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Waxing to the Strawberry Moon

June 10th, 2019

Greetings everyone! We appreciate you're joining in with us as we embrace the beginning of the month of the Strawberry Moon! What a special time of the earthly calendar year this truly is, especially if you enjoy all the wonderful food and drinks that are soon to come of the delicious strawberry like we do.


For those of you who are joining with us for the first time, we welcome you first off, and then we'd like to take a quick moment to explain to you the sacredness of why we've come together in such celebration and reverence to Grandmother Moon.


You see, every phase of the moon is sacred to us, because we know that eachphase of her monthly cycle is actually the Mother Goddess in a certain stage of her life, and in them she is hoping to teach each of us, especially we females what we call sacred wisdom teachings meaning lessons that each of you can apply in your life in a good medicine way and outcome of a better contentment in life. Each month their is a new and different moon, and each phase of each months moon brings with it an energy which you can and should use in your daily lives as well as in your spells and rituals.


For those of you who don't know, the Strawberry Moon as we refer to her as, gets its name from the North American Algonquin tribe who harvested ripe strawberries during this time of year. KM gives much homage and respect to the Algonquin as they share the same original dialect with the Narragansett tribe of Rhode Island, which is who blessed KM with our tribal name "Kautantowit's Mecautea"!


During this, the Waxing phase of Grandmother Moon, reflects the Mother Goddess is in her maiden stage, making it the perfect time for positive transformations in our daily lives. As the Moon gets brighter, the energies of growth get stronger. The maiden is full of energy and is anxious to dance around the world!


The day or two just before the calendar day of the Full Moon are the best times for doing magick for bringing something to you like a new look, a new job, a new relationship, a new accomplishment, a new talent or skill, or advanced knowledge.all of us can feel if we tune in and strive to connect with her.

Like all of the moons in our earthly calendar year, the Strawberry Moon has strong unique energies that

The strawberry itself has always been a symbol for Venus, the Goddess of Love, thanks to its heart shape and red colour.


This year, the height of the Strawberry Moon, meaning when she will be completely full in figure, is going to be on the evening of June the 17th 2019 which is when she will be in Sagittarius!



In celebration of the Summer Solstice, Swedes and Norwegians often make wheels of fortune, which are similar to dream catchers. As we wax our way into the month of the Strawberry Moon, we know that the Strawberry Full Moon encourages us to start fresh and make positive decisions for a healthier life.

This is why one of KM's Covens sacred rites during this time is to highly encourage our members to begin making their own personal wheel of fortune, which is to symbolize good medicine and fortune that you want to welcome into your life and during the Waxing, commence rolling it towards you and hang it in your home.


After the full Strawberry moon as we proceed to wane onward, coven members are then highly encouraged to make their second wheel of the month which is their own personal Wheel of Misfortune, yes you read that right, a wheel of Misfortune. The purpose of this is to make a wheel of metal wire, decorated up in ribbon, and as you do, focus everything inflicting you that embodies misfortune into it that you would like to see leave your life. Upon the night of the Waxing of the Strawberry Moon rite, during ceremony, you will then discard it by rolling it away from you, burning it, or burying it as it is the appropriate time for letting go, clearing away, cleansing, releasing, shedding old patterns, and undoing bindings.

which is to symbolize good medicine and fortune that you want to welcome into your life and during the Waxing, commence rolling it towards you and hang it in your home.

About Us
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KM's Coven is a direct limb of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) which is a Human Rights based Spiritual organization, aka an American Native Church.  KM's Coven is our focus on the White Hoop Creed of our birth rite inheritance as human beings with "European" DNA.


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