
You want to activate your emotional Lower Self by anointing your feet, knees and root chakra. As you do so, allow your roots to dig deep into the earth. This will really boost your ability to co in a cross) in the earth. Then sit down in front of the triangle without the protection of a circle and make a mudra with your right hand (in case of gaining / increase magic) or your left hand (in case of a cutoff, or decrease aimed magic). The sigil and mudra form the sunthêmata, together with calling Hekate three times for help and guidance. Use one or more of the most proper names of Hecate for the overall magical purpose; specified in the ritual succeeding the ritual of Hekate.Now make a garlic offering by placing it in the triangle and start the invocation by imagining the proper psychosphere for communication. Your vivid imagination creates a medium for earthing the goddess as well as opening yourself up to the Hekate-channel so to speak. You manage this by utilizing the symbola of Hekate as thoughtforms which will constitute a sort of astral vessel or magnetic field to draw in the proper divine intelligence. No fear or doubt or cynicism may be felt or expressed.Take some distance from the triangle to make it easier to imagine a deep purple haze above the it.
The ritual requires an offering to Hekate symbolic of what you are letting die, an emotional sacrifice. For example, you could offer a ring that represents a past relationship or keys to a former home. Something that you cling to in spite of its need to die. This is a deep cleaning of your soul. Your intuition will guide you, take some deep breaths and turn all the way inward. What is it that you need to offer as an emotional sacrifice?
This ritual requires a token of what you are offering to Hekate. It can be a piece of jewelry, a photo, clothing, etc. Whatever represents what you need to release. The miasma that is holding you stuck. It is feeding your shadow, keeping you full of the junk. Feed it to Hekate, and you’ll be able to nourish your true self from her feast.
Once you have selected your offerings, plan your altar for the ritual. I suggest a chthonic – low or on the ground – one with the usual symbols of her torches, keys and perhaps her wheel to represent the life cycle.
You should prepare a truly nourishing meal or snack that is ready for after our ritual. You can make this part of your offerings as well. The traditional meal offered by ancient Hekateans would include eggs, garlic, fish, cheese and bread.
We petition Hekate for protection, through the making of Black Salt. This will bring out the toxicity in your body, mind and spirit making it easier to offer the emotional sacrifice.
Black Salt, also known as "Witches salt", is an excellent tool for protection and/or banishing magic. It creates boundaries and absorbs negative energies. It can be sprinkled around the property, doorways and windowsills to protect the home and drive evil away. It is a wonderful tool to be added to protection mojos, talismans and candles.
Prior to doing the ritual, I suggest a powerful ritual bathing incorporating a black salt scrub in the shower. Mix 1/4 tsp activated charcoal powder with 1 cup high quality sea salt, cover with olive oil and blend. You can add appropriate Underworld botanicals like lavender and rosemary. Warning that you’ll end up covered in black sludge, but it washes off easily with soap. This will work with just the salt, but the charcoal adds next level protection and purification. Black is the color to be worn for the ritual if you choose to be clothed.
Black Salt Ingredients: Salt, Mt. Saint Helens Volcanic Ash, Selenite Powder, Monthly Petition Burning Ash, Hekate's Home Made Blessing Powder, & Hekate's Energy!