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GrandMother Moon Symbols

  • orbits Mother Earth every 27.3 days

  • Her spiritual responsibility is Mother Earth's liquids

  • Her dynamic life-energy pulls Mother Earth's heart, our Oceans

  • Mother Earth’s heart responds in high tides

  • Her brilliance contrasts darkness of night

  • ​All Beings respond to lunar energy

Moon Lodge teachings include and are not limited to 

  • Healing and letting go

  • Seeing with Heart's eyes

  • Respect to cherish

  • Unity with safety

Like all Beings, we Women go through each Medicine Wheel quadrant: Child (East); Youth (South); Adult (West); Elder (North)

During our short walk on Mother Earth, our female body's constantly go through internal changes as we grow through each age quadrant.

Child-time allows children to thrive in 

  • Safety

  • Protection

  • Caring

  • Gentleness

  • Respect

Youth-time is a time to learn and practice being a respectful functioning responsible adult in 

  • Safety

  • Protection

  • Respectful Guidance

Adult-time is time for sharing life-long experience with 

  • Protection

  • Safety

  • Cooperation

  • Support

  • Respect from community

Elder-time is time to share:

  • Experiences

  • Knowledge

  • Skills

  • Vision

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