Official Notice to
Law Enforcement Officials (LEO)

The QR code on the front of the KM membership card directed you here because you have encountered a Member of Kautantowit's Mecautea.
KM membership card(s) affirm that the individual identified is a member in good standing and “is qualified to carry, possess (in amounts appropriate for individual consumption) and/or use Natural Earth Based Sacred Medicines…” in accordance with and protected by Multiple U.S. Federal rules of law and International Treaties.
Because KM recognizes ALL Natural earth medicines as being sacred and effective... but know that You are taught/trained that Some of them are "Controlled Substances" that it is important you Take Notice that KM differentiates sanctions regarding requirements and sanctions encompassing possession and cultivation limitations for those who are members under Our authority and subject jurisdiction than your training.
As you will see, distinctively different as you will see below under "General Member Sanction Alottments" opposed to members who /are designated and entrusted as Medicine People, road men/women and custodians etc. Know that such differences are designated only by Kautantowit's Mecautea and not by the individual persons issued such membership identification cards and that KM takes such ENTRUSTED sanctions VERY SERIOUS!
KM membership cards affirm that the individual person Is a member in good standing and “is qualified to carry, possess (in amounts appropriate for individual consumption) and/or use Natural Earth Based Sacred Medicines…” in accordance with and protected by Multiple U.S. Federal rules of law and International Treaties. If a person presents a personalized membership card of KM to you we Welcome and encourage you to Confirm it with us directly if you have reservations about honoring it and our authority.
Kautantowit's Mecautea is informing you that should you choose to individually Disregard KM's authority and subject jurisdiction regarding these rights YOU are choosing to willfully violate multiple federal rules of law and international treaties personally and while acting under color of law including but not limited to:
Please comprehend and respect
ESPECIALL Y while acting under color of law :
*The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. The Free Exercise Clause reserves the right of American citizens to accept any religious belief and engage in religious rituals. Free-exercise clauses of state constitutions which protected religious “[o]pinion, expression of opinion, and practice were all expressly protected” by the Free Exercise Clause. The Clause protects not just religious beliefs but actions made on behalf of those beliefs. More importantly, the wording of state constitutions suggest that “free exercise envisions religiously compelled exemptions from at least some generally applicable laws.”
*The Free Exercise Clause not only protects religious belief and expression; it also seems to allow for violation of laws, as long as that violation is made for religious reasons. In the terms of economic theory, the Free Exercise Clause promotes a free religious market by precluding taxation of religious activities by minority sects
least YOU be Prosecuted under;
*18 USC § 241: Conspiracy against rights.
*18 USC § 242: Deprivation of rights under color of law including attempted use and threatened use of a dangerous weapon
*18 USC § 245: Federally protected activities; use or threaten to use force to willfully interfere with a person’s participation in a federally protected activity because of race, color, religion, or national origin.
*The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government. It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law regarding search warrants, stop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other criminal law topics and to privacy law.
*42 U.S.C. § 1981: Equal rights under the law
*42 U.S.C.§ 1983: Civil action for deprivation of rights
*42 U.S.C. § 1985: Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights
*42 U.S.C. § 1996: (“AIRFA”) American Indian Religious Freedom Act
*42 U.S.C. 2000bb, et seq: (RFRA) Religious Freedom Restoration Act
*42 U.S.C. 2000cc, et seq.: (RLUIPA) Reliious Land Use and Incarcerated Persons Act
* United Nations Declaration of Human Rights: (Self Explanatory)
*Article 32 of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances allows nations to exempt certain traditional uses of substances from prohibition:
“A State on whose territory there are plants growing wild which contain psychotropic substances from among those in Schedule I and which are traditionally used by certain small, clearly determined groups in magical or religious rites, may, at the time of signature, ratification or accession, make reservations concerning these plants, in respect of the provisions of article 7, except for the provisions relating to international trade.”
These substances are used by KM et al for spiritual, religious, ceremonial and for medicinal use under the guidance/recommendation and instruction of a Qualified Medicine Person for Members ONLY! KM possession and cultivation guidelines are specified on this Notice page for members, law enforcement personnel and all interested/applicable persons. The sacred medicines include but are not limited to those identified below:

Sacred Medicine Alottments
Individual General Member Sacred Medicine Allotments:
Cannabis –
Amanita Muscaria -
Psilocybin –
Ayahuasca –
Peyote –
San Pedro –
Kambo –
Hawaiian baby Woodrose -
Blue Agave -
Opium Poppy (Not Heroin or opiates including synthetics)-
Sassafras Root
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B17
Willow bark
If you would like to contact us directly for official inquiries, please do so via the options provided below, 24 hours a day 7 days per week:
1. Non-Urgent Official Inquiries: Email:
* Note: If a member is working with a KM Medicine Person, they May have additional sanctions than general member allotments including amounts and or sacred medicines in their possession. If so, the individual should Also have an official written letter with the Medicine Person’s signature, contact information, Coverage Date and etc. stating that the medicine is given to them by a medicine person for healing purposes.
If they do Not have such letter, we Highly recommend you contact the spiritual leader of Kautantowit's Mecautea and confirm such possession is sanctioned by KM for said individual to confirm such claim of sanction by and as a KM member is valid.
Medicine Person Allowances
KM Medicine Person membership cards state that such specific individuals “are qualified to carry, possess (in amounts appropriate for administration) and/or use Natural Earth Sacred Medicines…”
SOME of the sacred medicines of possible concern to the federal government of the United States are identified below.
Cannabis –
Amanita Muscaria -
Psilocybin –
Ayahuasca –
Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala)
Peyote –
San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi) –
Mescaline -
Mescal Bean (Sophora secundiflora)
Pituri Bush (Duboisia hopwoodii)
Taglli (Pernettya furens)
Kambo –
Voacanga Africana
Silene Capensis (African Dream Herb)
Cola Nut
Tabernanthe Iboga/Ibogaine
DMT / 5meo DMT
Sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia)
Taique (Desfontania spinosa)
Mambe/Coca Leaves
Hape'/Rape' blends
Reed Grass (Phalaris arundinacea, aquatica)
Byrsonima Crassifolia (Murci)
Turbina Corymbosa Seeds
Ipomea Violacea Seeds
Sanango (Tabernaemontana coffeoides)
Peyotillo (Pelecyphora aselliformis)
Erythroxylum Cocoa Leaves
Opium Poppy (Not Heroin or synthetic opiates)
Ma Huang
Shanin (Petunia violacea)
Willow Bark
Piule (Rhynchosia longeracemosa)
Reed Khat
Acacia Nilotica
Yun-Shih (Caesalpinia sepiaria)
Sassafras Root
Voacanga (Voacanga africana)
Screw Pine (Pandanus sp.)
Loncho Carpus
Penicillium mold
Betel Nut
Shanshi (Coriaria thymifolia)
Nicotiana tabacum
Turkestan Mint (Lagochilus inebrians)
Tupa (Lobelia tupa)
Wichuriki (Mammillaria craigii)
Mapacho (nicotiana Rustica)
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)
Blue Agave
Yauhtli (Tagetes lucida)
Pitallito (Echinocereus salmdyckianus)
Blue Lotus
White Lotus
Nightshade (Scopolia carniolica)
Mai Dong
Tolache (Datura innoxia)
Baby Hawaiian Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa)
Ololiuqui (Turbina corymbosa)/Morning Glory
Paguando (Lochroma fuchsioides)
Salvia Divinorum
Lillies/ Water Lily
Zacatechichi (Calea zacatechichi)
Willow bark
Teonanacatl (Conocybe siligineoides, Panaeolus sphinctrinus, Psilocybe acutissima, and others)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B17
NOTE: Being a member of Kautantowit's Mecautea does not make a person a recognized Medicine Person, nor does it give authorization to conduct ceremonies as an officiant of Kautantowit's Mecautea. Members are not allowed to sell, trade, or gift sacred earth medicines (plants/fungi etc.) listed as "controlled substances" by the United States government to Non-Members of the KM Tribal family. These are only available through spiritual leaders or medicine people who are authorized and recognized by Kautantowit's Mecautea. This is important because we know where those sacred medicines came from, how they were cultivated and prepared and that they are free of harmful chemical elements that we do not endorse or that may be dangerous to our members.
Any questions on this policy should be directed to: Our staff will have one of our leadership either answer your questions or contact you for clarifications.
For URGENT Confirmation
If you would like to contact KM directly to confirm validity, we can help you get in contact with KM spiritual leaders at:
If this is an EMERGENCY, please contact the following:
KM Headquarters: (415) 531-2912
We are happy to help you get in touch with our recognized Medicine People that are able to conduct ceremonies under Kautantowit's Mecautea. If you have any questions about or interest in a specific sacred medicine ceremony or ritual, please let us know.
Policy Established 14th of February 2011 ~ Updated on the 20th of April 2020
Copyright 14th February 2011 by Kautantowit's Mecautea~ All Rights Reserved