Our ritual tonight will serve as the last, great, epic opportunity for cleansing and clearing all the noise and negativity of 2020, and before the traditional celebration of New Year’s Day in America.
Even though it is frigid cold across much of the country, bundle up and do this ritual outside with a roaring bonfire, if possible. We all know that fire is the best cleanser. Everyone is encouraged to bring anything they wish to permanently part with and burn it as part of the ceremony. This can include objects, hair, fingernail clippings, personal items that you don’t want falling into the wrong hands, magickal items that are no longer useful, items that are associated with people no long in your circle, or alternatively you can write things down on paper and burn them.
What is important in this ritual, as it is in every ritual, is intention. Intention is not a wish nor is it a demand. It is a keenly focused desire expressed through thoughts, words or images. It is the gathering of your inner strength, wisdom, and power to bring about a desired result. When applied to cleansing, it can be looked at as a pact you make with yourself; a no-turning-back decision to permanently rid yourself of things or people which are holding you back in any way, shape or form.

In Wiccan traditions, full moon in Cancer spells should correspond to family and home life. We may feel more sensitive and vulnerable and pick up the negative thoughts of others, so it’s also an ideal time to do cleansing rituals.
On December 30th a new lunar cycle is born, marked by the arrival of the moon in Cancer, its ruling sign. With this transit, it awakens all its energy in a more intense way giving rise to sudden changes and unpredictable reactions. The inner world becomes disordered to bring about a change, which invites you to stop looking back and focus on the future.
This full moon reveals secrets and uncovers mysteries. It's an invitation to explore this year that is coming to an end and draw positive conclusions that will be useful in the future. The Cold Full Moon is always a harbinger of the abundance to come.
The color silver represents the Moon. Tonight’s Full Moon ritual will be about opening up intuition and inviting the protective and positive influence of the Goddess.
The color gold represents the Sun. It symbolizes the strength and confidence of the Sun being reborn in December. It brings warmth, understanding, and energy for growth.
They will be your guides as you journal and answer questions about this past year. This part of the ritual requires self-reflection and a deeper look inside yourself.
You’ll need the following items:
Quarter Candles (yellow, red, blue, green) (white or silver can be substituted)
Goddess Candle (or large white candle, bigger than the others) rubbed with a scented oil (mint, cedar)
Paper and pencil for each participant to write things down to burn
Fire pit or cauldron suitable for safely burning small objects and paper
Altar – decorations for this full cold moon can be seasonal greens (holly, ivy, mistletoe, pine boughs, etc.) or pure white to symbolize the illumination of the moon
Write down all that is close to your heart and consciousness involving pain and painful memories. Gather all physical objects also that are reminders or energy containers to those memories. Once done, take a shor break to clear your mind and spirit.
Form a sacred space
Connecting with the full moon energy is most powerful when you are directly under it, outside in nature. Gather a few items, like healing crystals, candles and any other sacred items that speak to you. For this ceremony, you want to have a candle, a loose piece of paper, a pen, and some form of water. The water can be in a small bowl, your bathtub, or the ocean, but have something in mind. You can also create a spiritual ritual if you have rutilated quartz, which can be part of an alter to honor the divine spirit of the Moon Goddess, a symbol of feminine power and conviction. You can also include statues, flowers, and anything else that inspires your creative spirit.
Full Cold Moon Ritual Begins
Winter night and full moon light, with open hearts and knowing sight, we gather round to cleanse our souls, break the bonds of all controls, at this time and in this place, I conjure now a sacred space!
Calling of the Quarters
The Eastern wind brings a constant reminder of the power of AIR – Unseen, and yet powerful enough to lift objects, fell trees, and create chaos and mayhem, but also benevolent and mysterious. Surround our circle as we prepare to burn away that which no longer serves us, so that when the time is right, the past will be blown away for all eternity. <light yellow candle>
The Southern flames demonstrate the power of FIRE – The great lesson of duality cannot be understated, for that which can destroy can also be a tool for creation and that which brings a great light can also lead to a miserable darkness. We seek cleansing and clearing on this night and call upon the fire to participate. <light red candle>
Icy Western waves crash upon the shores and the magnificent power of WATER is continuously revealed – We could watch for an entire lifetime and the tides would continue on schedule whether it be the cold of winter or a pleasant summer day. All around the many forms of water connect with our lives to nourish us, but also to teach us that change happens, and it is up to us to adapt to it. <light blue candle>
The great Northern collection of sand, stone, foliage, and living beings demonstrate the true power of EARTH. Life springs forth from every region and in every climate and although it may not be evident at first, everything we need to survive is provided to us. <light green candle>
Great Goddess, we ask for your continued blessings and protection in all aspects of our lives. As we take our places in the great circle of life, we know it is you who sits at the center; guiding us, teaching us, and providing for our needs; both the ones we can see and the ones we cannot. We, who are worthy of your blessings, ask for your presence tonight in this circle. <light Goddess candle>
Step one is to get rid of the garbage that is blocking our path to a better self and to make a clean separation from anyone who is not part of our higher circle. It’s time to put that intention to work.
<Ritual Leader should pause to allow this message to resonate with the group>
<Raise hands>
We honor the Great Guardians of the South as they have provided us with these cleansing flames to consume that which is old, negative and no longer valid in our lives. When we choose to burn the things which no longer serve our higher good, we are making a conscious choice to improve. When we carry things with no value, bad energy, or confusion, it places limits on our ability to grow spiritually, emotionally, and in some cases physically.
<Offer each person paper/pencil to write things down>
Each of you may approach the fire, and when you are ready, cast the unwanted things, vowing to release them permanently from your existence. By doing so, you essentially create an open space to fill with things that are positive and have real meaning. As you burn each item, state the following, “I give up freely that which is no longer serving me”
<Once everyone has burned their items, have the group join hands and say the following>
“We gather tonight by the light of this full cold moon. Each of us can feel the chill of the winter wind on our faces. We see the snow covering our fields and pastures. Days are shorter and the darkness is heavy and deep across the land. And even so, we refuse to surrender to the winter. We celebrate the season, and rejoice, for our bodies and minds are now cleansed. Now, more than ever, we are prepared to fill those empty spaces with those things which strengthen our spirits and provide us with direction to grow and flourish. May the next turn of the Wheel bring us love and compassion, abundance and prosperity, fertility and life – As the moon above, so the earth below. So Mote it Be!”
<often times great cleansings have noticeable impacts on those choosing to relieve themselves of heavy burdens – be aware of your group and make sure ample time is allotted to allow for emotional releases or other ‘freeing’ actions>
Clear your energy
Burning sage or Palo Santo incense cleanses your body and your space. The energy of the moon is the most powerful when it is full, so you don’t want to be surrounded by negativity or any negative influence while your performing your ritual. Using an abalone shell to catch the ashes, begin your sage cleansing ritual by smudging your body and crystals with sage smoke. When you include sacred Palo Santo wood, it adds a sweet and comforting aroma that amplifies the cleansing power of sage. One of the quickest ways to instantly neutralize bad energy, Native Americans have been using these space-clearing tools for thousands and thousands of years. As you perform this energy cleansing ritual, be mindful of your intention of transformation and renewal. Feel your mind-body-spirit gently releasing negativity with each plume of smoke swirling into the atmosphere.

The cold moon is the time for rest, relaxing and rejuvenating your spirits
Cleanse and re-energize yourself
Releasing of anything is a deeply emotional journey. It is simple to create a moon bath. Set yourself a hot bath filled with Himalayan salt. As the salts work to pull toxins out of your body, you can relax and check in with yourself and refocus your intentions. You may also find it more empowering to go for a swim in an ocean or lake under the full moon. If neither of these options works for you, you may place your hands in a bowl of filtered water and gently massage them to cleanse. As your full moon intentions shift each month, and you release different things, you may also change which way to cleanse based on what feels right at the time.

If you have refreshments, this is the time to share them – our ancestors would often share cakes and ale among those gathered as a sign of fellowship and oneness. You can choose to alter this part of the ritual as you see fit, pass a talking stick or share thoughts on the future, or you can skip it altogether and go right to the closing
Closing the Full Cold Moon Circle
Once again we look to the North, and once again we are in awe at the immense and unmatched power of the earth; your gifts are too many to number and your abundance beyond comparison – we are honored by your presence tonight. <extinguish Green candle>
The lesson of water is found in the West and as we leave, we shall remember the relaxing calm of the never-ending tides and the stillness of a mountain pond – we are blessed by your presence in this circle tonight. <extinguish Blue candle>
In the South, we again offer praises to the cleansing flames from the great fires; we’ve surrendered all that is unwanted for your consumption and ask that they are transported far from us – we are thankful for your presence in our circle tonight. <extinguish Red candle>
As we look Eastward, the winter winds are still with us; we feel your great power and are humbled by your protective strength. We offer our praises and thanks for your presence in our circle tonight. <extinguish Yellow candle>
Great Goddess, thank you for your attendance in our cold moon ritual. As we continue to face the challenges of the cold of winter, we seek your guidance in all that we do. We humbly offer you our gratitude for your abundance, your guiding wisdom, your continued blessings, and your unconditional love. <extinguish Goddess candle>
This full cold moon circle is open but never broken!