Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Spiritual Wisdom Discussions
Greetings boys and girls, we are Soooo Happy that you have come together here today to learn some of Great Creator's wisdom with us - we are happy that you're here and too, we are happy to be here with you teaching you of this sacred wisdom- Bless your little hearts for being here today, willing and eager to learn!
Today we are going to learn about Lunar Eclipse's. Lunar is what astrologers call Grandmother Moon, and an eclipse is when you cannot see the moon beause of a shadow covering it from Mother earth.the earth passes between the sun and the moon during a full moon phase, meaning when she's at her fullest and fattest up in our sky.
Because Grandmother Moon sits on an angle similar but different to the earth, the moon rarely is aligned with the sun and the earth. More often than not, the moon appears to either be above or below the sun in the sky during the new moon or somehow magically bypasses the earth's shadow on full moons. Only on rare occasions the moon aligns with the earth and the sun during a new- or full-moon phase, which creates either solar or lunar eclipses.
A lunar eclipse happens when the moon gets hidden by the shadow of the earth as it passed]s in front of the sun. This only happens where we can see it from upon our Mother Earth about every four years, so it is a special and exciting time for all who get to watch and enjoy it. Immediately below, you will find a short educational video that will best teach you about Lunar Eclipses... we hope you enjoy it!
Total lunar eclipses occur when the moon completely enters the earth's umbra, while partial lunar eclipses refer to when the moon partially enters the earth's umbra. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the moon enters only the earth's penumbra.