Rituals, Rites and Ceremonies
KM's Coven offer all traditional Rites and Ceremonies of the White Hoop culture as well as specialty Rites & Rituals for our members upon request as we are able.
- dedication - someone affirms interest in the religion or "craft"
- initiation - into Wicca or the "craft"
- handfasting - for some Wiccans, this is a marriage for a year and a day, at which point both parties decide whether to continue or not. For other Wiccans, this is simply a marriage ceremony for permanent partnership. Some Wiccans have been recognized by civil authorities as "clergy" and can perform this as a marriage. Also, some Unitarian Universalist ministers will perform this ritual
- parting of the ways - a dissolving of a marriage or handfasting
- wiccaning - welcoming a baby into life and into the family of the religion - this does not obligate the baby in any way to practice the religion
- funeral - a ceremony for the deceased, usually not the actual burial
First, there is a purification, both of the celebrant(s) and the place where the ritual is held. This can happen in the form of a ritual bath, and/or a smudging ceremony to remove any unwanted energies from the ritual space, whether it’s an outdoor area or inside the home. Smudging involves the burning of sacred herbs, such as sage, rosemary, and/or lavender.
Setting up the altar comes next. Some Wiccans are able to keep an altar permanently set up in their homes, but even in this case, it will likely be decorated differently depending on the occasion, such as bringing in fall foliage for Mabon (the Autumn Equinox) or Samhain (also known as Halloween.) The altar is arranged with the various Wiccan tools, symbols, and offerings, laid out according to any one of a number of traditions.

Next comes the casting of the circle, an act that creates a boundary between the sacred space and the ordinary, mundane world. The altar is typically at the center of the circle, with plenty of room for all involved to work freely within the circle, with no accidental stepping outside of the energetic boundary. The circle may be marked with sea salt, a long cord, several stones, herbs, or candles.

Path of the Sun: The medicine wheel is laid out in relation to the path of the sun. The East is the place of dawn (beginnings) and the West is the place of dusk (endings)
Seasonality: The wheel of the directions can be laid over a seasonal calendar which for us places spring in the East, summer in the South, fall in the West and winter in the North. If you lived at the equator you would only recognize two seasons, rainy and dry, or if you lived at the poles you would recognize light and dark, so your associations would be different.
Diurnal Cycle: You can also overlay the wheel with the a 24 hour clock with the East being sunrise, South being midday, West being sunset, and North being midnight.
The downward direction represents Mother Earth and our connection to her, along with our connection to the soil. We learn that our Mother, the Earth, is always there supporting us. In this direction, we realize we have the opportunity for growth and as we feel our connection to Mother Earth, we are always safe.
This upward direction represents Father Sky and your higher self. Looking in this direction, you recognize that you are part of the circle of life, the intersection of eternity. This is where you learn to become who you are and give of yourself from this place.
The center of the circle is you. It’s where you realize that you are in the locus of control. You can shed everything others have told you. You stop looking to other people to tell you what to do and listen to your own body and inner wisdom. You focus on being who you are with authenticity. Feeling yourself in the center of the circle can be tremendously transformational because you can look to all other directions and honor all emotions without fearing the negative ones. This is where you can find meaning on your journey, even if you are in a phase of your life that is particularly difficult. Find your inner strength and trust that your wellbeing is in your hands.
The Seven Direction
Begin facing EAST- This is where the sun comes up, and so the direction of new beginnings, hope, promise, and potential. Pray that you may be open to receiving these gifts this day.* Each turn is a quarter turn to your right.
Turn SOUTH - This is the direction of warmth, growth, fertility (!), also known as creativity and productivity. In addition, this direction represents faith, trust, and faithfulness in relationships. Pray for these things this day.
Turn WEST - This is the direction where the sun goes down. Thus, it is the direction of rest, of our dream lives, and of closure and endings that need to take place in order for there to be new beginnings. Pray for these things this day.
Turn NORTH - This is the direction of the cold, of winds, of strength, courage, fortitude, might, single-mindedness, focus, clarity and purpose. Pray for these things this day.
Turn back to the EAST - and turn UPWARD. For Native Americans this is the direction of Father Sky. Pray that your heart, -
mind, soul, and spirit will not forget to look upward this day, to the One who is so much greater than we are.
Turn DOWNWARD - and touch our Mother, the earth. Pray that everything you do this day will be in honor and reverence of our Mother Earth.
Turn INWARD- Place your hand on your heart and pray that all that you do this day will be true to the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit who dwells within you.
Mayan Prayer to the Seven Directions
The Mayan people perform this prayer upon waking and before they “step into” their day. They also perform this prayer before important rituals. THIS PRAYER IS VERY POWERFUL if used daily. I have been using this prayer for a number of years … but it was only after my stay with the Mayans that I fully understood it.
The Mayan acknowledge seven directions: east, north, west, south, up, down and centre (in that order). Each direction has a colour and/or element attached. Each direction has a blessing to bestow. By performing this prayer, you are firstly and very importantly ASKING PERMISSION to access the gifts that will freely come to you. The asking of permission is a very important sign of respect in Mayan tradition. The Mayan (and no doubt other indigenous populations as well) seek permission of the earth before they plough the ground; the corn before they harvest it; the water before they swim or bathe.
The standard text is the prayer proper … the italics is what the Mayan will add themselves about each direction. When reciting this prayer, try to project gratitude. It is in the connection to this prayer that its power lies.
You can set up a ritual space and do this prayer … or you can just stand outdoors and recite the main text as you turn to face each direction.
So, without further ado, here it is …
(Face the direction when saying)
From the East, House of Light
May wisdom Dawn in us
So we may see all things in clarity
The east is red, fire, a candle … the rising sun and gratitude for the chance to start each day anew.
From the North, House of the Night
May Wisdom Ripen in Us
So we may know all from within
The north is white, water, place a bowl of water in this direction. It is recognised as the direction of the rains and there is gratitude for the replenishment of water and for the aspects of nurturing, care and protection. The north also represents the Pole Star which is acknowledged as the sacred centre of stillness or tai chi
From the West, House of Transformation
May Wisdom be transformed into right action
So we may do what must be done
The west is black, air, incense. It is from this direction that the wind blows at sunset. Gratitude is given for the winds that bring insights when we sleep and for the birds who come to us in our dreams.
From the South, House of the Eternal Sun
May right action reap the harvest
So we may enjoy the fruits of Planetary being
The south is yellow, earth, put rocks and flowers on your altar. The south brings abundance, fertility, the corn, it is mother earth, Gaia, it is the most important direction for the Maya.
From Above, House of Heaven
Where star people and Ancestors gather
May their blessings come to us Now
From Below, House of Earth
May the heartbeat of her crystal core
Bless us with harmonies to end all war
Both of these directions involve connection to all things. The colour of above is blue and below is green. You might imagine a shaft of white light shining down from the heavens to your heart centre. And from the earth, also imagine an energy rising up through your feet to your heart. Feel the energies merge within your heart, feel connected to above and below, feel the gratitude.
From the Centre, Galactic Source
Which is everywhere at once
May everything be known
As the light of mutual love
The colour of the centre is turquoise – a most prized stone – and of course the blend of blue and green.
Once the circle is cast, the invocations begin. The order here can vary, but typically the God and Goddess are invited to join the ritual, and then the four Elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—are invoked, as these are the raw materials that make up all of existence. (In many traditions, a fifth Element—Akasha, or Spirit—is also called in.) In other traditions, this step is known as Calling the Quarters, and the Seven directions (North, East, South, and West,Above, Below, Center) are addressed in addition to the Elements.
Qualities of the East: dawn/sunrise, spring, new beginnings, birth, infancy, mental body, element of earth or fire, seedling plants, new shoots, fresh start, innocence, play, childhood, the Sun or Mother Earth, yellow, orange, green.
Qualities of the South: midday, summer, adolescence, physical body, mature crops, harvest, abundance, element of earth or fire, the Sun or Mother Earth, process, dance, vitality, fullness, ripeness, maturity, red, orange, yellow.
Qualities of the West: dusk/sunset, fall, adulthood, emotional body, leaves dropping from trees, letting go/death, the void, element of water, the womb, the Moon, surrender, trust and faith, the unknown, the unconscious, black or blue.
Qualities of the North: midnight, winter, elder, spiritual body, frozen landscape, silence, communion with Spirit, element of wind, the Moon, intuition, complete understanding, being filled with the Divine, white.
Qualities of the Center: In the moment, timeless, ageless, integration of all bodies, openness, channel/hollow reed, grace, connection to above and below, trees, mountains, inspiration, rainbow, all colors.
Qualities of Above: Cosmic currents, collective unconscious, future, possibility, stars, galaxies, expanded consciousness, God, angels.
Qualities of Below: Planetary currents, collective history, ancestors, past, creation, fertility, the womb, the cave, Goddess.