“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
Animal Messages
Below, you will find a quick reference sheet listing many of the animal messengers sent us by the will and in the timing of Great Creator upon Mother Earth, and the messages they each individually represent when they appear for our educational purpose... whether or not we comprehend them is on us, but they do their job and deliver the message.
Alligator - Survival, strength and aggression.
Avanyu - the feathered skysnake - Frequently found in Tewa, Keres and Zuni pottery and in some jewelry. He is the storm bringer, the changer of seasons. Connected with lightning, thunderstorms and violent, sudden change.
Antelope - Symbolized partnership, grace and speed.
Badger - Fierce hunters and honorable healers. Also have spiritual powers. Their tracks may signify health and strength as well as a way of summoning the power of the animal spirit, or as an indication of the presence of the spirit. Badgers are revered as healing animals and as tenacious hunters. Their tracks may signify health and strength. Bear Paws/Tracks are also symbols of authority and leadership.
Bear - Symbolized steadiness, patience, pragmatism, balance, big hearted and secure, first helper, direction protector from the west Bear Paws are usually considered a way of summoning the power of the animal spirit, or as an indication of the presence of the spirit. Bear Paws/Tracks are also symbols of authority and leadership.
Beaver - Symbolizes busy, in charge, efficient, strategic, wit and untiring.
Birds - Bird feathers represented creative ideas, honor and prayer.
Buffalo - Symbolically and realistically prized and equated with medicine and honor. The buffalo signified all good things such as sacred prayer, goodness, reverence and honor.
Bull - Represented richness in life, wealth, courage and strength.
Crane - Symbolized the end of the growing season.
Cricket - Symbolizes a singer, is connected with springtime, fertility and water.
Deer - Represents speed, alertness, institution, purity, sense of humor, quick wit and protector. Deer Tracks, are symbols of prosperity, safety, shelter, and also of the proximity to prey. Also used as a directional indicator, and as a clan symbol.
Dragonfly - Connected with water and Springtime, fertility, renewal; considered a messenger.
Coyote - Symbolized a powerful prey animal, an excellent tracker, associated with unpleasant happenin, a trickster.
Eagle - Symbolized as one who carries prayers, vision, possesses courage, wisdom and directioal protector close to the gods The master of the sky. The eagle is often confused with the "thunderbird" image concept. Almost universally, the Thunderbird as a Native American symbol conveys concepts such as: Power, provision, expansiveness, transformation, divine dominion, indomitable spirit, unquestioned authority and messages from the otherworlds.
Elk - Represented freedom, majesty, power and stamina.
Feathers - Symbols of prayer, ideas, honor, creativity.
Falcon - Symbolized a natural leader, clear judgment, efficient, effective, active, persistent, passionate and compassionate.
Fox - Symbolized intelligence, elusiveness, cleverness, cunning and discretion. Also the fox was symbolic of feminine "magic," and still is!
Frog - Symbolized fertility, the coming of the spring and renewal.
Goose - Symbolized ambition, business sense, staying power or driven.
Horned Lizard - Symbolizes lizards. Significant in some Navajo stories connoting perseverance and keeping ancient secrets. They are also used in story telling to be an annoyance to the Coyote!
Horse - Symbolized purity, nobleness, courage, power, independence of spirit, freedom to roam and pride. Horses were also used to attribute special qualities that people possessed such as the ability to be sympathetic, loving and giving--always offering a helping hand.
Hummingbird - Symbolized as ferocious fighters and defenders. Represented devotion, the cycle of life, permanence and eternity.
Moose - Symbolized wisdom, spontaneity, integrity, stubbornness, positive self-image and unpredictability.
Otter - Symbolized honesty, unconventional behavior, effective, imaginative, intelligent and perceptive.
Owl - Warm, changeable, enjoys life to its fullest, good listener, a teacher, an excellent hunter. Can be excessive and mean at times. Some tribes associate the owl with death and darkness. Among the Zuni and Keres Pueblo people, the owl is respected as the guise of departed, wise elders and leaders' spirits. Parrot- Symbolized the coming of the rainy season and the sun, spiritual, symbol of beauty. Parrots were considered carriers of these specific prayers and would confer blessings. Kept for their feathers and color, by many Pueblo people (secured through trade with people to the far South), and also considered a very expensive posssesion thereby denoting prosperity.
Pheasant - Represented a warning sign. Silver feathers of the pheasant symbolized prosperity.
Quail - Symbolized in mated pairs: devotion, permanence, eternity and the life cycle. These are often modified in many simple forms.
Raven - Symbolized enthusiasm, charm, energy, creative ideas, idealism, diplomacy and ingenuity. Also symbolized vindictiveness and abrasiveness.
Salmon - Symbolized focused, purposeful, goal oriented, intuitive, creative, stable, a motivator and different.
Snake - Symbolized spiritual, healing powers, passionate, fertility, lightning, speed and stealth.
Tadpole - Immature frogs that connote fertility and renewal. Because they change, they are considered very powerful.
Turkey - Represented resourcefulness, freedom, courage, sustenance (food for life) and faith. The turkey is mentioned in several Tewa Pueblo stories. Its feathers have many ritual uses.
Turtle - Symbolized strength, fertility, long life, and staying power. Considered to be able to defy death, and is also an annoyance to Coyote.
Water Birds - Symbolized renewal of life, wet seasons, rivers distant travel, long vision, wisdom. often inaccurately called "thunderbird", which is not a Southwestern tradition, but rather one of the plains people. In that context, connected with lightning, thunder and visions. Those who dream of the thunderbeings must become Heyokas -- those who live out their dreams backwards (Lakota tradition). The image has also been modified and used as the symbol of the Native American Church, founded by Commanche Quannah Parker around 1910.
Wolf - Symbolic of a tracker, directional finder, leader, loyalty, intuition, a problem solver, stability communicative skills and teacher. Wolf Tracks, or any other predators tracks usually signify a direction rather than simply the spirits presence. These also are a clan short hand indication of kinship - "wolf clan", for example. Also symbols of authority and leadership.
Woodpecker - Symbolic of a nurturer, listener, empathizer, supporter, organizer, and resourceful. Frugality is also symbolic of the woodpecker.
Animal Spirit Dream Interpretation
Animal Spirit Guide
Keeper of the Home. Methodical, accurate, slow and steady
If you dream of an armadillo Animal Spirit, may signify that you are isolating yourself and making it difficult for others to reach you. might also mean that you need to be a little be more aggressive and independent.
Animal Spirit GuideBadger
Guardian of the South. Bold, out-going, good communicator
To dream of a badger Animal Spirit means your persistence and final victory over your opponents. The dream might also be a pun on badgering and aggravating others.
Animal Spirit GuideBat
Guardian of the Night. Death and Rebirth
To dream of a bat Animal Spirit symbolizes the annoyances in your life. Bats also represents your need to let go of old habits for your current way of life no longer suits your new growth and outlook.
Animal Spirit GuideBeaver
Guardian of the Family. Creative and Artistic ability, builder resourcefulness, and determination
To dream of a beaver building a dam, symbolizes ambition and that hard work is necessary to achieve your own goals. It is time to put your ideas into action and settle any differences with fellow co-workers and friends.
Animal Spirit GuideBear
Guardian of the West. Strength, Solitude, Motherhood, Teaching Meaning of Bear
To dream that you are being pursued or attacked by a bear indicates aggression, overwhelming obstacles and competition. You may find yourself in a threatening situation. Alternatively, bears symbolize the cycle of life and death and renewal. It may signal of period of introspection and thinking.
Animal Spirit GuideButterfly
Guardian of Change. The Butterflyrepresents transformation and the ability to accept change
To dream of a butterfly Animal Spirit indicates your need to settle down. Butterflies also means creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You may be undergoing a transformation into a new way of thinking.
Animal Spirit GuideCoyote
Hunter of the West. The Coyotehelps you recognize your own mistakes, Stealth, Clowning and Humor
Seeing a coyote in your dream means deception and weakness.
Animal Spirit GuideCrow
Keeper of the Sacred Law. The Crowhelps you to find ind balance living in present, release past beliefs. Represents Skill and Cunning
Seeing a crow Animal Spirit in your dream, represents your annoying habits and the darker part of your character. The crow may serve as messengers from your unconscious.
Animal Spirit GuideDeer
Custodian of Gratitude. The Deerrepresents Spiritual Healing, Gentleness, kindness & compassion
Seeing a deer in your dream, symbolizes grace, gentleness, and natural beauty. It has feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself.
Animal Spirit GuideDog
Guardian of Loyalty and symbolizes Guidance, Loyalty and trust
Seeing a dog Animal Spirit in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it means some inner conflict within yourself.
Animal Spirit GuideEagle
The Guardian of the Skies. The Eagle symbolizes great Strength, courage Leadership and Prestige
Seeing an eagle Animal Spirit in your dream, symbolizes nobility, pride, fierceness, freedom, superiority, courage, and powerful intellectual ability. Eagles also indicate self-renewal. You will struggle fiercely and courageously to realize your highest ambitions and greatest desires.
Animal Spirit GuideElk
Guardian of Bravery. The Elk Animal Spirit symbolizes Bravery, agility and independence
Seeing an elk Animal Spirit in your dream, symbolizes strength and endurance. It is an indication that you need to spend more time with friends and eat healthier.
Animal Spirit GuideFalcon
Keeper of Harmony. The Falcon - Soul Healing, Speed and Movement
Seeing a falcon Animal Spirit in your dreams, foretells that your success will make you an object of jealousy. To dream that you are hunting a falcon, forewarns that you are in danger of ruining your business reputation by being too aggressive and bringing harm to others.
Animal Spirit GuideFrog
Bringer of News. The Frog symbolizes Spring & New Life, Sensitivity, Communicator, Stability
Seeing a frog Animal Spirit in your dream, represents a potential to change or to do the unexpected. Seeing frogs leaping in your dream, may indicate your lack of commitment. You have the tendency to jump from one thing to another. Alternatively, it may suggest that you are taking major steps toward some goal.
Animal Spirit GuideHawk
The Hawk is a Messenger and symbolizes Guardianship, Strength, Far Sighted
Seeing a hawk in your dream indicates suspicions are lurking around you and your activities. You need to proceed with caution.
Animal Spirit GuideHorse
Keeper of Partnerships. The Horserepresents Energy, Power, Message carrier, communicates with other realms
Seeing a herd of wild horses in your dream means a sense of freedom and lack of responsibilities. it might also indicated your uncontrolled emotions. To dream that you are riding a horse indicates that you will achieve success through underhanded means.
Animal Spirit GuideHummingbird
Guardian of Time. The Hummingbirdsymbolizes Love, Beauty, Intelligence, Spirit Messenger and Stopper of Time
Seeing hummingbirds in your dream, suggests that small ideas/concepts may possess much potential and power. Alternatively, it indicates your flighty thoughts and frivolous ideas. It may be a metaphor for your inability to commit to a relationship.
Animal Spirit GuideLizard
The Guardian of Hope. The Lizard Animal Spirit symbolizes Awareness, Conservation, subconscious hopes and fears
The lizard Animal Spirit can be representative of a person who you view as cold-blooded, fearful, or thick-skinned. On a more positive note, the lizard also symbolizes emerging creativity, renewal, and revitalization. It might also suggest that you are well-grounded.
Animal Spirit GuideMoose
Bringer of Long Life. The Moose symbolizes the Headstrong, Balance and Longevity
Seeing a moose Animal Spirit in your dream, represents long life and longevity. It may refer to the elders around you. Alternatively, a moose might also indicate that you can be both powerful and gentle.
Animal Spirit GuideMouse
Guardian of Diligence. The Mouse possesses Observant qualities and diligence
Seeing a mouse Animal Spirit in your dream indicates fear, meekness, and a lack of assertiveness. You possess feelings of inadequacy and not measuring up. Alternatively, it may symbolize minor irritations and annoyances.
Animal Spirit GuideOtter
Keeper of Laughter. The Otter represents Feminine Power, Playful, Trusting, Inquisitive, Bright, Loyal and speedy
Seeing otters in your dream, symbolizes happiness and good fortune. You will find ideal enjoyment or unusual tenderness with your loved one.
Animal Spirit GuideOwl
Protector of the Home. The Owlsymbolizes Wisdom, silent and swift, ability to see things normally, a creature of the night
Seeing an owl Animal Spirit in your dream, symbolizes wisdom, insight and virtue. The owl is also synonymous with death and darkness. Death in this sense might also represent a symbolic death, as in an important transition in life.
Animal Spirit GuideRaven
The Healer. The Raven represents Creation & Knowledge - Bringer of the Light
Seeing a raven Animal Spirit in your dream, symbolizes betrayal, disharmony and misfortune
Animal Spirit GuidePorcupine
Power of Faith symbolizing Safety and Protection
Seeing a porcupine Animal Spirit in your dream, suggests that you need to look out for yourself and protect yourself from emotional or psychological harm. Alternatively, it indicates that there is a situation which you need to approach with openness. Someone in your waking life may not be revealing their vulnerability.
Animal Spirit GuideSnake
Power of Transformation. The Snakesymbolizes Rebirth, Resurrection and Initiation
Seeing a snake or be bitten by one in your dream means hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. As a positive symbol, snakes represent transformation, knowledge and wisdom.
Animal SpiritTurtle
Guardian of Mother Earth. The TurtleAnimal Spirit symbolizes Self-Reliance, Tenacity, Slow Progress
Seeing a turtle in your dream, suggests that you will make slow but steady progress. You need to slow down and pace yourself. Alternatively, it indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life.
Animal Spirit GuideWolf Animal Spirit Guide
The Pathfinder. The Wolf symbolizes Intelligence & Leadership
Seeing a wolf Animal Spirit in your dream, symbolizes beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social situations and can blend in with any situation with ease and grace. You are a loner by choice. Negatively, it represents hostility and aggression. It might also reflect an uncontrollable force or situation in your life.
Alligator Medicine -
Meaning: Timing, Integration, Possibilities
Ant Medicine -
Meaning: Patience, Community, Cooperation
Antelope Medicine -
Meaning: Stillness, Antenna, Senses
Armadillo Medicine -
Meaning: Boundaries, Armor, Go Within
- B -
Badger Medicine -
Meaning: Aggressive, Alliances, Persistence
Barn Swallow Medicine -
Bat Medicine -
Meaning: Rebirth, Initiation, Extra-Sensory (Hearing)
Bear Medicine -
Meaning: Introspection, Intuition, Dreaming
Beaver Medicine -
Meaning: Builder, Completion, Alternatives
Bee Medicine -
Meaning: Hard Work, Community, Communication
Black Bird Medicine -
Meaning: Creativity, Detail, Foundation
Black Panther (aka Black Leopard) Medicine -
Meaning: Unfamiliar Territory, Grace, Darkness
Black Vulture Medicine -
Meaning: Sharp Vision, Opportunist, Treasure
Blue Bird Medicine -
Meaning: Contentment, Happiness, Joy
Blue Jay Medicine -
Meaning: Royalty, Energy, Enthusiasm
Boar (Wild Boar) Medicine -
Meaning: Confrontation, Courage, Assertive
Buffalo Medicine -
Meaning: Prayer, Abundance, Gratitude
Bull Medicine -
Meaning: Fertility, Abundance, Strength
Butterfly Medicine -
Meaning: Transformation, Next Step, Spiritual Growth
- C -
Camel Medicine -
Meaning: Conservation, Endurance, Stamina
Cardinal Medicine -
Meaning: Relationships, Monogamy, Courtship
Cat Medicine -
Meaning: Curiosity, Independence, Sensuality
Cattle Egret Medicine -
Meaning: Mooch, Borrow, Utilize
Cheetah Medicine -
Meaning: Accelerate, Flexibility, Progress
Cliff Swallow Medicine -
Meaning: Sociable, Considerate, Community
Cougar (Mountain Lion) Medicine -
Meaning: Cunning, Stalk, Surprise
Coyote Medicine -
Meaning: Trickster, Fun, Wit
Crane Medicine -
Meaning: Love, Trust, Connection
Crocodile Medicine -
Meaning: Lethargic, Ambush, Homing
Crow Medicine -
Meaning: Bending Law, Mission, Intuition
- D -
Deer Medicine -
Meaning: Quick, Alert, Grace
Dog Medicine -
Meaning: Loyalty, Service, Companionship
Dolphin Medicine -
Meaning: Friendly, Intelligent, Communication
Dove Medicine -
Meaning: Innocence, Committment, Love
Dragonfly Medicine -
Meaning: Illusion, Messages, Wisdom
Duck (Mallard) Medicine -
Meaning: Protection, Nurture, Introspection
Duck (Muscovy ) Medicine -
Meaning: Aggressive, Territorial, Unstable Pairing
- E -
Eagle Medicine -
Meaning: Power, Courage, Connection to Spirit
Elephant Medicine -
Meaning: Memory, Longevity, Intelligence
Elk Medicine -
Meaning: Pace, Stamina, Equilibrium of Energy
- F -
Falcon Medicine -
Meaning: Accuracy, Success, Restraint
Finch Medicine -
Flamingo Medicine -
Meaning: Journey, Migration, Wisdom
Fox Medicine -
Meaning: Clever, Alert, Adaptable
Frog Medicine -
Meaning: Cleansing, Metamorphosis, Transformation
- G -
Giraffe Medicine -
Meaning: Reach, Heights, Success
- H -
Hare (Rabbit) Medicine -
Meaning: Fear Future, Abundance
Hawk Medicine -
Meaning: Sight, Signals, Perspective
Heron (Blue) Medicine -
Meaning: Sight, Devour, Digestion
Hippopotamus Medicine -
Meaning: Feelings, Grounded, Stability
Horse Medicine -
Meaning: Strength, Power, Endurance
Hummingbird Medicine -
Meaning: Romantic Love, Joy, Passion
- I -
- J -
Jaguar Medicine -
Meaning: Subconsicous, Wisdom, Personal Integrity
- K -
Kangaroo Medicine -
Meaning: Safety, Leap, Courage
- L -
Leopard (Black Panther) Medicine -
Meaning: Unfamiliar Territory, Grace, Darkness
Leopard (Spotted) Medicine -
Meaning: Unfamiliar Territory, Grace, Darkness
Lion Medicine -
Meaning: Strength, Power, Courage
Lizard Medicine -
Meaning: Transformation, Dreaming, Regrowth
Lynx Medicine -
Meaning: Secrets, Subtlty, Enigmatic
- M -
Manatee Medicine -
Meaning: Trust, Calm, Gentleness
Meerkat Medicine -
Meaning: Unity, Heirarchy, Like-Mindedness
Mockingbird Medicine -
Meaning: Imitator, Mirroring, Self-Injury
Moose Medicine -
Meaning: Self-esteem, Pride, Accomplishment
Mountain Lion (Cougar) Medicine -
Meaning: Cunning, Stalk, Surprise
Mouse Medicine -
Meaning: Scrutiny, Detail, Methodology
- O -
Opossum Medicine -
Meaning: Diversion, Playing Dead, Clever
Oriole Medicine -
Otter Medicine -
Meaning: Femininity, Balance, Playfulness
Owl Medicine -
Meaning: Sight, Darkness, Enlightenment
- P -
Panther (aka Black Panther) Medicine -
Meaning: Unfamiliar Territory, Grace, Darkness
Peacock Medicine -
Meaning: Vanity, Courtship, Attention
Pelican Medicine -
Meaning: Self-Sacrifice, Plunge-Dive, Abundance
Penguin Medicine -
Meaning: Balance, Community, Camouflage
Porcupine Medicine -
Meaning: Innocence, Child-Like, Trust
Prairie Dog Medicine -
Meaning: Retreat, Rest, Relaxation
- Q -
Quail Medicine -
- R -
Rabbit (Hare) Medicine -
Meaning: Fear, Future, Abundance
Raccoon Medicine -
Meaning: Generosity, Sharing, Provide
Raven Medicine -
Meaning: Answers, Intelligence, Performer
Robin Medicine -
Meaning: Stop, Look, Listen
- S -
Salmon Medicine -
Meaning: Ebb, Flow, Knowingness
Seagull (Gull) Medicine -
Meaning: Opportunistic, Developed Social Structure, Complex Communication
Skunk Medicine -
Meaning: Reputation, Self-Respect, Attraction
Snake Medicine -
Meaning: Transmutation, Creation, Desire
Sparrow Medicine -
Meaning: Adaptable, Utilitarian, Adjust
Spider Medicine -
Meaning: Weaving, Creativity, Infinity
Squirrel Medicine -
Meaning: Gathering, Abundance, Storage
Swan Medicine -
Meaning: Grace, Beauty, Surrender to Spirit
- T -
Turkey Medicine -
Meaning: Spirit of Giving, Sacrifice, Common Good
Turtle Medicine -
Meaning: Protection, Mother Earth, Grounded
- U -
- V -
Vulture (Black) Medicine -
Meaning: Sharp Vision, Opportunist, Treasure
Vulture (Turkey) Medicine -
- W -
Weasel Medicine -
Meaning: Stealth, Hidden Talents, Agile
Whale Medicine -
Meaning: Clairaudient, Record-Keeping, Knowing
Wild Boar (Boar) Medicine -
Meaning: Confrontation, Courage, Assertive
Wolf Medicine -
Meaning: Teacher, Guide, Pathfinder
- X -
- Y -
- Z -