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 Greetings everyone! Thank you for joining with us as we celebrate the first day of May, historically known as May Day across the globe, also as Beltane by most of our brothers and sisters of the White Hoop (European lands) and is one of the 7 legal holidays in the heart of the Yellow Hoop (China) as well. May Day is a day that has been an ancient agricultural ritual celebrating Spring and in many countries as a celebration of the coming of summer. 


 Today, is known as thee most holiday day of holidays, meaning that it is celebrated for many reasons by multitudes all over the globe.


 Some of the celebrations for May Day came to include the gathering of wildflowers and green branches, the weaving of floral garlands, the crowning of a May king and queen, and the setting up of a decorated May tree, or Maypole, around which people danced. Such rites originally may have been intended to ensure fertility for crops and, by extension, for livestock and humans.


 We, being firmly rooted upon North America also have traditional celebrations across the land today as well. In fact for example, in Hawaii today is known as "Lei Day", a celebration of all island culture in general and particularly the cultural creed of the Native Hawaiians. It's also known as  Law Day as it was former president Dwight D.Eisenhower's attempt to further better the connection between the history of domestic US labor struggle and the history of international labor movements in 1958, and he also declared it "Loyalty Day" as well..

 According to the Presidential Proclamation of 2015:


 "As Americans, we are united not by the circumstances of our birth or our station in life, but by our fidelity to a set of shared ideals and unalienable rights. The principles of freedom, justice, and equality for all are at the very core of who we are as a Nation. We believe firmly in the power of democracy and opportunity -- but we know that these blessings are only what we make of them, and that our experiment in self-government gives work and purpose to each new generation. Today, we recommit to the profoundly patriotic work of doing all we can to better the country we love."

 The tradition of celebrating May Day began with the ancient Romans over 2,000 years ago as they celebrated a holiday called Floralia—the Festival of Flora—on the 1st of May. This was a five-day-long ritual that honored the Roman goddess of flowers. Flora, one of the oldest goddesses of the Roman religion.

  May Day is still celebrated predominantly with many rituals that encompass the honoring of Spring and that which signifies it, especially spring flower rituals. Some of the celebrations for May Day came to include the gathering of wildflowers and green branches, the weaving of floral garlands, and the setting up of a decorated May tree, or Maypole, around which people danced. Such rites originally may have been intended to ensure fertility for crops and, by extension, for livestock and humans.

In medieval England, people would celebrate the start of spring by going out to the country or woods—"going a-maying"—and gathering greenery and flowers, or "bringing in the may." Some cultures, such as those found in India and Egypt, had spring fertility festivals. The Roman festival celebrating Flora, goddess of fertility, flowers, and spring, was celebrated from April 28 through May 3.

May Day is celebrated throughout the country of Spain as "Los Mayos" (lit. "the Mays") often in a similar way to "Fiesta de las Cruces" in many parts of Hispanic America.

Today, (May 1 2017), US President elect Donald Trump has called on the nation to observe today's holiday as "Loyalty Day" and said to "express loyalty to individual liberties, to limited government, and to the inherent dignity of every human being.” Former President  Eisenhower's goals of "Law Day" was to get the citizens of the US re-dedication to the ideals of "equality and justice under law in their relations with each other and with other countries, and also in appreciation of their rights, freedoms and liberties."

 “The United States stands as the world's leader in upholding the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Together, and with these fundamental concepts enshrined in our Constitution, our Nation perseveres in the face of those who would seek to harm it,”

To us as Kautantowit's Mecautea, it is a day to honor and celebrate All of the wonderful gifts of and from Mother Earth. It's also a day of political protests and a day to become environmentally Aware and conscious to our species impact upon her. It is a day that we take the time to appreciate as well as to enjoy nature, and that we give homage and respect due to ALL of her and Creator's creation. We highly encourage YOU to do the same.


Blessings in abundance to you all, thank you Again for joining with us today for this discussion... Be well, go in a Good way and make good medicine for the web of creation as you do.

© 2017 by Kautantowit's Mecautea. 

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