Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Spiritual Wisdom Discussions
Street Art
Youth Wisdom Teachings
Welcome everyone... to the Member Wisdom Teachings of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea! We are Sooo Honored to have you uniting together on this Blessed day, Welcome home to our members, and welcome You... beloved guests To our Members tribal home, we are thankful that you are here and we Welcome you with open arms and a warm spiritual embrace... For Creator, we are glad you are here among us!
Here is the time that we the Youth come together for wholesome spiritual unification with the wisdom of Great Creator as our common focal point connection with the goal of attaining Creator's sacred wisdom so to be an honorable and worthy of Creation... to Creator and for the honor of all our ancestor relations.
Below, you will find links to individual Teachings (Sermons) led by our Sachem and other elders of Kautantowit's Mecautea guiding us toward the wisdom we need in effort of finding, walking and keeping our focus on the good medicine road, the red road which leads us to Creator because it's too easy to get On, and then comfortable on, the bad medicine road, meaning the way dishonorable and disappointing to our Great Creator as well as our ancestor protectors.

Our place in the Web of Life upon Mother Earth
Here is where our teachings focus on advancing our intelligence toward understanding ourselves as the youth of the human beings upon mother globe as well as instilling the wisdom and confidence that is intended to be among their inheritance. We will talk of the struggles and crossroads our youth of today face, and encourage maintaining honor and focus upon the "Good Medicine Road" of Great Creator.
Coming of Age and vision quest.
Because of the years which bring change and maturity to our youth, we have designated this area of our wisdom teachings that encompass these intense transitions in which otherwise Could lead us astray from becoming honorable Mecautea as far as the eyes of Great creator is concerned.
Young Girls Wisdom Teachings.
Because as our female children grow up facing all the obstacles and challenges of the world a bit differently than do the boy children, we have focused on this to be where we educate and guide them on a more female-specific level.
Young Warriors Wisdom Teachings.
Because our social societies of today have and set different standards of expectations from the boy children growing up than they do on the girl children growing up, again, as is above with out Young Girls wisdom Teachings, here we focus on our Young boy wisdom teachings, in the hopes of aiding in the glory had in an honorable young man one day too soon..