KM Moral Compass Codes
Moral & Ethical Conduct

Thank you for your interest in Kautantowit Mecautea (KM) - We are honored that you have an interest in our internal structuring and that you are taking the time to familiarize yourself with our Bylaws as they are an essential part of our honorable functioning both as our individual church but also for our descendant churches, our confederacies and our associates as well.
So, in the following pages, you are going to find more detailed structure essential to our inner core "meat" and "organ" operational procedures so to speak more definitively explained that go hand in hand with our life-force flow (Moral Compass Code), both which are to be read and agreed that each active member will honor and take heed to while conducting and reflecting themselves as active members of Kautantowit Mecautea (KM ).
We DO highly encourage (as well as require prospective members To) read our Moral compass Code as well to that you will ultimately get a clear perspective as to the scope view of who we are, what we're about and why we do the things we are and will continually be doing both internally as well as externally as Kautantowit Mecautea American Native Church members.
Again, we Thank you for your interest, and too, any questions at All that you might have, please know your encouraged as well as it is our Hope that you will reach out and let us know so we can do our absolute Best to get you a prompt honorable answer.
Blessings to you all in abundance, go in good medicine way... A'ho~
When you engage in spiritual practices designed to bring about profound changes in consciousness, as a Kautantowit's Mecautea tribal family member, we highly and strongly emphasize that you will consider your intentions and will choose carefully the occasion and location for the practice, that you will be well informed about the mental and physical effects, anticipate reasonably foreseeable risks to yourself and others, and employ safeguards to minimize these risks.
By joining the Kautantowit's Mecautea, the first and foremost thing to comprehend is that you Have pledged and been accepted as a Warrior of the Divine Great Creator who agrees to fight off evil and the enemy of Great Creator AND the All of Creator's Creation!
The creator and the spirits have confirmed that this sacred knowledge should be Opened to the world at this time, and Kautantowit's Mecautea have been blessed with the ability to bring it to you.
The people born of "The America's", meaning not Skin color but ALL that are physically upon the American continents, are in fact counted by the Divine Great Creator as being the peoplw of "The red Hoop ". This is where the Seventh Sacred Fire Prophecy is to be rooted as the heart of the prophecies fulfillment because this is where all four of the skin colors come together as one tribe of people, which ultimately in turn is what and how the Rainbow Bridge can acceptably become completed.
the Divine gave us the Guardianship of the earth. We were to learn during this cycle of time the teachings of the earth, the plants that grow from the earth, the foods that you can eat, and the herbs that are healing so that when we came back together with the other brothers and sisters we could share this knowledge with them.
To the South, the Divine appointed "the yellow hoop" which are the people born upon the Asian continents the Guardianship of the wind. They were to learn about the sky and breathing and how to take that within ourselves for spiritual advancement. They were to share that with is at this time.
To the West the Divine gave the people born upon the African continents the title of being the "Black Hoop" and the obligation and expectation of being the Guardians of the water. They were to learn the teachings of the water which is the chief of the elements, being the most humble and the most powerful. They also are guardians over DNA!
To the North the Divine gave those people born upon the European continents, the Guardianship of the fire. If you look at the center of many of the things they do you will find the fire. They say a light bulb is the white man's fire. If you look at the center of a car you will find a spark. If you look at the center of the airplane and the train you will find the fire. The fire consumes, and also moves. This is why it was the white brothers and sisters who began to move upon the face of the earth and reunite us as a human family.
The accomplishment of these tasks are each essential in their own rite in order for the four hoops to honorably connect to the whole of the great hoop once all the peoples connect as the one tribe of human being upon Mother Earth and the great purification can begin so that we may ignite the eighth fire times.
We as Kautantowit's Mecautea know and understand that We are born with the responsibility and obligations to the healing center... "Mother Earth" and for all, for all beings. If we preserve nature, the animals, minerals and the plants, we preserve the human. Our name Kautantowit's Mecautea literally defines that WE ARE the Warriors of Great Creator expected to protect and defend against All Enemies of Creation and Great Creator... Literally!
Without our Mother Earth maintaining an intact nature, no life can live Period, including we the human being. /we know understand and accept that If we preserve tradtions, rituals, spirituality and old wisdom, we know who we are, and too, that we have been Intentionally Disconnected from it.We know that If we perseve the knowlodge of the elder and we listen the elders, we listen to the plants, the minerals, and listen to the animals as well as to the winds, seasons and to our mother Earth, and of coarse too, if we listen the spiritual world and our ancestor beings, that we will know how to heal us.
This center, our temple, Mother Earth is for and of for all beings, all nations, all color and all species. Among KM's main objectives is to encourage as well as toteach the sacred ways correctly to live upon our mother the earth, with the core values and strengths included in the sacred knowledge and wisdom entrusted to the first nations and first peoples of Turtle Island, especially the North American "Indian" elders that shared there knowledge with us as Great Creator so instructed them to do here during the 7th sacred fire times.
As "The Mongreal American's", meaning we born here but not federally registered as being member of an "Indian Tribe" nor on any of the POW "Reservations", we know first hand better than any, including those who are born "into a tribe" yet are about as disconnected to our landscultural history as welll, know that our disconnection was intentionally construed by the same oppressor as the "American Indians" when it comes to the reality of Mother Earth being our temple and physical inheritance when it comes to our individual and collective rights liberties and freedoms. For MANY MOONS, the way of "The Red Road" have been suppresed and hidden from us all with the ultimate goal being the Elimination of it all together.
We understand that more half-truths that whole truths have been written in attempt to ultimately try and replace the atrosities that encompassed the supression of our ancestors rather than for our government to have to cop-to the true reality of cultural genocide which took place here beginning in the late 1500's forward Still not corrected to date! We know that their teachings nor books will likely ever reflect nor properly express the sufferings and inexcusable Wrongs which have taken place to the elder ancestors who were long here since before the times of Christopher Columbus in our continent's educational system, and that therefore, our church is of the upmost of importance
For many moons the way of the red path have been hidden, and many half truths written in
The time of healing we and our earth is more vital to the land and the people then it has been any time in recorded human history, globally speaking mind you, and too, on such the massive Urgent levels.
We the human being born upon the Red Turtle are chosen as the voice and the hand that Great Creator has decided that is to encourage as well as to actually Lead ALL people to change their lives and refocus on preserving LIFE, with determination, hope, comfort and peace by the use of compassion, love, example and healing. We hold the Red Road, But, we do not Know the ways of the Red Road because of hundreds of years of intentional miseducation force- indoctrinated upon us all away of our objective set forth by Great Creator as far as our purpose and goals of existing here.
Every person is encouraged to speak up, listen, be respectful of other opinions, and embrace criticism as just another avenue for great ideas as well as to rise up and become actively involved on progressing toward a more positive and healthy future for we all as well as for the future generations from which we are borrowing our Mother the Earth from at this time, in additinon to our ancestors passed.
Human Beings have long sought to enrich their lives and to awaken to their full natures as created being, to establish and maintain a "Connection" with the Divine Great Creator, This has been our species goal throughout All of our previous generations. Their Creed (Way of daily life) with that focal goal, became to include "customs", ways of Living Life through spiritual practices including prayer, meditation, mind-body disciplines, service, ritual, community liturgy, holy-day and seasonal observances, and rites of passage.
Today, society defines such Spirituality based ways of daily life in mind, body and spirit, as being "Primary religious practices", or in short, our Creator given Right to our freedoms of belief, speech, and intelligence. Only because those are intended, or especially likely to bring about exceptional states of consciousness... Enlightenment such as attained by the direct experience of and with the divine, of cosmic unity, or of boundless awareness does bring about conflict and the attempted infringement upon we the people who actively and outwardly display such practice.
We, as Kautantowit's Mecautea do not Judge nor condemn no more than we set out to infringe nor discourage Any Member from Any "religious" belief practice Any Members individual right of choice in regards to their own individual creed. We do Not require Conversion, we do Not force Indoctrination, all we Require is that all are given proper RESPECT, and that ALL show such respect for Our Ways when KM members come together, especially for ceremony, services, events and fellowship. We also encourage our members to remain Consciously aware that many view us as a reflection upon the tribal culture and so maintain a higher respect standard to ensure an honorable conduct is seen.
In short, we as the creation called Human Being all each perfectly created in our own unique ways. We are one of, and in turn to be one With the whole of Creation. How we do so determines our eternal standing position with our Great Creator and too, reflects upon the honor of our ancestor relations, as well as impact on the entire web of creation. As living beings, whatever our species or difference within it, are and have rights to creation and to our individual relationship with our Divine Great Creator. We see no gain in further adding to the discouragement and damaging of it, especially understanding the Importance of it, and too, the shame our ancestor relations suffer if we intentionally Do.
All creation is our inheritance... given from the Divine Creator through our ancestor relations that we Borrow from our descendants, and all of the rest of creations as well. All that we do, and Don't do WILL and Does affect the whole of the web of our collective existence and in turn creates as well as dictates our obligations and expectations to honorably preserve them... one and all... especially considering it's Our Species doing the most damage negatively affecting them!



A. General Member Conduct
Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people. Believe in justice, not from other people, but from yourself. To the true Exemplar, there are no shades of gray in the question of honesty and justice. There is only right and wrong.
A Warrior has no reason to be cruel. They do not need to prove their strength. An Exemplar is courteous even to his enemies. Without this outward show of respect, we are nothing more than animals.
Rise up above the masses of people who are afraid to act. Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A Fighter must have heroic courage. It is absolutely risky, It is dangerous. It is living life completely, fully, wonderfully. Heroic courage is not blind, it is intelligent and strong.
A true person of honor has only one judge of honor, and this is him/herself. Decisions you make and how these decisions are carried out are a refection of whom you truly are. You cannot hide from yourself.
Through intense training the Fighter becomes quick and strong. He is not as other men. He develops a power that must be used for the good of all. He has compassion. He helps his fellow man at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise, he goes out of his way to find one.
When a Warrior has said he will perform an action, it is as good as done. Nothing will stop him from completing what he has said he will do. He does not have to "give his word." He does not have to "promise."
For the Warrior, having done some "thing" or said some "thing," he knows he owns that "thing." He is responsible for it, and all the consequences that follow. A Warrior is immensely loyal to those in his care, to those he is responsible for, he remains fiercely true.
1. Members shall conduct themselves in a way that brings no reproach or discredit to KM, any KM Child Church, any other KM and child church member, any member of the public, or to themselves in the pursuit of their horological interests. It is acceptable to debate issues and philosophies, but not the character of people or entities. Members shall show respect to every individual and not engage in personal attacks of any kind against any other person, member, or organization in any manner at any KM venue including but not limited to: a) Websites, webinars, social media sites, videos, podcasts, forums and blogs, b) Meetings such as chapter, regional, national events, symposiums, and online video conferences, and c) Publications such as newsletters, articles and editorials.
2. Members shall take reasonable and proper care of all horological items in their possession.
3. Membership in the KM does not constitute any representation or warranty by the KM to any member or any other person. Members may use the KM logo or name in a manner that reflects their status as a current member, such as “KM Member”. No KM logo or name may be used for personal or monetary gain in any way, and no Member shall portray that they are endorsed by or representing the KM in any manner.
4. Members shall not allow others to use their website login, badge, membership number or membership identification for any purpose, including but not limited to entrance to the National Clock & Watch Museum, Library & Research Center or any KM activity or event, listing of any horological merchandise on any KM platform or venue, or access to any KM online resource that is reserved for members only.
5. Sexual misconduct in the church is described as "a continuum of sexual or gender-directed behaviors by either a member, lay or clergy person within a member/ member or a member/ministerial relationship (paid or unpaid)." Those behaviors include "child abuse, child or adult sexual abuse, harassment, rape or sexual assault, sexualized verbal comments or visuals, unwelcome touching and/or advances, use of sexualized materials including pornography, stalking, sexual abuse of youth or those without capacity to consent, or misuse of the pastoral or ministerial position using sexualized conduct to take advantage of the vulnerability of another."
6. Unethical conduct and violations of this Code shall be reported to the KM Elder Council (See Complaint Policy below).
Upon rising each morning and before retiring each night, give thanks to the Creator for the life within you and all life. Thank the Creator for the good things and for the opportunity to grow a little more each day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek the courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will benefit others (everyone).
Respect is one of The Key essential foundational fibers which is of the upmost importance that KM as a whole stands upon, and therefore cannot emphasize nor stress the importance of it enough, in Everything we do and strive for in our individual as well as collective days of life's progresses. At this time, we are going to clearly Define for you what it means and entails, just to be sure we are and remain clearly on the same page:
Respect means "To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or something with deference or courtesy". Showing respect is a basic law of life.
Always treat every person from the tiniest child to the oldest elder with respect.
Give special respect to Elders, parents, teachers, and community leaders.
Avoid hurting others physically, mentally and emotionally by words and actions.
Touch nothing that belongs to someone else without permission.
Respect the privacy of others.
Never intrude on a person's quiet moment or personal space. Never walk between or interrupt people who are talking.
Speak in a soft voice, especially when you are in the presence of Elders, strangers or others to whom special respect is due.
Do not speak unless invited to do so at gatherings where Elders are present (except to ask what is expected of you, should you be in doubt).
Never speak about others in a negative way, whether they are present or not.
Gossip is a snake in the lodge of our people - do not fall prey to it.
Treat the earth and all her aspects as your mother. Show respect for animals, stone people and plant world. Do not pollute Mother Earth, rise up in wisdom and defend her.
Show deep respect for the beliefs and religion of others.
Listen with your heart in courtesy to what others say. Respect the wisdom of the people in council. Once you give an idea in council, it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the people. Listen intently to the ideas of others in council and that you do not insist that your idea prevail. Indeed, freely support the ideas of others if they are true and good, even if they are quite different from yours. The clash of ideas brings forth the spark of truth.
Once a council has decided an issue in unity, do not speak secretly against what has been decided. If the council has erred, the error will be apparent to everyone in its own time.
Be truthful at all times, under all conditions.
Bring problems with others to the Elder Council. Do not circulate these problems among the membership. Harsh words against others only serve to inflame a problem.
Always treat your guests with honor and consideration. Give of your best food, best blankets, best part of your house, and the best service to your guests.
The hurt of one is the hurt of all, the honor of one is the honor of all.
Receive strangers and outsiders with a loving heart and as members of the human family. All the races and tribes are different colored flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. Respect all of the Creator's children.
Humans are created to serve others, to their family, community, nation and the world. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks. True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.
Know those things good for your well-being and those things that lead to your destruction. Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart.
Expect Guidance to come in many forms; in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise Elders and friends.
Observe moderation and balance in all things.
Eat well but not excessively. Eat 'natural' foods given by Mother Earth - for it is what you are made from. Do not eat what man manufactures for it is full of poison chemicals and unnatural elements.
Respect all life - especially the animal kingdom. The Creator did not give humans dominion over animals, but rather the animals teach and guide humans.
Loyalty Pledge
“I promise my loyal support to Kautantowit's Mecautea in the attainment and preservation of its ideals. Should I at any time by my actions demonstrate disloyalty to KM ideals, to which I here subscribe, I agree to submit my resignation to KM and return my membership certificate. In consideration of KM’s accepting me as a member, I agree that my membership is governed by the Bylaws of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM).”
The membership of individuals in the KM may be terminated in any of the following ways:
1. Letter : Should a member become an offense to the church/temple/coven and its doctrine by reason of immoral or unchristian conduct, or by persistent breach of the duties and responsibilities of KM membership, KM may terminate his/her membership. Note, KM is not responsible for un-received letters due to lack of updated personal contact information on the members part being current, it is their responsibility to keep KM apprised of their personal contact information for such reasons.
The Officer members shall be granted authority by the KM to issue letters of dismissal and recommendation as provided in these Bylaws, and shall report to the church regarding these letters at each Quarterly KM Business Meeting.