About Us...
We are the Grand covenant of Kautantowit Mecautea American Native Church, and we welcome you!
Similar to the priesthood, from very primitive times down to the present day, secret magical societies, including witch covens, have organized themselves into hierarchies, the policy of the group being dictated by the leader or leaders at the head.
Traditionally, there may be as many as three leaders to a coven, again recalling Dion Fortune's dictum about one god, one goddess, and an initiator. The male leader representing the "masculine" power generally takes first place; the female, the "feminine," second; and the second male "executor," or "officer" third. Different covens have different titles for their leaders, all equally traditional.
As with a family model, which is very much what Wiccan covens are based on (like the tribes of old), a coven usually has a couple – a pair who are magical partners – at the helm of it. This couple are the Coven leaders – often that coven’s High Priest and High Priestess who has undergone Initiation into the Mysteries following at least a year and a day of studying the Craft intensively.

1. High Priestess - Coordinates ritual leadership, counseling, teaching, and administration duties, in company with the High Priest. Chief representative of the Goddess energies at rituals. Badge of office: crescent Moon crown or coronet of candles.
2. High Priest - See above. Chief representative of the God energies at rituals. Badge of office: horned headdress or animal mask.
3. Maiden - Understudy to the High Priestess, and substitutes for her when necessary. Badge of office may be a simple silver circlet or tiara.
4. Summoner - Understudy to the High Priest, who substitutes for him when necessary. Main administrative deputy, passing out information, collecting dues, letting people know when to meet and what to bring, etc. Also called the "Man in Black," "Black Rod," or "Verdelet." Badge of office may be a blackthorn staff. Leadership in an all-woman's coven: One pattern: No hierarchy or titles at all: ritual leadership rotates, other jobs are carried out by anyone capable and willing.
5. Maiden - Understudy to the Mother, and chief administrative deputy (see Summoner's duties above)
6. Mother - Coordinates ritual leadership and administration, guides coven projects and activities. She does not necessarily do these jobs herself always, but has the responsibility to see that they are apportioned fairly and done effectively.
7. Crone - Chief counselor to the Mother, and does a large share of teaching and individual counseling. May perform divination on questions of concern to the coven. Possibly a former "Mother" or High Priestess, experienced and skilled in magick, herbalism, etc.
For both mixed and single-sex coven:
Council of Elders - A gathering of all the higher-rank initiates in the coven. They may function as advisors to the coven leaders, or may actually set policy, establish the budget etc. In the latter case, coven leaders are essentially executives responsible to the Elders. 763 Other officers in mixed or single-sex covens:
1. Scribe (secretary) - Keeps minutes of business meetings, handles correspondence under the direction of coven leaders.
2. Pursewarden (treasurer) - collects dues, keeps accounts, makes purchases, coordinates fund-raising projects.
3. Archivist (historian) - Keeps the coven Book of Shadows or "Witch Book" up to date, keeps files of coven projects and activities, rituals. These functions may be combined with the Scribe's job.
4. Bard (music director) - Collects songs and chants, leads the coven in them, provides musical accompaniment; collects ballads and legends, preserves the old lore and coven history in original songs.
5. Watchman (sergeant-at-arms) - Assists in initiation rituals; in charge of safety & security at meetings and rituals. Indoors, checks locks and closes curtains; outdoors, finds safe places for rituals and posts sentries to warn off strangers approaching. Sets wards and arranges other magickal protection. Knows laws regarding freedom of religion and assembly, trespass ordinances etc.
6. Mistress-of, Master-of- (resource persons and teachers) - Any individual who has achieved great competency in a magickal skill may earn this title. They serve as a resource for the coven, and teach others. An initiate may choose to apprentice with any Mistress or Master.

Coven work includes individual and collective spellwork, leadership training, ritual construction, and the pursuit of progressively deeper levels of magical understanding.
* Divinatory Arts (or sub-category, such as Tarot, Astrology, I Ching, Lithomony, Dreamcraft, Scrying, Radiesthesia etc.) * Herbalism (for healing, amulets/talismans, oils, incense)
* Healing Arts (including herbal healing, psychic healing, aromatherapy, Bach remedies, polarity balancing, healing with stones, color therapy, chakras etc.)
* Familiar Arts (magickal work with animals, totems, elementals, shapeshifting)
* Talismanic Arts (designing & creating talismans & amulets)
* Ritual Toolcraft (designing & creating ritual tools) * Runecraft (use of magickal alphabets)
* Necromancy (communication with, or evocation of, the dead)
* Psychic Skills (astral travel, telepathy, telempathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, teleportation)
* Incantation (Words of Power, charms, chants, mantras)
* Fascination (trancework, hypnosis)
Also, a degree-system typically exists to distinguish the experience levels amongst the members of the Coven.
The witches of the Coven are seldom separated, and their powers are tied to their interwoven relationship. Wrapped in darkness and strange wind, their power reaches its true apex when the sisters ritualistically encircle the Egregore and enter a perfect conjunction. Though individually each sister lacks the raw destructive power of a Cryxian warwitch, together their conjoined magic enables them to see the patterns of fate connecting the present to the future and grants them the strength to reach out and twist those patterns into new shapes conforming to their desires.
The High Priestess & High Priest teach students and Coven members written liturgy, the oral history and meaning of what the ancients recorded, magical lore, spellcraft, and much more.
If an individual elects to join KM's Grand Coven, acceptance is not a given. In its simplest form, a Coven is a group of Wiccans who choose to practice and worship together. There are numerous Wiccan Covens. Some are considered sects of the Wiccan faith as they diverge from the standard practices of Gardnerian, Dianic, and Alexandrian Wicca. These Covens may hold a different belief than another Coven or prioritize their aims differently. Each of these sects there might be a single, larger Coven, or multiple Covens. Tradition holds that the ideal number for members in a Coven is thirteen. Within the individual Coven, there is generally a structure to keep order and to design a system for advancement through training and other forms of contribution. Sometimes, there are even ardanes, or sets of rules to which the members of that particular Coven must adhere. Other than the sacred space where the Circle is located, there may be a temple or other form of sanctuary belonging to the Coven. If there is a temple, there are usually many chambers, including an adytum, or the secret chamber which holds the Coven's most confidential documents.
Lead Ministers Each of the twelve Zodiac Ministries is led by a “Lead Minister” for that sign. The Lead Minister is responsible for the overall organization and running of the specific ministry. The Lead Minister sets the tone, style and work of the Mysteries, under the general purpose and guidelines of the Temple.
Each of the Lead Ministers report to one of the Temple’s Board of Directors, based upon element. Fire Zodiac signs will report to the President. Water Zodiac signs will report to the Vice President. Air Zodiac signs will report to the Secretary. Earth Zodiac signs will report to the Treasurer. The Advisor to the Board is available to all Lead Ministers for aid, trouble shooting, brainstorming and general mediation with the board. Lead Ministers are required to give monthly reports to the Board of Directors, updating the Board on the work and plans of the Ministry.
Lead Ministers serve for a period of one year, using the secular year from January 1st to December 31st. Lead Ministers can serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms at the position, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Potential new Lead Ministers are chosen by, and approved by the Board of Directors. Potential Lead Ministers can apply direct to one of the Board Members for consideration. Ideally new Lead Ministers are chosen by October 31, and the period between October 31 to December 31st serves as a training and transition period for the new Lead Minister.
The Board of Directors can terminate anyone in the position of Lead Minister at any time for failure to appropriately administrate the Ministry, for a conflict of vision or a breach of conduct. Deputy Ministers Each of the twelve Lead Ministers can have up to three Deputy Ministers, one for each of the three areas (Public, Temple and Esoteric) of ministerial service. Deputy Ministers specialize in their area of service and aid the Lead Minister in the work of that specific area in the Temple. The Lead Minister has the purview on how much discretion and authority each deputy has. Deputy minister will help oversee and organize the volunteers in the ministry. Deputy Ministers serve for a period of one year, using the secular year from January 1st to December 31st.
Deputy Ministers can serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms at the position, at the discretion of the Lead Minister of the stated ministry. Potential new Deputy Ministers are chosen by, and approved by the Lead Minister, usually in consultation with the Board of Director who has final approval of all Deputy Ministers. Potential Deputy Ministers can apply direct to Lead Minister for consideration. Ideally new Deputy Ministers are chosen by October 31, and the period between October 31 to December 31st serves as a training and transition period for the new Lead Minister. The Lead Minister and the Board of Directors can terminate anyone in the position of Deputy Minister at any time for failure to appropriately administrate the appropriate section of the Ministry, for a conflict of vision or a breach of conduct. Volunteer