Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Spiritual Wisdom Discussions
Woman in the Heavens prophecy comes true!
Greetings everyone, and Thank You for joining with us on this blessed day gifted us by our beloved Great Creator, we are happy that your here and too, that your willing and eager to learn the sacred wisdom of Great Creator as entrusted to our tribal elders until the times in which we are to be learned the sacred ways and teachings.
Today, we are going to round table about the coming day September 23rd 2017, which is believed to be a sacred day spoken about by Great Creator.
Obviously, while discussing this, we are going to also be speaking of the wisdom taught of this from within the Holy Bible where it specifically speaks about the prophecy coming to pass on this day in which is to be taken as confirmation that we are in fact currently in the 7th sacred fire times.
Heavenly bodies are for light, to mark time and seasons (Gen. 1:14,15), and the 2nd coming of Christ (Is. 13:10, 34:4; Matt. 24:29)
Luke 21: 25-27 “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” The signs in this context can only refer to astrological signs. It is saying that when a certain alignment of planets in the signs occurs, Jesus Christ will return to earth. Once again, God created astrology to show people the timing of major events; God wants people to use this knowledge to be better prepared for them.
Revelation 12:1 — And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
Though most modern "Christian" based religious systems downplay and even denounce the facts validating that Creator established astrology as a tool, most will ultimately admit that one of the primary reasons that Great Creator, aka God ordained for the stars is for them to be signs, especially when confronted with Genesis 1:14.
Prophetic language frequently makes mention of lunar and solar eclipses (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12) and God often focuses our attention on the stars (Genesis 15:5, Isaiah 40:26, Job 38:31, Amos 5:8, Psalm 19:1)
On September 23rd the sun will be in the constellation Virgo (the virgin), along with the moon near Virgo’s feet. Additionally, Jupiter will be in Virgo, while the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury will be above and to the right of Virgo in the constellation Leo. Some people claim that this is a very rare event (allegedly only once in 7,000 years) and that it supposedly is a fulfillment of a sign in Revelation 12. The picture below circulating the internet shows the complete sign as it will appear from Israel on September 23rd, 2017, including the different positions of Jupiter within the womb of Virgo as it circles around during the 42 week gestation, which coincidentally is the same amount of gestation period that a human woman carries a child.

The woman being clothed by the sun with the moon at her feet makes sense literally when you understand the woman as Virgo the constellation. Every year somewhere from mid-August through mid-September the sun is mid-body to Virgo and the new crescent moon is at the bottom of Virgo. It literally happens in the sky just as Revelation 12 depicts.
There are nine stars from the constellation Leo above. The other three stars are supplied by a conjunction in Leo of Venus, Mars, and Mercury, aligned with Regulus.
What makes this year so significantly different from times past is that some people claim that this year Jupiter will be near what is supposed to be the womb of Virgo, so it represents the child that the woman is about to give birth to. Revelations 2 states: "She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth."
Another factor is the addition of the three naked-eye planets in Leo, above the head of Virgo. The videos promoting this supposed sign claim that the constellation Leo has nine stars, so the addition of these three “wandering stars” brings the total number of stars in Leo, above the head of Virgo, to 12, with the 12 stars forming the crown of the woman in the sky
Scholars have found that the sky on September 11, 3 BC to show the exact picture of Revelation 12:1, pointing to the birth of Christ on that day:

What this means in short, is that the significance of the Revelation 12 sign may be the rapture of the Church, the beginning of the cosmic war in Heaven, and God's redemptive focus returning to Israel and the Jews as discussed in Micah 5:3.
In Revelation 19:14-15, Christ and the armies come to earth, fulfilling the promise: “And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white [and] clean, were following Him on white horses. And from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may smite the nations; and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.” This same Psalm is quoted in Revelation 12:5 and applied to the male child. Thus, the male child as Christ in union with His body, the Church, is most consistent with the application of the promise of Psalm 2:9 extended both to Christ and the Church.
September 23rd, 2017, also happens to fall on what will likely be the first or second day of Rosh Hashanah, determined by the sighting of the new moon. This could be incredibly significant because for many years students of Bible prophecy have speculated that Rosh Hashanah (also called Yom Teruah or "The Feast of Trumpets") is the most likely time of year for the rapture.
On Monday August 21st we had a complete solar eclipse with a 70 mile wide band darkening it's path of totality touching 14 states, crossing fourteen of the contiguous United States including : Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, while the rest of the U.S. had a partial eclipse.went from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts
The longest ground duration of totality was 2 minutes 41.6 seconds
If you follow the Words as written in the buble, heavenly bodies were created for light, to mark time and seasons (Gen. 1:14,15), and the 2nd coming of Christ (Is. 13:10, 34:4; Matt. 24:29) so why it is that the Christians teach astrology to be "The Devil's tool" is a bit confusing. Creator created ALL of creation, including the Christians "Devil" himself if you follow the story taking it for what it says.
As always, we Thank you ever-so-much for joining with us in this round table today, we hope we have enlightened you even if only a very little bit. Please know that you are Always welcome and we hope to fellowship with you again real soon. Blessings in abundance to you!