jesus Christ to His last living Apostle, John as a type of the Beloved or Bride of Christ. The Sun and the Moon configure a multilayered cryptic and prophetic ‘Sign’ for the Last Days. All can agree that at least the Biblical and prophetic type is thus suggested to occur astronomically the day after Rosh Hashanah on the Rabbinical Calendar on September 23, 2017. What is also fascinating to contemplate is what will be that other ‘Great Sign’ that conjoins the Virgo Sign, mainly the Giant Red Dragon?
“She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth”.
“She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod”.
As noted, as far as the Rapture typology goes, there is clear language that a rapture does occur as depicted in the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign. However, there is much debate as to when it will occur. Will it occur at that time and whether it is of the body of Christ or that of Christ? As it is a ‘Sign’ and one that is prophetic in the Bible always appears to have a multilayer attribute for sure. For example, if one takes the book of Revelation chronologically, many believe that the initial Rapture of the Bride of Christ occurs at the ‘rapturing’ or calling-up of the Apostle John, whom is the representation corporeal of the Beloved Bride of Christ is the Rapture. In other studies, it has been shown that this initial Rapture kicks-off the 1st of 7 raptures of the book of Revelation. The point is that the Great Virgo Sign and its corresponding rapture correspond and foreshadows the future rapture of a mid-Tribulation.
Specifically, it will be perhaps the rapture of the 144,000 Hebrews and all their fruit that were marked and commissioned with the Testimony of and to Jesus Christ. This transference of the Gospel Mantle will be like that of the one transferred from Elijah to Elisha will occur once the Ambassadors -that of the Bride of Christ’s Royal Commission concludes at the end of the Church Age with the Rapture. The mid-Tribulation is also believed by many to be the point in which the AntiChrist false Messiah is revealed; perhaps after the assassination attempt and the fake resurrection. It is at that time that the Remnant of Israel flees to the hills into the wilderness of Petra. This scenario is precisely the time of ‘after the tribulation of those days’ that Christ warned Israel about and alluded by the Great Virgo Sign wherein the Manchild is born first, then a ‘travailing or tribulation occurs for Israel, not the Church.
It is believed also that at the mid-point of the Tribulation the Abomination of Desolation is set up in the 3rd Temple that Christ also spoke about in the future tense. This prophetic triple shadow is not only backward in prophetic time as it was completed in Christ but it will be casting its prophetic shadow in the future pertaining to Israel. However there are those that do not see this scenario chronologically as there are clear prophetic overlays that the Great Virgo Sign is rehearsing of a prior typology, mainly a retelling of the prophetic typology in the past of how Mary did give birth to the Messiah that is to rule with an Iron Scepter and was taken up. In the future rehearsal, it is the Virgin, Israel in this association that thus flees to the Wilderness. The Great Virgo Sign is a multilayered ‘Sign’ that is casting its shadow presently.
Presently, such a sign may actually be also associated with the true Rapture of the Bride of Christ as portrayed in the Manchild’s Rapture. The word in the Greek is the same used as a violent snatching away from danger like that of Lot in Sodom for example. The context is the climax to the Great Sign of Virgo the day after Rosh HaShanah of the Rabbinical Calendar in 2017. Technically, the astronomical ‘Sign of Virgo’ will occur on the 1st day of the Jewish Year 5778. What is rather interesting is that the 12 Moon cycles that encompasses the Jupiter ‘gestation’ period within the ‘womb’ of Virgo leading-up to the Great Sign of September 23, 2017 is that it is ‘kicked-off’ by a spectacularSupermoon.
The Supermoon of November 14, 2016 is the last one of the year and supposedly the closest to Earth so far in the 21st century. The last one occurred nearly 70 years ago on January 25, 1948 some 110 days from May 14, 1948. That date saw the ‘birth’ of Israel as a nation, a Virgin as the Virgo Sign in the Heavenlies. It was at that time coincidentally that 7 Muslim armies sought to devour the ‘Manchild’ as the enfant nation much like the 7-headed Red Dragon. Many believe this historical ‘birth’ of the modern State of Israel, although imperfect and in disbelief is the Biblical and prophetic fulfillment to the budding of the Fig Tree. This is the ‘Sign’ and typology that Jesus Christ alluded to would occur in theLast Days and the nation born in ‘1 hour’ as foretold by Isaiah. The nation was miraculously delivered as war did ensue much like it will and is depicted in Revelation 13 after the Manchild is secured.
There will be a literal celestial war as Lucifer, the Red Dragon seeks one last frontal assault into the Throne Room of YHVH in Haven and Israel on Earth. This 2nd half of the 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of Daniel is what is attributed to be specifically the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Also realize that '9 months' from September 9, 2017 to December 23/24, 2016 coincides to the eve of Chanukah, on the Rabbinical Calendar. Many believe that Jesus Christ was conceived on a Chanukah holiday. The feast of Chanukah on the Creation Calendar is exactly 1 month earlier on November 24th which will be Thanksgiving in the American Union; very interesting.
It is important that people clearly and coherently comprehend that the ONLY significant timeline to keep an eye on from this point forward is that of the "Adamic" as since THEY pissed Creator off up over in that place called "Eden" that is the timeline that WE have been subjected to and suffering because of. We are confident that this event is very significant and is something that we as KM need to be taking as well as pondering very serious so to be prepared as best as we can be for that which is about to come upon us ALL as the Adamites begin to be prepared to be removed from among us.
We hope you found this information enlightening even if only to a mild degree. Again, we Thank you for coming together with us and biasly opening your mind to this sacred wisdom.