Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Spiritual Wisdom Discussions
Street Art
Tiny Tots Wisdom Teachings
Welcome everyone... to the Member Wisdom Teachings of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea! We are Sooo Honored to have you uniting together on this Blessed day, Welcome home to our members, and welcome You... beloved guests To our Members tribal home, we are thankful that you are here and we Welcome you with open arms and a warm spiritual embrace... For Creator, we are glad you are here among us!
Here is the time that we of All Ages come together for wholesome spiritual unification with the wisdom of Great Creator as our common focal point connection with the goal of attaining Creator's sacred wisdom so to be an honorable and worthy of Creation... to Creator and for the honor of all our ancestor relations.
Below, you will find links to individual Teachings (Sermons) led by our Sachem and other elders of Kautantowit's Mecautea guiding us toward the wisdom we need in effort of finding, walking and keeping our focus on the good medicine road, the red road which leads us to Creator because it's too easy to get On, and then comfortable on, the bad medicine road, meaning the way dishonorable and disappointing to our Great Creator as well as our ancestor protectors.

What is a Tiny Tot?
Tiny Tots, are the children from age newborn until usually about age of 5-7, depending on their own individual intellectual development, such is like in their transition from head-start or preschool into Kindergarten, and then from there into 1st grade.
Mother Earth
Tiny Tots, are the most eager to learn out of our entire human species, They are constantly exploring around trying to learn all the new things here on Mother Globe, asking question after question and always with the word "Why" somewhere inside. Reason being is that they depend on we the elders of their species to begin teaching them all that they will need to Know in order to successfully Live life on this here planet of ours... in the ways We are leaving it to them. And so, here you will find some of our teachings To our tiny tots in the hopes that they prove beneficial to their continued existence. Here we focus our attention... to Mother Earth.
Father Sky
The next focus we begin teaching our Tiny Tots about, is our Father, the sky... all the basics that he encompasses, and too, how important he is to Mother Earth as well as all of us who live upon her.
Family Relations

Our focus here is to begin teaching our Tiny Tots about the importance of family relations, and how they, as our "elder bears" are to teach as well as to guide them in the honorable ways of and to Great Creator and how all that we do, whether right or wrong, caught or not, reflects upon not only ourselves, but too, All of our family relations.
This has always proven to be an excitement in our Tiny Tots as we begin to explore the wonderful abundance of animals. Children, being the most innocent and therefore connected to Creator, have a magnetic attraction to animals of all shapes, species and sizes. Our goal here is to begin to familiarize them as well as to teach them about potential threats that could be had if we do not show Honor to their rights to existence too, especially in regards to "safe distances".

Much like as with animals, again, Tiny Tots have a real internal magnitism toward all the different kinds of plants and flowers... perhaps it's because of their the closest of our species to having been freshly created. Here nor there, it's important for their own good that they begin to learn about all the different types and species of plants as well as which ones are safe verses which could prove tremendously harmful to them, including too, when they eat or otherwise consume them.