KM Virtues
GODLINESS – Imitating the Divine in your everyday life.
Fleeing sin and pursuing righteousness.
• FAITH – Trusting in the Divine purpose. Seeking
God with all your heart knowing that He is always
there for you.
• HOPE – Knowing that the Divine will provide for our
needs if we hope to make the answers in
life clear to us.
• LOVE – A state of kindness, compassion, humility,
patience and intense caring for one another.
• JUSTICE – To act justly by doing what is right and
pleasing to the Divine. Being fair and square with others.
• PRUDENCE – The ability to govern and discipline
oneself by the use of reason – making good
• TEMPERANCE – To be moderate with actions,
thoughts and deeds. To exhibit restraint and
avoid excess.
• STRENGTH – The spirit and conviction to live a life
that is true to the Divine based on sanctifying grace.
• HUMILITY – To humble ourselves and yield
completely to the hand of the Divine being free of pride
and arrogance.
• PERSEVERANCE – To be patient and committed to
pursue something until it has been completed.
• HONOR – To serve and live only for the Divine with the
highest of respect and esteem - through your
• CHARITY – Unlimited kindness and love toward all
others. Giving of your time, talent and treasures.
SACRIFICE – To deny oneself by relinquishing
something to the favor of the Divine.
• COMPASSION – The feeling of sympathy and
sorrow for the unfortunate with a strong desire to
alleviate suffering.
• LOYALTY – Faithful dedication and loyalty to the Divine
with an unwavering commitment.
• TRUTH – The honest acceptance of fact and being
sincere and candid with others regarding those
• PURITY – To be free from anything that taints or
impairs goodness. To be free from life-impairing
• GALLANTRY – Unbridled courage and bravery
knowing that the Divine has provided everything needed
to be successful.
• HOSPITALITY – Ignoring convenience and going
out of your way to help and serve others.
• COURTESY – Behavior that is gentle, polite, well-
mannered and considerate of others.
• GRATITUDE – Being grateful and thankful for all
the blessings in life that are gifts from the Divine.
• GRACE & MERCY - The humble acceptance and
giving of something that is either undeserved or
rightly deserved.
• MENTORSHIP – Providing wise and influential
counsel to others through the exchange of ideas
and advice.
• OVERCOMING FAILURE – Perseverance over
difficult and challenging aspects of life.