The original purpose of the astrological wisdom,
From this science, called genethlialogy (casting nativities), were developed the fundamental techniques of astrology.
Interrogatory astrology provides answers to a client’s queries based on the situation of the heavens at the moment of his posing the questions. This we use in two ways:
1. Horoscopes. This is commonly seen in newspapers daily print so to help determine whether or not a chosen moment is astrologically conducive to the success of a course of action begun in it. Basically in conflict with a rigorous interpretation of genethlialogy, it allows the individual (or corporate body) to act at astrologically favourable times and, thereby, to escape any failures predictable from their astrological (Sun) sign.
2. The Natal, or "Birth" chart. This is to help enlighten and inform the individual of the factors as well as the course of their life on the basis of the positions of the planets and of the zodiacal signs (the 12 astrological constellations) at the moment of their individual birth.
Natal (Birth) Chart
A Natal chart is essentially a blueprint for how to achieve your soul's individual optimal growth in this life. Your natal chart paints a picture of your inner world that can help you understand your needs, desires and motivations more deeply. Your natal chart is more than just your sun sign. It includes all the planets in our solar system, and each of these planets is a metaphor for a different "operating system" in your psyche. Understanding these systems and how they all work together is like having a "guidebook for your life " complete with detailed instructions about how to make the most positive use of your planetary energies and how to effectively deal with the challenges presented by your chart.

We know that the above diagram of a natal chart can be both overwhelming and confusing to the untrained eye, but believe us when we say the self-wisdom to be had Will prove to make it well worth your while to come to know. Notice the wheel above is cut into equal porportions of shape as one would cut a pie if cutting into a dozen pieces. Each of these slices are given a number.
Your individual natal chart will determine which astrological signs fall into which house, starting with slice #1 which is the house of "Self" and will proceed around in a counter-clockwise motion from the position of your "Sun Sign" as you can see displayed on the outer band of the wheel. The nice thing about the above diagram is that it shows which planet is ruler of each astrological sign.
This chart shows the symbol of Aries in the position of the first house, the house of self because this is where the true wisdom begins when it comes to you as the unique individual human being that Creator made you to be. We will pu a red arrow so you know which sign and house we are talking about. Again please remember that the astrological wheel goes Counter-clockwise, not clockwise when it comes to the creation of your personalized birth chart because i will really cause havoc should you set your signs into their proper houses and ultimately your natal chart will prove worthless and inaccurate if they're Not put in their proper direction COUNTER-CLOCKWISE!
To best articulate it, we are including a short description below of each of the individual planets and the psychological issues that each one addresses to give you some sense of the rich information that your natal chart can offer you in the hopes that you will better comprehend the divine wisdom to be had in having your natal chart done.
The Sun gives you suggestions about how to maintain your greatest sense of self, including your physical vitality , mental sanity and your spiritual joie de vivre and shows you where and how you have been designed to shine in the world. Your sun sign will teach you why you are perceived by the world as you are by others who come into contact with you. Often you hear someone ask "What's your sign" and it's the position of the sun at your birth is what they're referring to.
The Moon gives you insight and clues about you what makes you happy and how to feed and nurture your deepest heart and soul. The position of the moon at the moment of your birth will help you to better comprehend your inner you and why you Feel how you do about all that you do.
The Ascendant, or as we refer o it, your "Rising sign" gives you information about the best way to present yourself and the personality style that will give you the greatest ongoing sense of confidence and effectiveness, especially when you alter your natural self with any form of stimulant such as caffeine, alcohol etc..
Because Venus is commonly referred to as the planet of Love, it's position during he moment of your birth significantly helps to paint a picture of your natural gifts and obstacles when it comes to your inner-personal relationships, particularily with the people who are to mean the most to you, friends, family members, romantic relationships, even soul mates. This planatary position will help to explain what you feel you need to be fulfilled in love and loving relationships of sorts, as well as your gifts and talents in the realms of art and creativity.
Mars is known as the planet of strength and vitality, the fire that motivates and ignights action within yourself and your life. It's position in your wheel helps ask and answer this question: In what aspects of your life do you need to develop more courage?
Jupiter gives you a good idea as to where you might be naturally lucky but also reveals where and how you sell yourself short, and in what areas of your life it is a good idea to take some outrageous risks.
Saturn in your chart will help to reveal where it is in your life's destiny that you are being called upon to perform a great work thus developing a natural sense of authority.
The planet Uranus shows you where you need to break any outmoded rules that are holding you back and in what way you need to follow your own individual path.
The planet Neptune points you in the direction of how you connect most naturally with a sense of inspiration, intuition, and spirituality.
Where you find the planet Pluto is the place of your greatest wounding and the source of your greatest passion once the wound is healed.
Now let's proceed to familiarize you with the purpose of the Houses, shall we...

As you can see in this diagram immediately above, the houses are numbered in Counter-Clockwise way as we emphasized above. This char explains what each house itself symbolically means as far as contributions into your individuality as far as the various aspects of your life. For example, the 5th house is that of "Love" whereas the 10th house is about career.
These dispositions do not change, they always remain situated in the same house number... it's what SIGN befalls into which house that initiates the uniqueness to your individual being, and then where exactly and specifically each of the planets fall thereafter that makes it the Blueprint of YOU as far as being you is concerned.
Now let's show you an example of a completed Natal chart that we found online so you can see how it all weaves together:

As complex and overwhelming as it may seem, you can see how intricate the whole process truly is, but as we say, the insight and knowledge to be gained about Self is well worth having your natal chart done and we Highly Encourage each person does so that they become better familiar with their selves inside as well as out, and too, we also highly encourage people to consider having a natal chart done on the ones they love too so that each of you can get better acquainted with one another better, be you romantic partners or family members, the qualities as well as faults you will find can be truly priceless when it comes to building a strong healthy relationship with both yourself as well as those who matter most to you.
Happily we offer a couple of different options for those of you who are interested in knowing and learning more about Natal charts, one being that you consider joining the whole of KM and gaining access to our official KM School which does in fact offer coarses focused specifically on astrological medicine wisdom such as Natal charts... and/or option two is that you click on the link button provided immediately Below and request a personalized Natal Chart be done For You by one of our trained and greatly experienced experts who have been successfully doing birth charts for Decades.
An atvantage to having a KM master assemble your Natal chart for you is in that no only will you receive a chart diagram like the one above Specifically of and all about you (or your focal person), but too our experts will actually essemble an entire printed/printable version like a "book" explaining each aspect of wisdom to be gained about you For you to have in hard-copy form.
Like with all things offered service-wise of KM, though the "going rate" of the "Commercial market" for such a service offering ranges anywhere from $100.00 for just the persons Natal chart diagram as seen above, upwards to $200.00 to $350.00+ to have included an explanation to it all, we as the whole of KM NEVER ask for more than Half the rate of the commercialized market... in fact, we ask for Less than half in exchange for the Complete chart and personalized wisdom to be had by it for you in printable booklet form.
We also include the Natal Chart into our "Bundle" option as well as our Combo-Bundle options as well so to help you maximize your accessibility into helping to figure out why specifically you are you. Those who are interested in learning more about these and other divination options and services opportunities Exclusively extended to you, we Highly suggest and recommend that you take a peek on our Bundles & Combo-Bundles page o decide what if any resource you would like to expand your personal wisdom on, we have many wonderful and broad-scoped offerings to choose from... we will put that link below for your convenience also.