Second Degree Requirements
A Second degree Initiate is a Witch Priest/ess and Elder of our coven. The Second degree Priest/ess is fully committed to the Craft, has integrated Craft ways into his/her life, and has reached a level where s/he is ready to take on the responsibility of a leader. S/he gives service to the coven and to the community, shares his/herself in a healthy manner, acts as a mentor and example of Pagan clergy, and leads and guides others to the best of their and his/her abilities.
​; Second Degree (a witch who has an intermediate knowledge of the craft, which in some traditions may also confer priesthood
A Second Degree Priest/ess will begin to help train others in our Coven.
A Priest/ess' training covers three general areas:
(a) Attendance of classes and a study of a core area of specialization
(b) Active participation in the rituals as an Officer or Acting Priest/ess
(c) Personal work on the individual self
All Coven rituals except Third Degree Initiation are open to the Second Degree Priest/ess.
Requirements for Second Degree initiation into the Coven are:
The Initiate/Apprentice must have been a First Degree Initiate in the Coven for a minimum period of a year and a day. Often the stage between the First and Second degrees takes several years to complete. The Initiate is ready for Second Degree when the Elders decide that they are ready.
The Initiate must have demonstrated a willingness and ability to actively participate in rituals:
by attending as many as possible (this does not mean becoming a religious zealot, but it does mean putting a high-enough priority on ritual that demonstrates its importance to the Initiate)
by acquiring the ability to channel forces properly during ritual
by behaving in ritual as is appropriate to the role s/he has for that ritual (e.g., lending energy, leading the ritual, helping to guide others when appropriate, etc.)
The Initiate must have attended all Coven classes that are required.
The Initiate must have undertaken a core area of study approved by the coven Elders, and taught at least one class on the subject to the Coven. Some examples are herbalism, shamanic techniques, healing, meditation/yoga, ceremonial magick, candle making, incense making, making of ritual clothing, etc. This class should be something magickal in nature that the person is interested in and actively practices, not an "armchair" study.
The Initiate must demonstrate proficiency in at least one form of divination.
The Initiate must have spent a minimum of three months in a community service activity, approved by the coven Elders. Since the true goal of an Initiate is to serve the Gods, and since it is too easy (and too common) for Pagans to be self-absorbed, community service is requirement for our Coven. Examples are reading to the blind, answering an AIDS telephone hotline, working in a battered women's shelter, volunteering at a hospital, serving food at a soup kitchen, etc. The service will be jointly agreed upon between the Initiate and the Elders before it is performed. The only exception is if the Initiate already works in a community service capacity.
The Initiate must demonstrate comparative maturity and growth, usually accomplished through individual or internal work.
The Initiate should have continued with his/her journal, Grimoire, and Book of Shadows.
The Initiate must own at least four main ritual tools (athame, wand, chalice, pentacle).
The Initiate must have written a ritual which will be performed by the Coven. The ritual should be written in a style similar to those performed by the coven, created by the Initiate, with guidance, modifications, and approval of the Elders.
The Initiate must complete any additional requirements given by the High Priest/ess. (Again, this is not a trick clause, but is designed to help the Initiate with any shortcomings in his/her personal growth. The requirements will vary for different Initiates, but will usually be the very thing s/he need to tackle and is avoiding due to fear or discomfort. Counseling is one example of additional requirement.)