First Degree Requirements
A First Degree Initiate is defined as a Witch who has been initiated into the Craft. First Degree (a witch who has been initiated, but has not yet undertaken any advanced study). To receive First degree initiation is to have committed one's life to the Craft in general and to apprenticeship with a coven practicing Wicca.
An Initiate's training for the next degree is initially academic but increasingly will involve more active participation in coven rituals as an Officer or Acting Priest/ess. S/he is therefore expected to attend as many Esbats and Sabbats as possible.
All Coven rituals except Second and Third Degree Initiation are open to the Second Degree Priest/ess.
Requirements for First Degree initiation into the Coven are:
The Apprentice must petition the High Priest/ess for initiation. They, in turn, will discuss this request with the Elders and get input as needed from other First Degree Initiates of the Coven. The Elders will then make a collective decision. It should be noted that initiation does not automatically follow the Apprentice's request. However, if the Apprentice's request for initiation is denied, s/he will receive an adequate explanation from the High Priest/ess.
The Apprentice must have attended all required classes, completed all required reading, and attended a minimum of 6 Esbats (New Moons), and 3 Sabbats. At least 4 of the Esbats must have been attended consecutively. Minimum time that this can be accomplished in is six months.
The Apprentice should have established and continue to keep the following:
a) A magickal journal (containing observations from his/her personal and magickal life which are relevant to his/her spiritual work)
b) A Grimoire (the Craft manual which includes neat class notes, written reactions to books read, bits of lore, and class handouts)
c) A Book of Shadows (the book of rituals which s/he has done, written or participated in).
Note: The Dedicant should be prepared to share information from their "notebooks", as appropriate.
The Apprentice must have memorized the Coven's Esbat rite and be able to join in on the Charge of the Goddess, Witches’ Rune, and other invocations from memory.
The Apprentice must have obtained an appropriate robe and an Athame (since the athame is both the primary tool used in ritual and is the symbol of the Witch's will).
The Apprentice must have chosen a Craft name that they will be know as within the Circle.
The Apprentice must complete any additional requirements given by the High Priest/ess.
Please note: The last statement is not designed to be a "trick" clause. Its purpose is to cover cases where a Apprentice has completed all of the technical requirements, but shows a weak area that need to be addressed before a First Degree initiation is appropriate. Since one of the requirements before Second Degree initiation is work on the self, "additional" requirements are often precursors to Second Degree work which would have to be done anyway.