The Proclamation of Kautantowit's Mecautea
This document is the official Proclamation of "Kautantowit's Mecautea," a non-denominational / multi-denominational group of fellow human beings who willingly Choose to be followers of the ways and instruction of Kautantowit, the Great Creator "God" of the Ancients in reverence to father sky, mother earth, our elders turned ancestors and for All our relations as children of sky and earth. The Constitution and Bylaws are made to: 1. Preserve and secure the principles of our faith. 2. Preserve the liberties of each individual member of the church. 3. Ensure freedom of action of independence from any religious body or organization. 4. Provide for orderly conduct of internal affairs, in dealing with others, and of governing church members.
The purpose of this "church" is to be a source of gathering of individuals who seek to honorably reconnect to Great Creator and ALL creation, and to honorably live up to the will and instruction Kautantowit put upon we the species "Human Being" while among the web of earthly creation.
By assembling together to be honorable Mecautea (warrior soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy), and grow in our faith and understanding as well as our eternal appreciation for Great Creator and ALL his webs of creation.
It is our common belief that this purpose may be accomplished only by absolute dependence on the wisdom of Kautantowit, and only with the help, leadership and teachings from ALL of our elders and ancestor relations of integrity that we will follow the Good Medicine (Red) Road. It is also our belief that the Earth and all it's inhabitants, regardless of fleshly being shapes, have inalienable rights to which are Not to be infringed upon by Any, and that as the species "Human Beings" we are to be and conduct ourselves as advisaries on behalf of all, especially those unable to defend themselves and their existence. As members of Kautantowit's Mecatuea, we accept our instructions and responsibilities to the earth, to All living breathing beings upon it, realizing we are heirs to his everlasting kingdom.
Since in all things we seek to stregnthen the honor and integrity of our elders and ancestors passed in alignment with the moral compass of Kautantowit, we see fit to have a number of by-laws, listed below whereby we may conduct ourselves in a decent and orderly manner when gathered together in his name.
KM is committed to each members’s success in learning and reconnecting to the webs of life within a caring, responsive, and safe environment that is free of discrimination, violence, and bullying. KM works to ensure that all members have the opportunity and support to develop to their fullest potential and share a personal and meaningful bond with people in the KM community.
The KM Constitution, By-laws and moral compass code of moral and ethical conduct describes the positive behaviors expected of the KM community. The by-laws and codes of conduct apply to all, sets standards for behavior, and covers a focused set of expected positive behaviors.
We as the Kautantowit's Mecautea affirm in each our own individual right of choice and personal belief. It is for this reason KM's core root structure has and forever remains as is the tribal legends known as "the Great Roots of the Tree of Peace" of which ALL are welcomed s well as highly encouraged to embrace an seek shelter beneath... whose roots spread strong and abundantly across all four corners of mother earth. KM strives to do so as would the Aspen and Cottonwood trees, meaning to birth off-spring from our roots as they stretch about and embrace all the lands upon mother earth that we the people, the human beings walk upon.
High reverence is given by KM to the natural world... to mother earth and father sky, and to the Natural laws of nature. We know that we are children of sky and of earth and that as children of sky we are above all else, spiritual beings. We also know that we are children of earth as our physical bodies are made up of the same vitamins, minerals, metals, liquids, and nutrients etc. as are all her children, regardless of indifference including species! All that breathe the sacred breath of life are our relations, and all who have but no longer breathe the breath of life, as well as all yet To breathe the sacred breath of life Are Our Relations. To us as the Mecautea of Kautan5owit, this is the seemingly endless webs of the sacred hoop of Earthly creation to which WE have a Right to utilize as well as a moral and ethical RESPONSIBILITY to preserve, protect and Respect... especially as it is Our Species doing and inflicting the most harm and damage upon the whole, including our own!
As KM, we often may reference to a "God", which is in our name: (Kautantowit), who is the Creator and Preserver of all things in the tribal language of which it was gifted to us after we rebirthed as Soldiers of Jah Ministries. The elders say Kautantowit is infinite in being and perfection, existing eternally in all things of the web of creation. We also may parallel such to the God of the Holy Bible and/or to other such spiritual figures of Gods and/or Goddesses of other creeds and belief systems... or none at all... depending on the perception of the conversation and individual representative speaker for KM, though such speaker IS to do so in compliance with the Moral Compass Code of Moral and Ethical Conduct at All Times.
We respect and proclaim that all honorable wisdom given us by our elders from our ancestors are trustworthy and true teachings for our benefit as well as all living beings among us in the web of earthy creation and are to be implemented into our faith and daily life regardless of whereat within the webs since earthly creation they derived or emerged from. All wisdom teachings must be Respected whether or not understood according to their nature, context and purpose so long as it is in humble and reverent obedience to Creator and the natural law, who, by Spirit, speaks through it. We know and maintain that our connection, the most important connection... is in our Spiritual beings, not our physical shape and or fleshly form;
We believe that ALL bone, blood fleshly bodies of human beings are created in the image of the Great Creator for fellowship with one another, regardless of physical being, But that there are indeed two separate species of fleshly human beings currently among us upon Mother Earth: there are we, the children of the stars, and then there are the Adamic species of and from a place called Eden. To the Adamic, we are known and called the "Gentiles" meaning not of the DNA/Bloodlines of the Adamic species of human being. We know this by the Creators calendars and do not dispute the accounting of Genesis 1 emphasizing "The Sixth Day of Earth's Creation" and what would be the Eighth Day an thereafter until the time that both calendars were crashed together when the Adamic people were cast among us here upon our mother earth as their first of two judgements, they've yet to come once the calendars are again separated here very soon according to the prophecies and the "signs of the times" so to speak.
We know that through rebellion against the Creator, according to their teachings and text, that the Adamites fell from a sinless state into a state of sin, death and estrangement from Great Creator; and that the entire web of earthly life now suffers because they were placed here during their "7 day Punishment" when taken from their homeland "Eden" and that they are . They, the Adamic human race is therefore according to their texts, are born into this state of sin and death, sinful by nature and by choice, and, apart from grace, incapable of returning to Great Creator until sincere acknowledgement and repentance and or the Great Purification of the Seventh Sacred Fire Times takes place which is as we know, now before us. According to their accounting, for 7,000 years from their arrival the Adamites will remain here among us and then be returned to Creator for their second and final judgement.
We believe that those of us who are Not of the Adamic DNA/Bloodline are NOT to be included into the ways of the Adamic human beings, nor that we are to do anything other than to stay the coarse, the Good Medicine (Red) Road of our elders and keep our individual beings in alignment with the ways and wisdom teachings handed us by our ancestor relations per the instructions for our Great Creator. We understand, accept and reference to proclamations of "the gospel" (holy bible), to help bring about spiritual reconnection (re-birth), repentance from bad medicine ways (sin), confession of the Lordship of Creation (Christ), good medicine wisdom enlightenment, support and resource services (holiness), and the assurance of the importance and significance of Your physical existence during these sacred fire times (salvation); that the Creator intends in accordance with the will for the whole of creation; and that though the roads leading all our relations to all truth and and witness will prove to be differing between the Adamic and non-Adamic Human Beings because of the differing position of in the eye of Great Creator ( emphasizing such was Creator who pre decided and predestined), that we are ALL physically birthed as children of Mother Earth and our webs within earthly creation obligate a responsibility to make positive effort to Love, Respect, Appreciate as well as to protect and preserve her regardless of any and all indifference...PERIOD.
We believe that our individual purpose and value as a useful productive tool of and for Creator ( our salvation) is by our own personal choice of Integrity, alone.... either you're Honorable... or, you're Not... it's a personal choice between each of us individually and our Creator. We know such reflects not only on we ourselves, but also too upon our elders, elders turned ancestors, and too upon and within our descending generations... our responsibility of obligation undeniably confirmed as long as we each continue to live and breathe... Creators way not Our choice. This is why we put great emphasis upon the "Moral Compass" of moral and ethical conduct within Kautantowit's Mecautea because we know that we each walk our own path alone, and can only walk with, not for any other of the people upon the land. We believe that "Church" is a human being created concept, and that a positive Spiritual connection is the true goal to attain and most important keys of our time. We also know that fellowship, when created by the Spirit in a good medicine way and in accordinance with our Moral Compass of Creator and our ancestors is also a key essential for our remaining on the good medicine (Red) Road back to Great Creator; and that All the sacred medicines given us by Mother Earth and Great Creator are vital to both our spiritual as well as our physical survival here upon Mother globe and are to be utilized in a good medicine way Always, not abused nor exploited and definately not kept from one another nor any other living being except for by their own choice and decision Not to utilize them UNLESS they are using them in bad medicine ways.
As Kautantowit's Mecautea, we have many sacred creeds woven within our core structure so to ensure All our relations are ensured thrie proper place in Creators webs of the hoops of Mother's earthly creation. For this, we have ordinances which we emphasize RESPECT be practitioned regardless of any indifference of faith and spiritual belief system(s), especially while working together for the greater good of the whole of creation.
Because of this, within KM you will find great diversity all striving to function together in good medicine way, meaning a great variation of enlightenment from and regarding all creeds from traditional and historic wisdom teachings sacred rituals, rites ceremonies and celebrations as well as those being proclaimed as "Alternative" and or "New Age". Such practices and ceremonies include but are in no way limited to Purification ceremonies (Spiritual Clensing of person(s), location(s) etc.) spiritual re-birth ceremonies and baptism, sacred annointing and too, a broader range of healing wisdom, tequnic's resoure and service offerings as Creator intended spiritually as well as by laying on of hands;
KM maintains the disposition of being under Great Creator's subject jurisdiction and therefore Not Constricted nor encroached upon by Any inferior to Creator, and that the term "Church" is but an attempt to constrict spirituality to religion, and is why "Church" is more often than not concluded to me "a specific place where physical gathering occur mandatorily as if to be a constriction. Though many faith based systems of "religion" do include a specific "brick and mortar" structure or building and or have particular parcels of land in which such ceremonies and or services are offered, it is NOT to be taken as that we concede or consent to constriction because Any and everywhere on Mother Earth CREATOR decides is sufficient to worship, fellowship according to Creator's time, we are just here as actors playing parts in a theatre production we don't even fully comprehend conclusively in full detail the role or plot, just here to serve Creator as the tool vessels we are individually as well as collectively preselected and predestined to to the best of our ability in good medicine way until our last individual breath.
Conversion, constricted indoctrination nor pledged "sole" devotion to any one or few specific beliefs is no more mandated in KM than is discipling, missionary, ministering or other efforts when prospect or basic membership is concerned. One's own individual webs with Creator are their own and KM emphasizes honorably respected by, toward and beyond KM members. Accepting and embracing this aids in the common goal and expectation upon us in preparation for these the 8th sacred fire times upon us... reconnecting all nations back to the core web of Creator's creation, and obedience to the full counsel, instruction and responsibilities of Kautantowit's Word is where our individual and collective focus of attention remains centered upon across the board always.
We believe in the spiritual separation and resurrection of our relations who transition into our ancestors, and that there attention remains in great part upon we their descending generations and that they and their deep prints are to be among our spiritual guides until we reach the final judgment of all individual people, the entrance of the righteous into eternal life in the presence of Great Creator and all our ancestor relations found favorably, and that those who do not, face the condemnation of the "wicked eternal death" which to KM involves an eternal disconnectedness from Creator and all honorable creation in and beyond infinity... too high price in our opinion and disposition and not something we encourage striving for.
