Moral Compass
Ethical Code
KM follows a spiritual path, not a religion per se. It isn't concerned with moral rules, but with ethics -- the guidance that comes from the Divine, right into each person's Heart.
That's the real difference. Morals are cultural or religious rules, that are imposed upon you.
ONE: We abide by the Threefold Law of Return & “An it harm none – do what ye will"
TWO: Treat others in our tradition as you would like to be treated. We are Witch sisters and brothers. Respect and courtesy - All A Rainbow of Spirituality Members are entitled to express their views and beliefs in a safe environment without feeling attacked. Members may not infringe on the rights of any other person to express themselves in a safe environment. This policy includes:
Any harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, or otherwise objectionable posts.
Any posts which are invasive of another's privacy.
Name calling or otherwise attacking the person posting rather than the content of the post. Disagreement is encouraged, but you should only comment on the argument or position taken, never against the person posting their opinion or belief.
Any racial or ethnic slurs or insults relating to the mental, physical or intellectual qualities of any member.
Vulgarity - All members agree to not post text or images that are vulgar, obscene, or graphically violent.
Violent action - No member may use our forums or chats to advocate violence against others, even in jest.
'Hate messages' - No member may post 'hate' messages. This includes any messages that may incite violence toward someone because of their age, disability, gender, ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation, including:
Advocating violence or aggression against persons because they are a member of any of the above categories.
Implying or stating that members of one of these categories 'deserve' or 'earned' death or violence towards them.
Degrading or insulting whole classes of people, or using such statements to justify actions taken against them.
Privacy - No member may use our forum or chat to collect personal information about other members, or to post such information for others to view. This includes telephone numbers, addresses, etc.
Stalking - No member may stalk or otherwise harass others on our forum or chat. l
Disruptive comments/posts - No member may disrupt the topic discussions by disrupting verbally or by posting repeatedly with the same information or by otherwise preventing the use of these discussions by other members.
Any members who find that they cannot adhere to the above will find themselves banned from the coven and forums.
THREE: We recognize a KM Witch of any degree as a part of our tradition.
FOUR: Integrity, Discipline and Respect must be self-evident in all our affairs as we represent our Tradition.
FIVE: We practice our craft according to Hermetic Laws, and we are accountable to the God/Goddess/ALL
SIX: We do not accept any outside contributions or any influences that would undermine our authority. We are a sovereign tradition. As such, we do not take part in the inner circles of other traditions.
SEVEN: Each KM Witch is Sovereign and accepts the Responsibility that this incurs.
EIGHT: We are committed to our way of life and firmly grounded in the Science of our Magick. We express our Tradition as an Art, a Science, and a Religion.
NINE: We respect and adhere to the wishes of our Council of Elders.
TEN: Our Tradition has an interest in issues such as ecology, hunger and human rights. We seek to heal and protect our Mother Earth and better the lives of the humans and animals around us through majickal and charitable means.
ELEVEN: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we do not proselytize. We do seek to educate anyone that does seek knowledge from us.
TWELVE: We place principles before personalities. We abstain from gossip and other behaviors that would undermine our brothers and sisters or our Tradition. Our actions reinforce “for the good of all…”
THIRTEEN: We do not charge money for taking healing cases, but may charge for any type of psychic consulting to the public as a reader (i.e. Tarot).
Illegal activities - No member may use our services to promote illegal actions or to instigate illegal activity from other members. and chat for an indefinate period of time.

Principles of Beliefs:
1 And it harm none, do what you will.
2 The 3-fold law: What we do will be returned to us.
3 We practice rites to attune us with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of moon and cycles of the sun.
4 We seek to live in harmony with nature.
5 We connect to divinity through the polarity of God and Goddess.
6 We view the universe as consisting of complementary forces of light and dark.
7 Many paths are valid. We acknowledge the validity of all life affirming religions.
8 We believe in the authority of the individual to craft his or her own path.
9 Wicca is a religion that embraces magic.
10 The affirmation and fulfillment of life gives meaning to the universe.
11 We believe in the principle of reincarnation.
12 Wicca is a modern religion with a philosophical lineage based in historical theology.
13 We believe that Divinity combines in many different ways
I will live every day in Dignity, Courage, Honor, and Truth; with good humor and a gracious manner. I will obey the Laws of the land as much as possible and within reason.
Great respect for others is vitally important when sharing something as intimate as a ritual. But there's a hidden benefit... When we tend to others' needs and hopes, we enjoy a beautiful feeling, and create a more beautiful world. Therefore, I agree to the following:
Be courteous and supportive, in Circle, and out. Trust and intimacy are necessary for magickal work, and can only be created in a community of respect and kindness.
Offer to help the organizers of the ritual.
Fulfill your commitments. If you've agreed to do something for the ritual, etiquette requires that you see it through because others are depending on you. If you absolutely can't, then it is your responsibility to find someone to adequately fill in for you.
Support the leaders. They've gone to a lot of trouble to put this together for your benefit, so pay attention and follow their lead.
Support the leaders! Avoid complaining about them or the ritual. People need to hear what they did right. Unless they specifically ask for constructive feedback, bite your tongue. Show them a better way, if you have one, by leading the next ritual yourself.
Support the leaders! Thank them! And the best thanks is in action, rather than words. For example . . .
Help clean up! It's amazing how people who are so appreciative can vanish as soon as the ritual ends.
Cleaning up means staying until the last sweep of the broom. When the tables and candles are put away, it may look like it's mostly done, but you're only halfway there at most.
A) It's your turn to organize, and clean up, and
B) People are willing to organize another ritual, because they know they'll have help.​
Participate fully. Sing, and if you don't know the words, hum, or clap, or drum. . . It's everyone's participation that makes a ritual work. If you're not adding to the ritual, you are a weight on the collective energy, so join in however you can.
Stay on focus -- don't chit-chat. Come early to have time to socialize. Ritual time is too precious - and too scarce - to be frittered away.
Be aware when moving into and out of sacred space. Ritual etiquette and magickal process require that if you need to leave the Circle, cut a "doorway" in the Circle boundaries, and seal it behind you. (Or have someone do this for you.) Repeat when re-entering.
But it's best to plan ahead and not leave the Circle unless you absolutely must. Even with care, energy is disrupted and lost, so the best ritual etiquette is to stay with it all the way through. It's not Drop-In/Out. It is rude to leave a church in the middle of a service, and it is just as bad ritual etiquette in Pagan circles. If you know ahead of time that you must leave, let others know... and be prepared: they may tell you it would not be appropriate, and that if you can't stay for the whole thing, to please not join in.
If something comes up and you must leave, unexpectedly, tell someone quietly what is going on, and unobtrusively exit the Circle.
It's absolutely essential to let someone know why you're going. If you are actually needing help (which you may not be aware of, if the energy is disruptive to you), you will be safe. And it relieves others of worrying about you unnecessarily, so they may carry on with the ritual.
No cell phones in Circle. It's remarkable that some people don't realize how disruptive this is. But a phone ringing immediately takes everyone's attention from the internal to the external, from the magick to a distraction, and is very poor ritual etiquette.
Never take photos during ritual. Wiccan rituals are not spectator sports. If you are taking pictures, you aren't participating in the ritual. Cameras remove you from the energy, like a wall between you and experience.
Also, it shifts everyone's focus away from the magick.
And there's a third reason ...
Only take photos of Witches at gatherings with their express permission.
The Number 1 Wiccan Etiquette Taboo is "outing" someone as a Witch, Wiccan, or Pagan. It can have very serious repercussions in people's lives, when there is still so much paranoia and propaganda against Pagans.
So even if permission is given to take a photo, do not make it available for public viewing without specific permission. (As in all photography, a written Model Release is recommended.)
Do not bring children and animals, unless you know for certain they are welcome at the ritual.
This is not age-discrimination, or even ritual etiquette. It's simple practicality. In ritual, you will need to focus on the magick, and so will everyone else. Many Circles have rules that allow a child to come when they are mature enough to fully participate stay focused, not get bored or act out, and enjoy the process.
To bring a child who is not ready is to set her/him up for failure. They can't help but be disruptive. This is obviously bad for the group, but it also puts you in an awkward position, and perhaps worst of all teaches the child that ritual is an awful place to be, and that she is unwanted!
If you don't want your children left out of your Wiccan rituals — wonderful! They need to participate in Wicca too. Offer to organize an off-shoot ritual for the children.
With animals, there is the added complication of allergies and frightening the creature with sudden movements or loud noises or fire. A ritual is almost never an appropriate place to bring your pets.
Drugs and alcohol are not appropriate in sacred space unless focal and administered by a spiritual leader, medicine healer or roadman accordingly. Even, sometimes, prescribed drugs should not be used — anything that affects your attention, behavior, or energy will affect the ritual and should be avoided.
Individual groups may have different rules on whether intoxicants may be used within ritual, but in any case, you should arrive at the ritual clean and sober, and able to function properly.
Bring something for the feast that everyone can enjoy, if at all possible. (Chocolate is always good, in our opinion.)
Negativity, negative outbursts, or emotional disturbances are not permitted when circles have been cast and when the cone of power has been raised. This is a non-negotiable. When circle has been cast, and the cone has been raised, we connect psychically and empathetically. It is not fair to your coven members to make them "experience" you in this negative manner when the “Human” aspects of ourselves are not what is being sought. Ritual time is not the time to seek emotional attention. It is important to remember that self-control and will are tools to use for redirecting ourselves. If you cannot control yourself, please excuse yourself from the sacred space. If you have traveled with another member to coven, please be respectful of your travel companion and wait for them to complete the meeting or ritual.