Each person would be wise to learn as much as they can about the Moon’s power and to use the Moon’s energy with respect and appreciation. The power of the Moon’s energies is undeniable, and we witness it in changing tides, dreams and our bodily cycles. Syncing our lives with its phases can aid us in living a life that is in greater harmony with Nature and its ever-changing seasons.
Conducting your magic by taking into consideration the phases of the Moon, you will without doubt add power to any spell you cast, the Moon provides the spark to ignite your spells
Before invoking the Moon for magic, have an intention, be certain about how you are going to use the Moon’s energy, this enables us to direct the power we are applying.
New Moon
The new moon is the beginning of the waxing phase and of the entire lunar cycle. A new moon is when the Moon and Sun come back together in the sky after completing their previous cycle. The new moon happens when the Moon is closest to the Sun. Most of the time, the Earth, Moon, and Sun do not perfectly align because the Moon’s orbit around Earth is about 5 degrees off from Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The Moon is dark, being infused with the light of the Sun, but not visible. This is the most potent time to initiate new ideas, projects, and all kinds of new beginnings. The dark moon is full of possibility – you don’t need to know how things will unfold, you just need to take action to get it started. This is the time to set intentions based on your deepest desires, release fear, lean into faith, and trust your inner vision. Work with labradorite, black moonstone, iolite, tektite, obsidian, and clear quartz. This is the crescent Moon when see the first peak of light, this is a time of newness, the beginning of relationships, the beginning of a new venture, the energy of this phase promotes new beginnings on any level. This is the time for change and for being open to, and looking for new opportunities, tilling the soil and planting seeds actually, and the seeds of ideas.
Waxing Moon
In her waxing crescent phase, the Moon grows brighter, one step closer to fullness. What was initiated in the new phase is starting to take shape and we can see it. When the Moon is in her first quarter phase, she is half full. She is bright, but we only see part of her. This halfway mark in the sky reflects the process of actualizing intentions and letting plans unfold. Once you’ve gone this far, a push can be needed to keep it up. This part of the cycle demands your full-hearted effort. You may not get everything right the first time, but you won’t know unless you try. The new visions you set forth at the new moon reach the height of creative momentum. This is the time to courageously work hard for what you want, so that you may attract all that you’ve asked for and more. Work with jet, onyx, and lapis lazuli. This phase reflects a commitment to intentions. Time, effort, and determination are required to establish roots and build a strong foundation. The process is still in the early stages and it’s a challenge to let go of old beliefs and patterns that block new growth. It’s time to keep going forward, putting one foot in front of the other. Work with nuumite, rainbow moonstone, and emerald. The Moon is beginning to gain strength as it grows in size, and goes from a new to a full Moon, this is a perfect time for growth and increasing things, growth within a relationship, financial growth, a time for learning and gaining knowledge. If someone is thinking about pregnancy, this is a time of fertility, and it is an exceptional time for communication, in a business matter, or within a relationship. This is also an auspicious time for any legal matters, especially those where finances are concerned, if a healing spell, or healing of any type is needed, this is the time.
Waxing Gibbous
Waxing gibbous phase can be stressful, like getting ready to unveil a work of art. During the phase of the Gibbous Waxing Moon anything to do with increase is compatible; this is a good time for minor magic as the lunar energy is waning. Now’s the time to stay focused and look at all the details to decide what needs rework and adjustment to bring everything together. This building energy can be tireless and it’s important not to get fixated on things that don’t really matter. Work with fluorite, carnelian, and citrine.
Full Moon
The full Moon is the most powerful phase, this is when the Moon is seen in its glorious fullness, this is a time of enlightenment and heightened psychic awareness. The full moon always occurs when the Moon is opposing the Sun on the far side of the Earth. It is a time when everything comes together, it is a time of ideas, also a time of commitment, to a person, idea or project. It is also a time of family, and or friends coming together, any spell is well aspected during this phase of the Moon. This is the phase of manifestation! When the Moon is new, we set intentions. When she is full, we birth our creations into the world. Whatever you’ve been working towards is ready to be revealed in the spotlight of awareness. This is the culmination of results from the entire waxing cycle. It’s time to kick up your heels and express joyful gratitude to the universe and to yourself. Work with moonstone, selenite, and quartz.
Waning Moon.
Last quarter moon reflects those moments when you finally see the bigger picture. There’s so much potential for vision and prophecy if you’re willing to let go of old attachments to make room for the future. Work with rose quartz, bronzite, and sodalite. As the Moon decreases in size, it goes from full to dark, and this is a time of letting go, it is also a time of completion. If you have been wanting to change something in your life, this is the perfect time. It is also a time of ending anything that doesn’t work in your life, this may be a habit, a relationship, or paying attention to issues associated with legal matters, this is a time to pay attention to anything that you have been procrastinating about. There’s powerful magic in endings, including the birth of beginnings. When the moon reaches waning crescent, she’s at the end of her entire cycle. It’s time to release what isn’t needed and let go with grace. Be present to the emptiness ahead and remember that what empties will eventually fill. In this phase, the Veil grows thin, making it easier to receive messages and signs. By leaning into faith and honoring the darkness within and without, you discover the greater truths of existence. This phase compels you to sacrifice for future generations, including your own rebirth. Leave the best of yourself through service, love, and compassion. Work with black tourmaline, petalite, and obsidian.
Waning Gibbous
The Waning Gibbous Moon is suitable for rituals associated with letting go, and banishing, if it is time to clear out the old and prepare for the new, this is the Moon phase to spell craft with. In addition, all the creative effort from the waxing phase left some cleaning up to do. It’s time to take responsibility for yourself and your accomplishments, tap into the deeper wisdom of the cycle, and anchor the energies. Express gratitude to your elders and ancestors and ask for their guidance as you gather tools to begin the descent of the entire moon cycle. Work with calcite, angelite, and unakite jasper.
Dark Moon
This is a time when the Moon is not visible in the sky, this phase lasts for approximately two or three days, and if there is something in your life that is unnecessary, this is the time to release it. It is also a time of recognising what you have accomplished in your life, and a time to plan for what you want to attain in the future. If you have been in a quandary and are unsure how to progress, this is the time for you to go within and be honest with yourself about what is right for you at this point in your life. If you enjoy meditation this is a perfect time for that, if you have never meditated, there is no better time to begin.
There is folklore which deems the ten day period following the appearance of the full Moon holds a special magic, and those who take notice of the daily attributes and use them, will become very powerful.
First Day Full Moon
An auspicious time to begin anything new, also a lucky day for babies to be born, it is said they will lead long and charmed lives, and they will have all that they need. Although if someone becomes ill in this time period, it will take a considerable amount of time for them to recover.
Second Day Full Moon
This is a particularly special day, with a vibration towards thriving on all levels, it is particularly auspicious for finances, it is a good time to sell anything and an exceptional time to plant anything that grows.
Third Day Full Moon
This is a strange day as it seems that much theft takes places at this time, but by the same token the thieves acting on this day are usually caught very quickly.
Fourth Day Full Moon
Anything to do with building, construction, remodeling and decorating will be successful on this day, and strangely enough children born on this day may be drawn to a career in politics. If not politics at the very least they will have an enduring understanding of right and wrong and will apply this throughout their life.
Fifth Day Full Moon
Apparently this is thought to be the best day of the year to conceive a child, and the weather on this day is a mark of what the weather will be like for the rest of the month. It is also a day ripe with promise for new projects and ideas.
Sixth Day Full Moon
This is a perfect day for meditation and soul searching, a day to pamper and a day to tune yourself inwardly. This is also an exceptional day to begin a voyage or vacation, it is also a wonderful day for growth and adventure.
Seventh Day
If you are single and looking for a partner this is a particularly auspicious day to find your mate, this is a day of opportunity. This is also a very lucky day and if you need some luck in your life, this day it just may come to you.
Eighth Day
This is often a day of low energy and you are open this day to catching a cold or virus, if you fall sick on this day stop and pay attention to your body and give yourself time to recuperate. This is a day where you will feel especially sensitive.
Ninth Day
It is said that it is better not to look at the Moon on the ninth day because the energy can be unsettling and it is thought it is not good for your skin if you look at the Moon on this day.
Tenth Day
This is a day you may feel a little on edge, it is a day to be patient and not rush into anything, or do anything in a hurry. Children may be erratic on this day, it is possible children will flout authority on this day.
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow crosses Earth’s surface. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters Earth’s shadow. This is why a solar eclipse can only happen during a new moon, and a lunar eclipse only at a full moon. Eclipses affect our personal fields just as they change the Earth’s electromagnetic energy field. The currents that run through our nervous systems are sensitive, and pick up these influences. Both eclipse events are shadow occasions, which means they reveal what’s hidden. Solar eclipses, associated with the daylight, have more of an external effect. They reveal what’s hidden from you in your conscious, waking life. Lunar eclipses bring up emotional and internal issues. They reveal what’s hidden from you in your subconscious world.
Moon Energy of the Year
For each month of the year, there is a full Moon, if two full Moons occur in one month, it is referred to as a blue Moon, each year there is one blue Moon, for each month the Moon is given a different name.
The name given for the January Moon is, Wolf Moon, this is when shedding and cleansing takes place, the old year is released and the energy of the New Year is beginning. This is a time for releasing yourself from the past and starting anew.
The name for the February Moon is, Ice Moon, this is a time for soul searching, for taking an inner journey.
This Moon is referred to as Worm Moon, a time of new beginnings and exploring new territory.
The name of this Moon is, Growing Moon, this is a time of gathering and growth, it is a time of starting things.
The name for this Moon is, Hare Moon, this is the time of nourishment, mentally, physically, emotionally, a time to pay attention to your needs and the needs of those you love.
The Moon name for this month is, Mead Moon, this is the integration of the yin and yang within us all, it is a time of attunement and understanding.
The Moon of July is called, Hay Moon, a time to look at your life and to think carefully and make plans for the future, and to look at what you need to pay attention to.
This Moon is called, Corn Moon, this is a time to lay to rest old hurts and emotional pain that you have been holding onto that is excess baggage weighing you down. It is a time to release and move on, a time to be open and flexible.
This Moon is called, Harvest Moon, whatever you have started this is the time for completion, tie up loose ends, trim stray edges, pay attention to that which you have left undone. Look to the future with a clear conscience and a clean slate.
The name for this Moon is, Blood Moon, this is a compelling time to build, to begin, to create, to start something and flow into a new way of being, also a time to shed old useless habits.
This Moon is called, Snow Moon, this is a time to look at what makes you tick, and to reassess what it is that truly works in your life, and what doesn’t work. It is a time of honesty and reappraisal of everything you do and how you do it.
The Moon for the month of December is called, Cold Moon, this is a time to cut away all that is unnecessary or extraneous in your life, just as dead branches are cut from a tree, or plants are pruned to help them grow new shoots. You cannot progress with excess baggage in the way of outmoded thoughts and ideas, be open to explore possibilities.
When spell casting, holding rituals, or for any magical practices it is helpful to know the meaning of each day of the week, this way you are able to combine complementary energies to enhance power.
This is the day containing the energy of inspiration, psychic awakening, or psychic endeavors, implementing or creating new ideas, using your creative ability, working with divine energies, healing, channeling and any type of psychic work, and is ruled by the Moon.
This day holds the energy of protection, amorous interludes, confidence, poise, strength of mind, body and spirit, and is ruled by Mars.
A perfect day to go for a job interview, or to tackle any matters associated with work or career prospects, it is a day of researching and for intellectual delving, if you are making travel plans this is a good day to purchase or book your ticket, and it contains the energy for planning. This day is ruled by the planet Mercury.
The energies of this day are conducive to all matters spiritual, the occult, psychic work, and connection with matters legal, and for paying attention to finances or organising your finances. This day is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
If you have felt any inclination to make yourself, or your home over, this is the day to do it, it is also the perfect day for romance and being noticed by that special person. This day is ruled by Venus the planet of love.
Any planning of future projects and matters to do with the home, personal relationships, or personal goals can work with the contained energy of Saturday, it is also a day of kicking useless or bad habits, and bringing to an end anything that isn’t working in your life. This day is ruled by the planet Saturn.
This day is imbued with the energy of healing, mind, body, soul, it is also a day of astute decision making, it is a day where you will feel unusually insightful and be able to find the answer to problems that may have eluded you. It is a day to call upon divine guidance, and to expect serendipitous events to take place, it is also a day of closeness and friendship. This day is ruled by the Sun.