KM Coven Initiate Oath
I, (name), do this day, before all here gathered, declare myself formally Dedicated as a student to the Kautantowit Mecautea covenant. I promise to seriously undertake the study of the Old Religion, and to reflect upon the inner meaning of Initiation as a Priest/ess of Wicca.
Any coven secrets entrusted to me during my time as an initiate will dutifully be guarded, and I will respect Coven Law. I promise to attend classes and Esbats faithfully, and to join the Coven in celebrating the Sabbats.
Finally, should it ever become necessary for me to leave the Coven, I promise to return to this Circle in order to properly part from the Coven. All this I swear as a solemn oath in the Presence of the Great Goddess and the Horned God.

Kautantowit Mecautea have both "closed coven" and an “open coven”, or in other words with an “inner circle” (members only) and “outer circle” which allows interested outsiders to the coven or crafters to get a taste of coven practice without committing themselves to KM Coven as of the present time.