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Jean Dixon Prophecies that where fulfilled

Jean Dixon Prophecies still to come !

  • The Assassination of Pope Francis !

Jean Dixon, in the 1970’s predicted that one pope would be attacked and suffer bodily harm (See the attack on Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981), another one will be assassinated, this assassination would be the final blow to the Holy Church. As Pope Francis is prophesied to be the Last Pope, Pope Francis could be assassinated.

  • Pope Francis will be the Last Pope !

The pope that will be chosen will not be approved by the Roman Clergy. His influence hower will be such that he will be elected (Pope Francis). While this pope will be the Last pope to Reign as singular head of the Church. The beginning of this change will occur with one of his predecessors who will give far reaching powers to the cardinals. The same cardinals will use these powers to replace him (Pope Benedict resignedand Pope Francis became new pope ?) with one more to their liking.

  • The Earth will be struck by a comet !

Just like Nostradamus (C1:60), St-John (Revelation 8:8-12) and the Hopi Indians (Blue Star), Jeane Dixonsaw that the Earth will be struck by a comet.  Earthquakes and Tidal Waves will befal us as a result of the tremendous impact of this heavenly body in one of the great oceans.

  • The Coming of the AntiChrist !

Satan is now coming into the open door to seduce the world and we should prepare fir the inevitable events that are to follow. The United States will play a major role in this development, i see a government within a government develop in the United States in the Last few years.

A government within a government (Illuminati, The Elite, The New World Order) controlled and financed by a well-oiled political machine, with their eye on the White House i see them discredit any man who occupies it (Donald Trump ?) without their approval, their program and campaign will cause great harm to our nation both here and abroad. They will give rise to an upheaval in our social structure as never seen before. The social and religious chaos generated by this political group will prepare the nation for the coming of the prophet of the Antichrist.

The False Prophet’s domain shall be the intellectual seduction of mankind. A mixture of political, philosophical ande religious ideology that will cause a great crisis of faith in God by Humankind. The Prophet will let the people accept the Antichrist and desire him with positive enthusiasm.

Check out —> The Antichrist Prophecies of Jean Dixon !


Jeane Dixon claimed that Armageddon would take place in 2020, and Jesus will return to defeat the unholy Trinity of the AntichristSatan, and the False prophet between 2020 and 2037. She had also previously predicted the world would end on in 1962 (She missed this one but war very close : October 16–28, 1962 the cuban missile crisis was almost the end …)

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