Our Evolution into KM

United Cannabis Ministries of Oregon ("Jack's Warrior Church")

In 1998 Jack had intensely oversaw the structure and establishing "The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act" (OMMA as well as the gathering of signatures and getting it Passed into law, which was and remains the base model for states still proceeding to establish medical cannabis laws in their states across the nation to date.
February of 2009, on the official day of love, We were planted in Oregon as protection for our rights and liberties as well as our plants, people and planet as their sprout and our evolution from here began... and all was growing well and good as far as this aspect was concerned... until that early fall, when our Hemperor suddenly went down... and Certain people and their blind sheeple decided he would not be Given the opportunity to return... and he was lost to us as well as to the world April 15th, 2010 in Oregon.
But our instructions and obligations as well as our striving effort REMAIN...
Soldiers of Jah Ministries
("Jack Church")

Upon our Hemperor's untimely demise, it was decided to have the cannabis warrior churches maintain their coarse and guide the community through and accomplish the ultimate goal of "Hemp" (Cannabis Sativa L.) LIBERATION... but too, it was agreed and decided that it was time that a church from his collective step forward and EXPAND the fight Beyond cannabis as he had instructed... which was us, and so we were multiply blessed by our founders as well as many of our auntie and uncles to establish as an independent Free Standing warrior church for our cannabis And our Manna's and other "Foods and Fountains of living Waters of the Gods"
and our placement into the shallowest of trenches at the front-lines Alone... began
It remains among our highest of honors to, so young, were wekcomed uo to the front-line battlefield along with our auntie's and uncle's... and RESPECTED for our honor, integrity, heart and integrity... we have and Continously strive to make they as well as our elders, our elder turned ancestors (especially our fallen warriors during this battle) and our divine Creator PROUD of us.
and our placement into the shallowest of trenches at the front-lines REMAIN...
And people see it, so much so that our spiritual tribal family has and continues to consistently grow and flourish in good medicine ways for our plant, people and All Life on and including mother planet Just as is expected and obligated of us.
Know and make no mistake that it's been a bumpy, obsticle-filled Uphill road, but it's the Right "good medicine Red Road" so ready or not, here we come....
Also KNOW that in addition to our Hemperor, we have and continue to Lose some of our strongest spirited Warriors as the battle not oly wages on but Expands into sub-battlefields, including founders and officers as well as members and extended relations - THIS CANNOT BE FORGOTTEN - NOR SHOULD THEY!
and our INTEGRITY is and continues to be Respected, and our successful efforts COMMENDED by and Beyond our community, just as instructed...
Our first token offering of respect and gratitude came in the form "gift offering" which was presented in the form of "Blessing" by "Naming" which is an Honor to have gifted from tribes as many know because it is the first step toward recognition, respect and too, the building of relations.
The name we maintain to date was that gift from the tribe of our sachem's great grandmother and to date respected as being of the "Grandmother tribes" as far as our "north American Continent" is concerned.
It was explained to us like this:
"Kautantowit is the name we call Great Creator"
"Mecautea means Warrior Soldiers who Fight Off Evil and the Enemy."
"This is who you are... we acknowledge, respect and honor that and so we gift you this name".
Then this was Explained to our sachem directly that though Yes, it Was their way of respecting the front line efforts we were adamantly fighting for, and with successes, that too it is an OBLIGATION to which we needed to know and take very Seriously to heart... "You are Creators Warrior soldiers above all else"... so Logically we asked "Who are enemies that we are to fight?," to which the answer was given that All who present themselves as the enemies of Creator's creation.
Humble and Honored, ultimately we Accepted this gift and henceforth became publicly known and respected as Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) from that moment forward.
and our battle Strengthened... and began to Flourish...
Kautantowit's Mecautea
("Jack Church")
Our next token offering of respect and gratitude came in the form of a "gift offering" of "an Olive Branch" honoring and requesting confederation with us personally from founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney of the Oklevueha Native American Church at our communities biggest "potfestival" in the globe - Seattle Hempfest August 2013. After many hours over the course of many days we round-tab led and ultimately we Accepted and Received credentials and became publicly known and respcted as
and our battle Broadened and proceeded forward...
ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea
("Jack Church")
For more than 5 straight Years we proved ourselves to be honorable Bear Clan for the whole of ONAC and we accomplished many things regarding our plant and right of ALL of we the people (tribes included) to our beloved Mother medicines of Cannabis, such as gaining recognition In state circuit court (Oregon) as being a bona-fide "Church" whose FOCAL sacred medicine Includes but is not limited to our mother medicine! Additionally during those court proceedings (2014-2015) from left field the US Federal government chose to publicly "declare" that "Tribes" (Native American "Indian") can Do what They Want and decide regarding cannabis on their "reservations", and specifically noted including Cultivating and Dispensing.
Also just recently as well obtained recognition for our sacred and beloved Brother anna medicines as well at the State Supreme court level as of 2020. We will go into this and these things more as the site progresses on, so encourage you to keep us in mind if you have interest. As we say, the life of KM is truly a beautiful and historic story to be heard.
So anyway, we were honored once again for maintaining focus on our objective as well as our integrity, again we were extended a "Gift" of a similar "Olive Branch" offer very similar to that of the one gifted us by ONAC and James Mooney, this one from the "Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon, which has been rooted in Michigan since back in the 1970's... and so, as we did with ONAC, we from then publicly presented ourselves as being Kautantowit's Mecautea Native American Church ("KM NAC") and continued our coarse along our broad and shallow front-line trenches and continued to make good medicine for our plants, planet and ALL people of continental North America, and even up into Canada such as can be seen in the official records of the sovereign Tuscarora Nation and Native American Church to which our sachem served briefly as a Director of... and long enough to birth a few cannabis churches such as "Broken Arrows NAC" for example, in effort of helping strengthen the footing of the tribes regarding mother cannabis, especially so the Tuscarora whom have a distinct proclaimed history Spiritually connecting their tribe to her and which remains Undisputed by the whole of "Indian Country" to date. But as we proceed, we humbly digress... and as we do... snakes slither in and about... and so...
Kautantowit's Mecautea NAC
("Jack Church")
So to begin attempting to dispel such false conclusions as that we were Exclusively a "Native American Indian Church" when in all factuality we have and have Always been MULTI-CULTURAL and NON-CONSTRICTIVE in our structure and Creed, our elders, founders, now growing Children by this time, and even our members according to polls all seemed to concur that the best coarse for our future outward projection was to CORRECT the "Native American Church" part to present more correctly and became known as KM AMERICAN NATIVE Church, opposed to Native American Church in the hopes that would broaden peoples curiousity and interest, hoping to spiritually prompt them to become productively involved.
Kautantowit's Mecautea ANC
("Jack Church")
It did for many and in some ways, but in other ways we see that the minds of many, especially here upon continental North America, that particular combination of words Still tends to sway people to the conclusion that we are "an Indian Church" and/or "an American Indian Church", which we supposed in part we are and Could be substantiated that way, especially thanks to the ruling on the ONAC/Mooney state supreme court case in Utah... however, we have never had the desire to conduct "Peyote Ceremony" which is considered a "NAC" ceremony Eventhough technically we can and do have right to do so if we so choose... we just havent really put our emphasis and attention there. And please know and comprehend too, within the KM spiritual tribal family their ARE peyote ceremonies that are included and hosted/conducted in honorable and good medicine way... it's just to say that we as KM REFUSE to be Constricted when it comes to we and our members rights liberties and creeds... we don't constrict nor more than we forbid or force-indoctrinate... we don't believe it's Anyones right to try to do so and infringe and/or encroach in ANYONE's personal right of choice to such personal beliefs and practices - we encourage Support and DEFEND them ALL... whatever they may be and whether or Not we agree Period across the board... All we ask, expect and demand of our members is that they RESPECT one anothers same right to do so, Especially while gathered together in fellowship and especially so while publicly reflecting themselves as being active members of KM in good and honorable standing.
Kautantowit's Mecautea
("Jack Church")

As time has progressed by and the whole of we as KM has continued to flourish consistently, productively and honorably, for the most part publicly all together we have stopped and dropped the whole set of letters together as Another indication that we are Non-denominational AND multi-cultural in our structure and operational nature, and also have come to struggle also with publicly reflecting under the constrictive title "Church" as well, so, as those of you interested in KM more and seek out bias sources and see our public history as we've explained it here, you will also see how now we simply publicly reflect and present as being nothing more title and name-wise that Kautantowit's Mecautea, or "KM" for those insecure about trying to pronounce our full given name, lol, which we completely understand and take no form of offense once-so-ever.
KM's Spiritual Collective Confederation
("Jack's Warriors")
And finally, within the core of KM remains the goal and among the prime instructions of our Hemperor... Unification and confederation so to TOGETHER put the final END to the "War" on creation... their "War" on we the people and all because they wish harm on a small family of PLANTS, one in particular... our maiden mother... Cannabis Sativa.... it and they are INSANE and any with competence who looks at it and HEARS what we and our Hemperor have to say and can prove will See and AGREE with us that it is and they Are.
Any and all fellow like-minded warrior collectives of so declared "Churches"" who are WILLING to honorably rise up and proceed with us Forward are welcomed as well as Highly Encouraged to check us out and Consider either JOINING With or at least Supporting us in our efforts. Bare in mind though that this is a very Precious part of the core of KM as a whole and so we remain Very Protective and strict when it comes to WHO stands among us in this/these particular battles, so if any are looking to either join with KM and or Especially the confederation whose main drive is to Benefit off of the direct Exploitation of ANY of the cannabis plant family And/Or Abandon the true goal of the pact made among we by our fore bearers, which is to LIBERATE and Vindicate cannabis Sativa from unsubstantiated persecution, prohibition and REGULATION... then you are Wasting Your as well as Our TIME and you needn't proceed further in your interest in we our our spiritual tribal family and endeavors... but don't worry though, our comprehension is that there are still Plenty of churches out there that ARE willing to sellout and exploit our planet plants and people as well as Bastardize cultures provided there's personal gain, as we say good day to you, but for the REST of ye of like-minds and sincere honor and Integrity, we WELCOME and Highly encourage you to continue checking us out, and if you have ANY question as well as good medicine comment or suggestion (even if criticism), please, reach out as we'd love to hear from you and too, look Forward to working with those who we will.