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 Greetings everyone, thank you for joining us here today, as we address and explain exactly Who we are as Kautantowit's Mecautea.


 Who we are, as far as our representation to the world as Kautantowit's Mecautea, is that we are the species known as the Human Being who have united together with our common goal being proving ourselves Honorable to Great Creator. How we accomplish that is fairly simple, we HONOR Creator's Creation! After all, it is the expected obligation instructed us specifically by Great Creator... isn't it~

 The initiation into the created existence of Kautantowit's Mecautea came as a result of a prayerful vision of James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney. James is the co-founder and CEO of Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church*OEWNAC_. Earth Walks was made an independent sapling of Oklevueha Lakota Sioux Nations Native American Church *OLSNNAC_ which we honor as our "Grandmother Church" per the authority of 'Flaming Eagle" as he was also co-founder of the Grandmother church as well as with our mother and therefore empowered to do so. 


 James was sought out by Chief Little Dove of the Seminole tribal nation of Florida, ans she, along with Leslie Fool Bull of the Porcupine (Pine Ridge) Sioux reservation, along with Richard "He who holds the foundation' Swallow of Rosebud Sioux nation, assigned him with among the most important of tasks he may well ever face during his lifetime... to physically Initiate the times of the 7th Sacred Fire Times as prophecized to the Sioux nation directly from White Buffalo Calf Woman... the "Jesus" of the plains and west coast tribal brothers and sisters.


 The goal entrusted to ;Flaming Eagle', was to include "Taking the medicine", meaning the wisdom of our earth-based inheritance "Out" meaning from beyond the boundaries of their Prisoner of War Camps... aka "Reservation boundaries" and "To the White man", meaning to the native born peoples of our land Not of quantum determined "tribal bloodline" on in simpler terms... to we, the mixed-blood, or "Mongrel Americans" as we as Kautantowit's Mecautea call ourselves. Additionally and more specifically in a separate blessing and instruction obligation *which is how our tribal brothers and sisters stratigically do things as you will come to see, 'Flaming Eagle' was Also instructed to Specifically "bring out" the "Grandfather Medicine" of the plains, SW and western tribes as Peyote. OLSNNAC, our Grandmother church was so established and their primary sacrament medicine thus became renown as a "Peyote Church". 


 For the same reason and in the same way, our mother Earth Walks too became known as being "A peyote Church", and began on it's journey to fulfill the obligations set upon 'Flaming Eagle', and as he did, it wouldn't prove long before his authority and blessing fell into legal question... despite the division of church and state mind you. 'Flaming Eagle', along with his wife and co-founder of Earth Walks stood their ground and took their case all the way up to the Utah state Supreme Court. It was there that 'Flaming Eagle' would fulfill the first step of initiating the tribal prophecy into physical manifestation. ultimately the court would "Rule" that 'Flaming Eagle' as the official representative of Oklevueha Native American Church did in fact have the Right to have the wisdom and blessing of the tribal elders, and to Practition it, not only Off of reservation lands, but too, out from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) rules, interference and dictation! It was Also "Ruled" that members of Oklevueha had the Right to utilize "All Earth-Based Healing sacraments", which for those of you who don't know, sacrament means sacred objects of subsistence, and too was Specifically authorized to utilize Peyote for our "religious" purpose and intention. 


 With half his mission accomplished, the only thing left for 'Flaming Eagle' to do, was to establish the "warriors of the Rainbow", and so since that win, in addition to teaching and practitioning the ceremonies, it is what he has done, hence the establishment of Kautantowit's Mecautea and All the Other independent "Free Churches" of Oklevueha, but this reality shines especially brite in the birthing of Kautantowit's Mecautea, as it too was blessed by the Narragansett tribe of Rhode Island as being a "Warrior" tribal unification for the tribes and the mixed mongrel born "Americans"... it reflects so in the very name of which they gave our blessing "Kautantowit's Mecautea", which in the Ninnigrit dialect literally means:

Kautantowit's = Great Creator's

Mecautea = Warrior soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy.

Of coarse you're More than welcomed to learn more detail into the creation and existence of Kautantowit's Mecautea on our main website, I will provide a link immediately below here for your convenience directly To it.

 In short, we have been blessed, but also too, we have been obligated to strive to honorably fulfill our standard expectation of our obligation by actively being the warrior soldiers of Great Creator... to honorably rise up and defend the rights, liberties and freedoms of the Whole of Creator's Creation in the goal efforts of preserving ALL of creation.


 Bottom line, is that we are the warrior soldiers of Creator, blessed as such by the tribal elder counsel of the Narragansett, and then acknowledged and confirmed as such by the blessing of 'Flaming Eagle' as Oklevueha Native American Church. But too, we're not just to be as warriors... we also too, are to be the 'Rainbow Bridge Builders", establishing as well as encouraging ALL of the peoples born upon Turtle Island (The continents of North, Central and South America and all the lands encompassing it, including Canada and Mexico Obviously, but too, ALL the lands declared part of it... islands too! 

 We have a great Responsibility, mainly to Great Creator above all else but also too, to the whole of Creation... to the earth and ALL that comes of her, and especially too, we have a great responsibility to our Members... this should all remain without room for question, especially in our representative reflection as Kautantowit's Mecautea and all we do and stand for. If it's Not apparent nor transparent, then we NEED to Know so that we can honorably correct it as we serve no purpose worthy at all if we have nor show any honor in our efforts! The most important thing that you can possibly learn about Kautantowit's Mecautea is that we are NOT the Warriors of Oklevueha, no more than we are the warriors of or to single-handedly attempt to protect our tribal relatives... we are to protect, preserve and be such for the WHOLE of Creation, not just Oklevueha or tribally born human beings, or even the whole of human beings... for ALL Creator's Creation, as honorably as is possible for us to Do "As long as the trees and grasses grow, and the rivers Flow" period. OUR honor and loyalty befalls 1,000% Plus to Great Creator and the whole of creation, and we take that EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY.

 Who are the evil enemies that we are to battle against you ask... again a simple and obvious answer if you Look very deeply into our name... Any and All who choose to stand against or disrespect or dishonor Creation deem Themselves the enemies of Kautantowit's Mecautea - we do not need nor are we required to go and seek them out, the enemies will reveal and present themselves to us - that's the obligatory instruction gifted us by Great Creator. ALL things happen in Creator's time and by Creator's will - we are but vesseled tools here to be intramentally used by him... and we Know as well as openly Accept and Embrace that! We know that we are Honored to stand as Kautantowit's Mecautea and our goal is to attain HONOR by the judgement of Great Creator for the sake of ALL of our relations, especially so for the sake our ancestor relations. 

 We as Kautantowit's Mecautea are Bear Clan, the primary warrior species of our 4-legged. As such, our standards of expectation are best described and defined. We will speak more about this further in another gathering such as this one here as it deserves focal attention to such wisdom all on it's own, which would take away from the topic we are discussing here today - Kautantowit's Mecautea - who and why we are, as well as what our mission objectives are and are to include.


 According to what 'Flaming Eagle' explained of his vision for Kautantowit's Mecautea and I myself as representative and Sachem of it, is that we are to be the primary "Martyr" specifically and additionally for our beloved Mother Medicine Sacrament... more commonly known as Cannabis or by One of the families 3 siblings racial slang name "Marijuana"... not different from our primary objective expectation, but a task proving to be imperative and consuming of efforts all in it's own... but will prove to be a worthy one once we accomplish and Liberate it, and ALL have the free right and access to it. We Will... it will just take Time and Honorable Effort.


 We as Kautantowit's Mecautea welcome EVERYONE who wishes to join us as Creator's Warrior soldiers... those of you who wish to defend and preserve ALL of creation, especially Mother Cannabis. We do NOT have any restriction regarding your bloodline, birth place, "nationality", skin color or any other color pigmentation making you an individual person, what your individual belief system or any other of oppressors lines of division... if you are a human being, you Are Welcome into the Kautantowit's Mecautea family... the warrior unit of Creator's army!


 If you are interested, please round-table with us... if you alreaddy stand among us, we Thank You for honoring Creator and all his creation... the future of ALL life's ability to live here depends on YOU and we Thank you for helping us to keep us all safe and protected from tyrannous victimization at the willfully Ignorant hand of our common oppressor - you DO and ARE making the positive "Good Medicine" difference for the future of all life woven into the web of earthly creation! 


 Blessings to you all, thank you Again for joining with us here today... blessings in abundance to you one and all, may you go in a good way and make good medicine for and beyond all our world~


© 2017 by Kautantowit's Mecautea. 

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