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KM's Battle Publicity

 Thank you for your interest in Kautantowit's Mecautea!


As a "Front Line" positioned "Church" in the eyes of both government as well as society, we have and likely will continue to get a degree of media publicity. Because of that fact of reality, we are establishing as a central location where all of our publicity links are included for your convenience. 

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 The links provided immediately below are to do with our case in the Circuit Court of Grant County Oregon in the year 2014-2015 because of their illegal raid on our Sanctuary land and our Mother Medicine (Cannabis) sacrament garden and tending members.

 The links provided immediately below are to do with initial injunction filing in Portland, Oregon due to a theft of a care package illegally removed from the flow of mail by the US Postal Service.

Here are Some of the links we have on hand to offer for your review if interested where our churches sachem was featured in interviews regarding KM that might be of interest to you, just click on one and it should open for you in a new page:

"Oklevueha Native Amerian Church's Public Information Officer, Sachem Joy Graves 
has a special legal announcement regarding bogus ONAC branches operating illegally.":

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