Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Spiritual Wisdom Discussions
Honoring Mother Medicine
Greetings everyone! Thank you for joining with us to discuss the celebration in honor of our beloved Mother Medicine! For those of you whom are unfamiliar to Mother Medicine as we call it... society knows it best as "Marijuana" though the real name of this particular plant family is "Cannabis".
Before we begin, I would like to take a quick moment to point out a few rather basic facts regarding how our gatherings such as these tend to go, for those of you new To Kautantowit's Mecautea, new To such a gathering, or new to the foundations that are our "Creed" (way of life,) including our Constant Connection To Creator and With Creation as well as with our ancestor relations. I do not wish to tread too far into that path here as it is already a gathering all of it's own elsewhere, but I will assure a link To that gathering for those of you interested for sure and I Do of course Highly Encourage you to check it out If Creator so spark's your spirit to do so, but I Do want You to Understand, that when I speak, it is from the perspective of being an indigenous (a natural created being of this creation) human being born upon (connected to) the land of "Continental North America" (Turtle island), it is of the perspective from which I perceive, and relate.
Cannabis was put here by Great Creator literally Millions of years ago, .
As I hope will begin to see before long, is that Kautantowit's Mecautea, though by "Law" created and so governed by our common oppressor, is labeled as being "A Church" and in turn Regulate our individual Spirituality, that we comprehend our Spirit as being our primary connection into the web of living creation created by Great Creator by being living, breathing human beings, and the crucial significance of our obligation as among created beings, especially the most destructive of species currently inhabiting Mother Earth, be clearly and coherently understood, and striven to be achieved... to the best of our own individual ability throughout our lifetime, and that though we alone will be judged on our Honor, so too do we know that our ancestors too will also have reflection upon them from Our judgement because it was They who were Our Ambassadors... our elders, or as we say "Our parent bears" whom were given us to be taught the wisdom to be found honorable by Great Creator.
Please know... for all of you who again, are new to Kautantowit's Mecautea or our ways, that we are in No Way trying to initiate Any Form of Conversion or indoctrination upon you, nor our members in ANY WAY once so Ever... it is not our place to do so... our "job" so to speak, is simply to spark your own intelligence in a way that is hoped to strengthen your individual connection with your Creator for your ownself... to open your minds to hopefully receive enlightenment To you straight from the source of Great Creator directly... and to build the Rainbow Bridge of Common Ground in the hopes of bringing unification as we ALL Equally join at the Feet of the elders entrusted by Creator to keep, and now Teach to us so that we may survive and be found as Honorable amist the web of creation.
So far... our species as a whole... isn't looking to be so good... or a very honorable creation among our web here... are We?!
We are not honoring ourselves much less one another or Any of Creation... look Around at our globe and prove to me I'm wrong... show me another living species running drills, CAT equipment or are creating and then detonating Dynamite, and even things far Worse like Bombs, rockets, chemical and nuclear POISONS... dumping them on our lands, where our foods grow... and we dump them into the waters, which gives literal life to ALL living beings upon this planet besides not Only Our OWN... and we watch it spread through the air we breathe, and we ALLOW it by Accepting it as being the way that it is because it is what it is and apparently as a result of our willing to be ignorant and idle in our position of entrusted authority given us Directly by the instruction of Creator that WE ARE TO CARE FOR THE LAND AND ALL LIFE UPON IT if we are to Declare ourselves as having "Dominion Over" Mother World... If We the species of human being, whatever our indifference's from one another, are to believe that WE have such right to such the Powerful position as to play "God" over all the living upon the earth, then I say to you that it then becomes Our OBLIGATION to Maintain HONOR it all which we do when exercising ourselves in that mannerism when encountering and having to "deal" with All other living creations, other species, because the Damage and the consequence and repercussions due to such Inflated EGO that results in our suffering ALSO WILL be experienced and suffered the same if not Far Worse by not Only our own species of children but by ALL the children of ALL the species that will continue to live among us - that's the most basic fact of reality our foundation could possibly sew.
Those wisdoms are also discussed in more detail in other gatherings, you are All Welcomed to find them by following this link for your convenience,
Right now, I'm going to do my best to remain on point as well as to TRY to be fairly brief as I always Hope to do.
As we look to the stories of the past, from whatever your "religious based perspective, whether taught to us direct from our or other elders, or fed to us by books, educational or other forms of indoctrination, the #1 statement we should ALL be able to agree to... is that Creator Created Creation. It's the 2nd statement in which their seems to for some reason be some "confusion", which Is... the whole of creation within and encompassing our existence is and was Always intended to be "Our Inheritance"... the part people seem to be missing anymore is that in turn, it's our responsibility and obligation to provide as well as to administer care upon and for it... not to just tear apart and then cast aside as useless waste. In the photos above, you Should be able to Agree that the statement immediately above them is true... our species really hasn't done a very beneficial "job" nor "Service" to the web of our creation... if fact it's fairly Safe to say that for at Least the last 500 years, our ancestors especially here has done a rather Piss-POOR "job" and "Service" to the whole of the web of our encompassing creation.
We can continue to sit around, scratching our heads and asking one another "Why", or "How has it gotten to This" big of a problem and mess, but I'm here to tell you that That's how - That's Exactly How... by the majority of our species willfully Sitting around and Scratching our heads ASKING opposed to Doing... Believing opposed to Thinking... Knowing instead of Questioning... but mostly on top of it all, it's in our CHOICE to remain Asleep opposed to awaking our intellectual minds and Seeing, Questioning, and then DOING that which is needed to be done NOW Before it get's any Worse because believe me people when I say that it CAN and too, it WILL get Worse so long as we willingly remain Idle, ignorant and Blind to the factual realities that currently exist in which we alone yet only Together have a half-a-shot in hell to even Begin to get corrected!
After All, is that Not why we've gathered Here of all places now in order to honor a PLANT under attack by oppressor?!
Though it's without any Doubt to Us that our species as human beings have been utilizing the many blessings to be had of Cannabis fibers, which We Call by the way "Mother Medicine" because it comes from the earth, and the female offspring of this species has, is and continues to prove herself to be "Good Medicine". Look to whatever your "religion" preference of choices Book may be and show me where it does Not say that all creation created by creator is "Good"? Show me where it Excludes this species of plant Anywhere, or where it's indicated that any other could possibly "Create" NATURE. I bet instead you will find such instructions as to "Respect", "Honor" and to "Give Thanks" for ALL the magnificant gifts that Creator has blessed upon you, these Earthly necessities as your Inheritance though, and also too, that you will find that your not to Question nor to Smite Creator Nor Any of the creation. And I bet too that you will Also find where it's stated that Creator Knows "ALL" and See's "All" even if no one else does... and that Creator Also retains the ability to "Pluck" whatever of creation so chosen, even at a Whim.
What are you SAYING??? Creator made some sort of an "Uncorrectable Mistake?!?!" Are you Crazy!?! That's Ballsy~
What many don't know, is that cannabis cordage in pottery was identified at an ancient village site dating back over 10,000 years, located in the area of modern day Taiwan in 8,000+ BCE, and too, textiles made of cannabis also found were proven to have been being used in China and Turkestan as far back as 4,000 BCE, but note, cannabis seeds and oil both are recorded to have been used for food in China as of at Least Cannabis seeds and oil used for food in China since 6,000 BCE. Scythians cultivated cannabis and used it to weave fine hemp cloth as well as for food in China in 1,500 BCE. The earliest cultural evidence of Cannabis comes from the oldest known Neolithic culture in China, the Yangshao, who appeared along the Yellow River valley. From 5,000 to 3,000 B.C the economy of the Yangshao was cannabis-driven. Archaeological evidence shows they wore hemp clothing, wove hemp, and produced hemp pottery.
Because the First recorded use of cannabis as medicine by Emperor Shen Neng of China in 2,737 BCE, The earliest cultural evidence of Cannabis comes from the oldest known Neolithic culture in China, the Yangshao, who appeared along the Yellow River valley. From 5,000 to 3,000 B.C the economy of the Yangshao was cannabis-driven. Archaeological evidence shows they wore cannabis clothing, wove cannabis, later known as "Homespun" such as depicted in the "fairytale" most of us were taught as "Rumpelstiltskin" - the spinning of "Straw into Gold"... and too, let's Not forget that they, according to scientists and archologists, were also producing cannabis pottery with her pulpy and fiber-filled stalks as well.
Yes and thankfully indeed, the Chinese kept good recird of Their cultural history, especially in regards to a plant that did and provided so much for them when nothing else could come close to doing all she could and was willingly doing and providing for the people who depended on her... same as she continues willing to do for we the people alive right here upon the globe today.... MORE-So even because we here today know and in turn Expect so much more of her now than our species has Ever before in our species histories!
This is likely why Many believe that cannabis was brought to the American continents by our brothers and sisters of the yellow hoop, but scientists have confirmed that cannabis Chinese used virtually every part of the Cannabis plant: the root for medicine; the stem for textiles, rope and paper making; the leaves and flowers for intoxication and medicine; and the seeds for food and oil. Cannabis seeds were also one of the grains of early China and ancient tombs of China had sacrificial vessels filled with hemp for the afterlife. To we here as Kautantowit's mecautea, it really doesn't Matter who or of which hoops "Discovered" and began Using her first... she was Always spread around Everywhere, and the bottom line is, she was put here for ALL of us to freely CHOOSE whether or not as well as how or how not we will or will not use her now... today, tomorrow, next week next year or even 5 or 500 years from now... period end of story!
The fact that the scientific experts have officially confirmed that cannabis seeds were recently uncovered in Siberian burial mounds dating back to 3000 BC is great and all, BUT the Only way that could be so is if their were cannabis plants Growing somewhere near-to the region or within trading distance had fertalized and created seed to then be put and now found there! Knowing that many tombs uncovered of nobles buried in the Xinjiang region around 2500 BC have been Confirmed to have contained vast amounts of mummified cannabis is Also a great "Discovery" of truth and fact, but again, the Whole of the truth to be found in such fact is that there was Obviously cannabis growing There well before that , else not only would it have been later found inside those tombs, but likely wouldn't have been Included into those tombs if it had not been highly respected - after all, no Other plant was found in there... was there!
I bet most of us didn't Know that Cannabis rope was found in Czechoslovakia in 26,900 BC, in fact I bet none of us ever thought to even ask or consider it, or anything Else about Czechoslovakia for the most part, even though our "Founding Father of the GLOBAL cannabis movement" Mr. Jack Herer not only Did, but he Went there, on More than one occasion in his lifetime Specifically to work with as well as to educate them to ALL the wonderful and beneficial uses that cannabis had, has and Continues to offer even there land too still right now here today as it has for tens of Thousands of years before our species even thought to take note, record or write shit down about it. Our species is kinda known for taking things for granted and in turn neglecting and forgetting it until we have it no more to turn to and depend on - THEN suddenly we notice, and we SIT and we Scratch Our Heads, and wonder "How did it get to this"... sound familiar... ringing any bells from above?!
From the years 2,000 thru to 800 BCE, even the peoples... the human being species of India - the middle east, not the ones renamed "Indians" here during that whole lost and confused at sea thing that happened back in 1492 with Christopher Columbus mind you, I'm talking REAL "Indians" as is From the land called India. They knew what Cannabis was too, and as like the others of our species, they too found reasons to Respect, honor and appreciate it. You see, they made this really good drink called "Bhang" (dried cannabis leaves, seeds and stems mixed with milk from their sacred cows). It is mentioned in the Hindu sacred text Atharvaveda (Science of Charms) as "Sacred Grass", one of the five sacred plants of India. It is used by medicinally and ritually as an offering to Shiva. As with ALL that I say, you are and remain Always Encouraged to go Look, read and learn from yourself... then come back and share the wisdom YOU Found! We at Kautantowit's Mecautea are and function as a Tribe... a Family... I learn from you and you learn from me and we all learn from one another Honorably and Respectfully because we stand on facts you see! We have no extra Time to be blowing Pointless smoke, the smoke WE blow has deep and devine subsistence!
Although people are now beginning to realize that cannabis was likely among the Primary of ingredients used to build the Pyramids in Egypt, so many seem to remain unaware to the fact that cannabis was in use in ancient Egypt, recorded as far back as 2,000 B.C., that it was actually found Hand Written on scrolls depicting medicinal cannabis plants (Female Plants)! History PROVES that our mother cannabis was first documented in Kemet (ancient Egypt) as a Beneficial MEDICINE that They used to treat sore eyes and cataracts. I bet no history teacher Anywhere in our school systems so designated by our common oppressor Never uttered a single Word about that to any of you either - WHY - because knowledge is POWER, and they Don't want you to know you have THAT else their boats of greed and corruption could start ta'rocking! According to Diodorus Siculus, a Sicilian Greek historian, Egyptian women there of that time period used cannabis as a medication to relieve sorrow and bad humor... or in Today's societies terms of verbiage and definition "Mental Illness" - you know one of those great many EPIDEMIC PROBLEMS most of our species "struggle with" while we struggle to Not be thrown under the sellout bus of taxation and regualtion... of consequence and punishment that even according to legal history Should Not Be.
For thousands of years cannabis was not only legal, but an Essential crop among cultures throughout history, and held commercial, medicinal, and spiritual value.
It's important to note before we progress forward to make clear that plants of the cannabis family, just as with all of Creator's Creation, have male, female and too hermaphrodite genetics (boy, girl and two-spirit genetics), but beings we work with Mother Medicine for prominently spiritual as well as medicinal purpose and intent, we speak of and reference to her as "Mother" because it's in the females, at least thus far in Our species scientific, genetic, and medicinal studies and conclusions can and have ascertained. This does not mean that we exclude or overlook the males, just that our intent focuses us more upon the females than the other sex variations within their family BECAUSE our needs from cannabis remain Primarily upon the MEDICINAL qualities whereas, at least as of right now, other than for pollenation, the males primary gift to us is in the fiber and pulp also found in the females and morphs.

The fact that many people find their way to Oklevueha Native American Church because Creator is leading them to us for your right and ability to utilize her in turn, put's a great and heavy burden of responsibility upon We, especially ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea being established to be the "Martyr" for cannabis liberation and utilization because it put's Us at the front lines when All of society as a whole looks to us for their rights and guidance of securing their ability to benefit by Mother's Medicine Cannabis in a proper and good medicine way, meaning one that is not harmful nor hindering to those needing connection with her.
As the laxation of our societies "laws", especially here upon the north American Continent (Canada and the US specifically) continue to sway toward "Regulation" opposed to "Liberation", the more attention being drawn to Mother Cannabis, the more our species as human beings are coming to the realization that our rights, liberties and freedoms as living created human beings are in fact and Without any room for doubt, being Infringed upon If Not OPPRESSED away from us all together. Look around and Prove to me if you Think you can that it isn't so, especially in regards to our EARTH Inheritances such as cannabis... being Un-Questionably "Good" , Not Just as far as our own Bodies, Minds Spiritual medicine is concerned, and I'm not just talking all Other living beings minds, bodies and spirits either such as has also been Proven true in our 4 leggeds' our winged and even our scaled brother and sister species... I'm talking good medicine All the way round Including Mother Earth AND too Father Sky - think THAT was an accident too do you?
People seeking to genuinely LEARN about Mother Medicine will without Any doubt quickly come to the realization that they are INTENTIONALLY being led astray towards the roads of profiteering and exploitation so that in turn we can be Charged and will PAY whatever Top dollar for that which was already Gifted to us as part of our Inheritance for being among the living species with it upon our planet, which in turn, especially when looking ahead toward "The bigger picture" is realistically causing ALL of us within this hoop of life upon Mother Earth more Harm that realistically it is bringing Good. Since our species "Discovered" Mother Medicine, we have declared her "An All-Heal" herbal medicine, one that still to-date can heal in ways that even technologically advanced medicines cannot come Close to combating, much-less CURING, and therefore, one of a high Value to have growing around for us to access and utilize it! What we FAIL to overlook, is that regardless of whether or not WE as individual nor as well as a collective species of beings Choose to accept that it would be beneficial for us to Use it, that all Other species of life within our web KNOW and WANT to use it... but yet our species, by Ignorantly declaring "WAR" on it... WAR on Mother Nature, that we then are Infringing on they and their right of inheritance which includes their option of using cannabis too... and that's not something we are Supposed to have such a right to continue waltzing around and doing.
Having said that, let us now introduce you to Cannabis... our Mother Medicine!
Speaking of Cannabis as Great Creator's creation, their are a total of Three species (siblings) which make up the plant family...
1. Cannabis Sativa, defined by US Government in August of 1937 to be what They call "Marijuana";
2. Cannabis Indica, which remains federally Un-Regulated as being any "controlled substance", and;
3, Cannabis Ruderailis, also a federally Un-Regulated plant and the one who will likely never be considered for a "controlled substabce" position in "law."
We Know our Mother Medicine Cannabis has extraordinary power to heal body, mind and spirit and our entire natural world, and We Support as well as Defend our sovereign right to embrace the Cannabis Plant in our lives – in the many ways We Choose.
Such as within ALL of Creator's web of our earthly creation, whatever the species may be but even so as in ours as human beings, each sibling is and maintains it's own personalized identity. This is because each sibling forms differently due to their genetic make-up as Creator alone decides the mix of DNA will conjure into it's created existence. One of the most obvious and yet important genetic differences that can be visibly instantly noticed between the three siblings is within it's growth differences between one another, such as where we'll start with the diagram immediately below... their hands and fingers.

In looking at the diagram, the more obvious notations so to immediately identify the difference of the sibling species is in how much Fatter the cannabis Indica leaf fingers are in comparison to it's siblings. Also too, cannabis Indica leaves (hands) tend to accumulate more , which generally results in deeper and darker green pigmentation opposed to her other siblings, a very very Dark green almost blackening color than the other siblings have.
The second way to note their genetic indifference is in the leaf (hands) Fingers. The Cannabis Sativa fingers are notably Longer as well as Skinnier than her other siblings, and too, upon her youth into maturity, Sativa leaves (hands) tend to have more Fingers upon her leaves (hands) than do either of her siblings as well.
Cannabis Ruderailis, the lesser utilized of the plant family until just recently due to the recent medicinal and scientifica research and "discovery" of the benefits to be had by her "CBD" gene, has the Least amount of fingers upon her leaves (hands), and too, she is the shortest of her siblings height-wise too, as you will see in the second chart immediately below, significant Enough to make a quickly observed difference between the three sisters.

It's important again to note here, that though the males are also cannabis and break down genetically into the same sibling species accordingly, that we look primarily to the FEMALES when we turn to the cannabis plant family for medicinal reason... our species hasn't began picking apart the genetics of the males YET!! They were always referred to as "HEMP" because they were ONLY utilized for their fiber and pulp... our "industrial" needs.
They Will... Give'em Time!!
So now that we've briefly touched a bit about the visual differences between the siblings of our Mother Medicine Cannabis, let's speak a little of her Genetic differences, so to better understand the honor that each of them individually earn when it comes to their gifts of blessing for All our web of living beings, and then we will get into the Honor and Respect deserved to our Mother Medicine as a Whole... because it Is of the Cannabis plant family.
Speaking Medicinally, as that remains the First focus of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea when turning to the family for "Healing", the Cannabis Indica sibling remains noted as being "the strongest of the plant family" pertaining to over-all "Physical" Medicine. This was first publicly noted long Before ANY form of "Prohibitionist" position was taken by our species and government against the plant family mind you, just to make that fact Known. This conclusion was based on the Immediate Physical effects felt within the human body upon ingestion.
In "Old-World" times, an immediate feeling of physical relief from pain and tension was predominantly why human beings sought out Mother Cannabis for physical medicinal relief, and the sibling Cannabis Indica proved best for such a job. Because she healed so well, she was the most sought out as the Creator sent blessing she continues to be, and is likely the reason Why she has Yet to be targeted for degradation to the "Controlled substance List" in the US to date... back in 1937 it would NOT have been tolerated to have been included in the new definition "Marijuana".
As our species continued to turn to Cannabis Indica for physical medication, among the most Important findings we have confirmed, is that Cannabis Indica CAN reverse tumor growth and ultimately is accredited (including the federal government of the United states) to have the ability to "Cure Cancer". Though there is no guarantee it will, more often than not... she Has and shows herself willing to continue to try, if she's allowed.
The sibling Cannabis Sativa, targeted for outlaw in 1937 due to her Amazing gifts "Industrial" and "Environmental" gifts has since been proven to also be medicinal, but more for mental benefit than for physical relief. Sativa has proven herself beneficial for asthma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Bi-Polar and other mental and mental focal ailments. Sativa was the primary provider of 90% of our fiber, fuel and pulp needs and most commonly known throughout history as "Homespun"... the fiber that was spun into "Gold" in the childhood folktale "Rumpelstiltskin".
And finally, we have Cannabis Ruderalis, though the shortest of the siblings and less fiber producing is starting to be respected for her high amount of CBD And Low amounts of THC within her genes as she stops as well as prevents seizures, including Grand Mall seizures and is especially sought after for babies and small children as due too her lacking of THC she does not produce a "High" feeling as do her sisters Sativa next and then Indica most.
In addition to the three siblings of Mother Medicine Cannabis's plant family species, we the human being species have since had our hand in the "hybridizing" of cannabis by the breeding of the siblings with one another, with specific goals in mind, which led to the raising THC, then the Lowering of THC for an otherwise Impossible THC Standard for "LEGAL" Industrial cultivation" , thus expanding into the justification for raising of CBD genetics, and now has furthered toward isolating and even Extracting something like thus far about 30 of it's more than 300 genes known of thus far.... they are still looking and Counting!
By doing such, the varieties of sacrament (sacred substance) have greatly broadened the beneficial gifts Mother cannabis provides and has proven to heighten such characteristic traits such as taste, smell and effectiveness. Hybrid flavors range from fruits such as strawberry, cherry, blueberry, blackberry, banana to the more traditional earthy, piney, even coffee and skunky and fuel-like tastes such as the classic "Diesel" strain varieties. Another expanded characteristic to come of hybridinization is seen in colors.. in leaf, flower and hair... yes, she has hair - hair that the boy species don't have. Anymore, Mother Cannabis displays a rainbow of colors and ultimately among the most tranquil and enjoyable plants to be around in the garden, especially a Variety garden.
What we do know, is that in Spite of our species blantent and intentful willingness to remain in Ignorance when it comes to the respecting and genuinely Selflessly Appreciating her efforts at trying to heal us and provide for us ALL as living beings within our web of life here on mother globe, and in spite too, of our species attempts to completely RID her "kind" off our globe Completely... agressively so for EXACTLY 80 Years this very Year come August, and she continues to only flourish in more Abundance as they do... that she has Countless reasons Justifying that we Should absolutely Honor, appreciate and even Treasure her as being among the most miraculous Blessings Creator ever thought to Gift to us among our Earthly Inheritances... on behalf of ALL species... and we should gratefully rise up and sing her praises as sure as we should rise up and defend she and ALL who freely Choose to use and be benefited by her WITHOUT ANY QUESTION... from Anyone, and Especially so being uttered towards us by the ignorant mouths of Government... last we checked their "work" is to properly represent Us right?
We as Kautantowit's Mecautea ESPECIALLY shouldn't be hearing any utterings flowing from that way toward Us because there is a wall of Division that is to be honored as being BETWEEN we and they and their state "government." We know, honor and willingly play by your rules... by Our Decision... but make no Mistake, you are to play by them too, and when ya start breaking them... the whole board then goes out the window and ultimately, the pieces WILL FALL where they may... Kautantowit's Mecautea's "Job" is to make sure that none of your bad cards wind up landing over here on OUR SIDE of the wall happily dividing us.
Until the battles fought, the war is won, and the dust finally honorably settles into Proper JUSTICE... we will have a long bumpy path ahead, but the good side if this is that it is beginning to level out, and the proof of that lyes in that we are here. We have gained good and much ground, facts are being found and concluded, LESS of the plants and people are being punished and killed, and less of our relations are suffering and dying also... but until none do and so long as one Does... we still have an Important "Job" to do in regards to what WE OWE to the ALL of life, Especially this persecuted family of Plant, and Kautantowit's Mecautea will remain at the Front Lines WAIVING the bulls-eye and shouting "If you want to declare a problem with it COME TO WE... Kautantowit's Mecautea... we'll Properly Educate ya, and if we have to, we'll school ya too - Why... because we are Kautantowit's Mecautea... that's EXACTLY Why!