The name of this church shall be the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea.
ARTICLE II Affiliation
The Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea is not affiliated with any outside governing religious body. The church will always strive to cooperate with others of like or different faith while maintaining its privilege of self-rule.
ARTICLE III Confession of Faith
The Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea believes in the privilege of all to seek and follow that which is right in their own faith. The Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea holds faith in the Wiccan Rede "An it harm none, do as ye will" and in such necessary corollaries and axioms as the rede entails.
Section 1. The purpose of the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea shall be to unite Wiccans in fellowship for spiritual development and for the winning of all people to greater knowledge and service to our fellows.
Section 2. In order to achieve this purpose in the unity of minds, the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea shall use the gifts that God, Goddess, and the Universe have given it.
Section 3. Also, all covens within the KM Spiritual tribal family either by birth or adoption shall become siblings under confederation within the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea and may flourish and expand in associations and confederatins with non_KM spiritual tribal family members and like-minded covens etc. without constriction or constraint so long as said covens moral comasses true north aligns with the KM Moral Compasses. Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea reserves all rights to step away from any individual and/or coven, church, associate etc. whose Moral Compass falls from the true north of KM's alignment at ANY TIME so to protect the whole of the KM's Integrity.
ARTICLE V Membership
Section 1. Individual Membership in the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea and and subsequent KM Covens is granted to all who apply, declare their acceptance of the Rede as a guide for life, and seek the greater knowledge who are approved by the petitioned KM Coven and by the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea via sponsorship endorcement by said KM Coven.
Section 2. Coven Membership within the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea is open for consideration from non-KM Covens providing that said petitioning coven's Moral Compass code of ethical conduct is and intends to remain in alignment to the true north of the Great Divine as KM perceives it.
The core root officers of the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea and all subsequent KM Covens shall be a High Priest and/or High Priestess, a chancellor, a vice-chancellor, a secretary, and a treasurer.
ARTICLE VII Coven Council
Section 1. The general administration of the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea and all subsequent KM Covens shall be vested in a body known as the Coven Council. In circumstances or where law requires action(s) by "Trustees" the said council shall be known as "the Board of Trustees" and the members of it as "trustees."
Section 2. The council of the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea and all subsequent KM Covens shall each consist of up to thirteen (13) members, as specified in the bylaws, including the High Priest and High Priestess, who shall be ex-officio members of the council.
Section 3. The council of the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea and all subsequent KM Covens shall each organize itself including the election of coven officers in a manner specified in the bylaws.
ARTICLE VIII Business Meetings
Section 1. Regular business meetings shall be held at stated intervals, but not less than semiannually. The annual business meeting shall be held as near the anniversary of the church founding as feasible. At the annual meeting, written progress reports shall be submitted by the High Priest, High Priestess, and by each committee of the church. The treasurer for the church and each of its organizations shall submit financial reports. Officers of the council for the ensuing year shall be elected by ballot.
Section 2. Members shall be informed of all coven business meetings not less than one week prior to the meeting. Such information shall include the date, time of meeting, and an agenda of business to be transacted.
In the event of dissolution, the property and all assets of the KM Covens shall become and be the property of the Grand Coven of Kautantowit's Mecautea or if it too is dissolved then said land shall revert to Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) known as "The Mother Church" unless otherwise specified via Final Order, Reversion clause etc. for use as the mother church sees fit for the recreation and education of her spiritual tribal family members.
ARTICLE X Amendments
Amendments in harmony with this constitution and not in conflict with Wiccan principles and practices, may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting in an annual meeting of the church, providing the proposed amendment was presented in written form at the preceding business meeting.