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Fallen Warriors Honored by Kautantowit's Mecautea

anjakii...changing worlds...we all go home

 This page is created in direct honor of all of our warriors whom have fallen while fighting in the defense of our Rights, Liberties and Freedoms, and whom died attempting to preserve Creators Creation. The persons included here are not necessarily ONAC or ONAC KM members, but are honored by and bring inspiration just the same.


 Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) are proud as well as humbly honored to establish this page our of respect of our fallen brothers and sisters who've fought the good fight for that which is right and just with and for all of us... Least we Forget they Nor their brave and costly sacrafices attempting to preserve Mother Earth as well as our First Nations Elders, their wisdom and our culture.


 If not for the brave warriors continuing to step forward in answer to the call, we would be far worse off then things seem to be now, hard and almost seemingly hopeless as they do. The government of "The United States" may well have forgot the promises made to our warriors, but we have not, and ONAC KM for one Intends to be here as best as we can for our warriors, their loved ones and families, and ensuring the hnor due to them continues on for as long as the sun and moon rise and chase one another around our globe.


 If you have someone you would like to see added to this page, please email us with a brief reasoning along with a picture or two of they and there services and any web address links, and we will happily see that they will be added as swiftly as is possible

Raymond W. Graves Jr.

 Raymond W. Graves Jr. beloved father of sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye" Graves crossed over to the Happy Hunting grounds on the 31st of August in the year 2006 at the age of 86 years and 3 days shy of 6 months due to pneumonia that was refused treatment because he was diagnosed with cancer and could not endure chemotherapy treatment.


 Raymond was born March 2nd 1921 in Los Angeles, California to his mother Florence E. Humphreys of Canada and to his father Raymond W. Graves of Rhode Island.

 Raymond had 3 elder half siblings from his fathers previous marriage, two sisters that were the eldest and then a brother. He also had 2 elder half sisters from his mother's previous marriage which were raised in the immediate family home along with he and his baby sister Srah May Graves whom was born the year after him. He and Sarah were the only and final children of his parents.

 Raymond attended and ultimately graduated from Inglewood High School, but during his junior year, he enlisted into the California Army National Guard in San Pedro, California. Within a year and a half from enlistment, Raymond advanced two ranks and also became platoon leader.

 1921 - 2006

 Raymond attained his request for honorable discharge and immediately enlisted into the US Army Insisting that he be deployed to the Asiatic/Pacific Theatre to which he was assigned to the 31st Infantry in early 1940 which was MacArthor's pride in the Philippines. 

 From then until the official decleration of war, Raymond trained with the Filippine Scouts. He also met and fell in love with a native girl and had one son born and their second on the way when the war officially broke out on Manila which is where he was stationed.


 After attempting to secure  Clark Air Field but to no avail, Raymond earned his first Purple Heart after a bomb was dropped practically on top of him and threw schraptinal through his head and exploding both ear drums. raymond continued his coarse and entered into the Luzon Battle, and while headed to Corrigdor, Raymond found himself in a MASH unit where he was ultimately first declared MIA and ultimately was taken Prisoner of War by the Japanese.


 For 2 years raymond was kept POW in the Philippines and then transpported via the Totorri Maru to Japan where he was kept prisoner for another year before being repatriated. During his time as a POW, he was severely ill several times with ailments ranging from Maleria to Beri Beri and also suffered through many various water-transmitted illnesses as well as sufferings due to weather, abuse and lack of proper care. 

 After an unauthorized repatriation from the POW camp that his own government "bombed flat" While the prisoners were actually in it in Japan, the only one reported to have had happen during the war, which he and the other prisoners were forced to re-build, Raymond returned to the US and stuck with his military career, mainly serving in the Army but too, also having served in the Army air Corps before the US Airforce was officially born.


 Raymond went on to enter into the Korean Conflict and serve as platoon leader for the 31st's armored tank division, and also was chosen and awarded for being a UN Diplomat. Raymond remained in the active military until mid 1956 but did continue serving, from this point until 1963 in the Air Force Reserves.

 During his reserve service, Raymond was a teacher at ITT Technical Institute for a time and worked as an inspector for Howard Hughes Aircraft corporation. He also attained his commercial as well as his private piolet's license and did have his own plane. His wife also worked as an inspector but for McDonald Douglas Aircraft. Together they had two sons. This is also about the time that Raymond shifted gears toward what would become his "career"... working for the Department of Defense.


 Raymond attained the title of Quality Assurance Representative for the Aero-Space Program within the DOD, and was involved in the creation of the F-14 Fighter Jets, ALL of the Apollo Projects and for the building of the Space Shuttle Program and vessels on addition to various "lesser" projects such as designing and developing Naval ship engines on down to the gas masks still depended upon by our soldiers to date.

 In 1972 Raymond divorced his wife and by 1973 remarried his final wife in life, Joy Robison and together they had a baby girl, sachem Joy of ONAC KM, their only child together and final child born upon the earth.


 Raymond retired a few months before the Space Shuttle Challenger was blown up due to the non-replacing of an "O" Ring which sent him raging back to work until 1985 when he retired for good and moved his immediate family up to the Pacific Northwest where he lived out his remaining years.

 Raymond was succeeded in death by his parents, all of his half-siblings from both his mother and his father, his baby sister Sarah "May", his son, only grandson and his second eldest granddaughter. The status of his overseas children remain unknown, as does his eldest American born son's status as well.


 Raymond left tearfully behind his "2 Joys" - his wife, Joy (Robison) and their daughter Joy, our sachem, and also his youngest son and his two daughters, Raymond's granddaughters and last of their DNA tree.

Jackie  Herer
 1939 - 2010

 Jackie Herer is among the primal inspirations and reasons for Kautantowit's Mecautea's very existence today.  Jack is accredited as being the "Founding Father of the Global Cannabis & Hemp Movement", for writing what is prized as the "Hemp Bible" which in turn has forced the liberation process for our beloved Mother Medicine "Cannabis" throughout the legal systems of our globe still progressing to date.


Jack was a second father-figure to our Sachem & CEO Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye; Graves, and according to Graves, is the primary person to thank for Kautantowit's Mecauteas very existence overall as it was he who instructed that "Only by religious protection will my people and our plant truly be saved from our opressors."

 Jack published his first book "GRass" in 1973, which is a fact/comic book geared toward humorously address cannabis and the stereo-typical effects and habits that came with consuming it and likely among thee first of it's kind of such a book.


  It would be Jack's second published book titled "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" that would put him on the map and throne of what would become known as the "Modern Day Global Cannabis Community and Movement" where he would become renown as being "The Founding Father" and even "The Moses" of the movement, and this book, "The Cannabis Bible" for the ever-growing community.

Richard Swallow
 1954 - 2011

Richard was born December 20, 1954 in Gordon, Nebraska to David Swallow and Margaret Red Shirt Swallow. Richard lived in Wounded Knee, SD with his family. Richard attended school in; Porcupine, Sioux Falls, and Pine Ridge, SD before finally attaining his GED. Richard met Ethel “Bonnie” Bear Killer in high school and married her in 1980.


Richard’s life was one of service to others. He was; Substance Abuse counselor at the Main Artery in Long Beach CA. Richard entered the ministry and continued thereafter. He became an Oglala Sioux Tribal Public Safety Officer and was ordained into both; the Native American Church in July 1981 by Priest Emerson Spider SR and into Orchard Valley Ministries in Wichita,KS by Rev. Bob McKinney in April  of 1981.


Richard is Founder of Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church, which is the mother church of ONAC KM.

 Richard was trained for working with the developmentally challenged and became a wildland firefighter. He started his own store/garage in Porcupine –‘Swallow Tipi Grounds Store’. He was requested to move to Chadron NE to minister while at the Chadron Native American Center. He started the ‘Triple S’ Mission from his own home to all those in need.


 In 1990 Richard became a Sun Dance leader. Six years later Richard’s vision, interpreted by Leonard Crow Dog, was that he was to lead – Richard was designated as Chief of the Standing Buffalo Clan by his father. His Lakota name, given by Crow Dog is“Otiota yuha mani”- he who walks with the foundations. For 16 years he researched the Holy Bible along with observing the Lakota beliefs and traditions, finding parallels and combining both teachings into one spiritual practice.


 Richard is survived by wife Ethel “Bonnie” Swallow of Wounded Knee, brothers - David, Tim and Leo Swallow; Children – Brian Swallow of Chadron NE, Richard (Linda) Swallow JR of Porcupine SD, Twins Paul and Patrick Swallow of Rapid City SD and Seattle WA, Roland Swallow of Tahoe NV, Rebecca (Scott) Biernacki of Chadron NE, Colette Swallow of Chadron NE, and John Swallow of Chadron NE.


 His Grandchildren are; Courtney Hostedeler, Tyler Swallow, Adrian Swallow, Malachi Swallow, Lavina Patton, Jeremy Swallow. Great grandchildren are; Hope Hostedeler, Faith Hostedeler, and Joshua Swallow. Bernice White Hawk adopted Richard as a son in 1983 from Manderson SD. Adopted sister is Amy Kindler from Des Moines IA. Adopted daughter is Corinne Sierra from Rapid City SD. Adopted uncle Bill Wagner from Park City UT.Adopted brothers are; John Sergant from Cherry Valley CA and Mel Rossman from Wounded Knee SD.


Richard was preceded in death by both of his parents, sisters - Bernice ‘Blonde’ (Swallow) Tail and his adopted sister Phyllis Mesteth.


A two-night wake service began at 3:00 PM, Thursday, January 20, 2011 at the Porcupine School in Porcupine, South Dakota.


Funeral Services were held at 10:00 AM on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at the Porcupine School Gym in Porcupine, with Rev. Don Mink and Rev. Linda Able officiating. Traditional Lakota Services were provided by Mr. David Swallow, Jr., and Mr. Richard Tail. Burial Services followed at the Swallow Family Cemetery, Porcupine. The Sioux Funeral Home of Pine Ridge were in charge of arrangements

Seeva Cherms
 1968 - 2011

 Seeva Marie Cherms, beloved wife, mother, sister and daughter as well as great friend, mentor, and human being unexpectedly crossed over to the next realm of existence on the 20th day of April in the year 2011.


 Seeva was born, raised and a proud and honorable native Californian from beginning to end and proved to be the stereo-typical California girl in her wild, fun, exiting and yet compassionate, friendlt and enviornmentally concerned "All American girl".She was best known as being a kind and compassionate person who was also extremely protective and a natural born leader.


 Seeva unfortunately never got to know of her father, instead she grew up with her mother Linda and her half brother Anthony between southern California and the Lake Tahoe area. When she was about 12, she met and came to fall under the fatherly wing of  legendary cannabis and declared "founding father of the global cannabis community and movement" Mr. Jack Herer who quickly came to claim her as his forever #1 "Jack's girl", daughter and personal protector throughout the remainder of his years.

 Seeva married  Reverend "The Rev" Steven Cherms and together they had two beautiful daughters Hailey and Summer Raine. In addition to being a devoted wife and mother, Seeva was also an ordained minister in The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministries and co-founded The United Cannabis Ministry in California with her husband Steven.


 Together the pair also attained their black belts and Master status in mixed martial arts and established their own dojo and club in central California and also were licensed bounty hunters as well as bodyguards in both the states of California and Hawai'i.

 Seeva went down in California state history for being the first woman petitioner of an initiative when she and her second father Jack submitted the California Cannabis & Hemp Iniative back in 2008 though ultimately the initiative lacked enough signatures of support to be passed into law.


 She and Steven were also well known, respected and depended upon by the cannabis community in the state of California, especially when battling the  Butte county counsel in the defense of our mother medicine sacrament cannabis and was globally appreciated for being a strong front line cannabis and human rights activist and is sorely missed by the masses who were blessed to know and have her in their lives.

Ric Smith

 Richard "Ric" Allen Smith is a very missed front line cannabis freedom fighter known as "Seattle's Miracle" for the last decade of his life. Despite having more medically wrong with him than not, Ric never once backed down from the stand for cannabis liberation and ultimately had his praise sung by the masses of the elderly, or as he called them "Blue Hairs" for going out of his way to ensure that they had the quality medicine they so thankfully received. In turn, they would make "medables" of it, and would always insist that he take some to other people in need. 


 Best remembered for his phrase "Munchies Save Lives", Ric has been honored by Seattle Hempfest forever in the naming of "The Ric Smith Hemposium", a main stage of the worlds biggest cannabis event in the world that specifically contains the "Hemp History Museum." Ric was declared "Washington State  Citizen Activist of the year in 2012

 Ric was born March 16th 1963 and predominently grew up in Alderwood Manor in Lynnwood area of Washington state.

 Ric passed December 11th, 2012, at Kindwood Hospital in Washington at the age of 49.

 1963 - 2012
Jennifer Girtman
 1975 - 2012

 Jennifer Lee "Jennacidial Tendencies" Girtman, beloved daughter, sister, mother, aunt and dear friend unexpectedly passed away on the  of June in the year 2012.

  Jennifer was born on the  day of May in the year 1975 in the capitol city Salem, Oregon, which is where she grew up and considered her stomping grounds, including the surrounding area and towns.

When Jen was 15 1/2 she found herself pregnant, to which she gave birth to her daughter just over a month after her 16th birthday. She went on to have her second and final child with the same man close to 10 years later, but ultimately decided to never marry.

Jen lived her life wild and carefree as well as to the fullest and never shyed away from an opportunity that could be turned into an adventure. Her first love as a child was in Martial Arts in which she attained a buttload of medals, trophies and awards along with her black belt in Judo. In her later years her passion gwaews roward Roller Dirby where she quickly soared and became an outspoken star who helped to advance the sport throughout the central Willamette Valley in Oregon.

 Despite all odds, Jen finished not only high school but also college and ultimately became a drug counselor for Bridgeway in Salem and enjoyed living life more than most get to. She touched thousands of lives, and left a lasting memorable impression from one end of the nation to the other. She is missed by countless and loved by endless.

Richard Flor
 1944 - 2012

 Richard Giles Flor, beloved husband, father, and hero to this nation and people, especially the ill of Montana, tragically crossed over  before his time on the 30th of August in the year 2012 because he stood in the defense of our rights, liberties and freedoms, particularily in regards to our beloved Mother Medicine Cannabis and our right to freely Choose whether or not we wish to utilize it.

Richard's heroism was validated when he served in the military during the Viet Nam War.

 Richard's bravery as a hero to the people and web of life when he became a martyr for the cause of cannabis patients’ rights Aug. 30th of 2012 at the age of 68 when he grew tired of suffering unecessarily from diabetes and a variety of maladies that forced him to take 16 different medications each day, never really easing his pain and too, bringing forth a whole lot More negative side-effects. 


 He was alsp praised for actively pushing for the passage of the state’s 2004 ballot issue campaign that ultimately sanctioned the right to medicinal cannabis in Montana, and too, 

 Richard Flor was co-founder and partner in "Montana Cannabis" which was one of the state of Montana’s largest medicinal cannabis operations to ever take root in "Big Sky Country." Richard  ran the eastern Montana portion of the operation with the help of his wife, Sherry, and son, Justin.

 Richard and the Flor families company was considered one of the largest medical cannabis operations established in Montana that was raided by federal agents in March of 2011 in a crackdown on large providers. The company was one of 26 medical cannabis businesses across Montana that was raided in March on federal search warrants despite state and voter sanction. Mr. Flor died before he reached his destination at a federal medical center.

 Most inhumane of the governments damage inflicted on Mr. Flor and his family was when they placed him on life support while still keeping him physically shackled to his bed and it wouldn't be for Twenty minutes after he literally died before federal marshals unlocked the shackles on his ankles,  which was Completely Unnecessary and inapproperiate beings that Mr. Flor had long before lost the ability even to walk according to close family, friends and fellow canna-family.

 Memorial services were held upon his wife and son's release from prison and his beautiful daughter Kristin Glor continues to carry the torch of cannabis lineration, plant and person protection, and remains a strong voice advocating for non-violent cannabis inmates as her father was in honor and tribute to his legacy.

Dr. Phillip Leveque

 Dr. Phillip Edwin "Dogface" Leveque was born on February 22, 1923 and has proven to truly be a warrior liberator beyond measure. "Doc" as he's called, answered the call for the brave to serve and protect our land and rights as a people by fighting in Germany during World War 2 as an infantryman as well as a sergical physician. 


 Doc continued his desire to heal people well beyond his military career and is best accredited as among the damn few Successful Brain Suregons, among a great many additional legal medical titles ranging from Osteopath down to pharmacist and forensic toxicologist!


 Leveque was stripped of his medical career for being a front line freedom fighter for Oregon's medicinal cannabis laxation when the state illegally targeted him for signing military combat veterans suffering from PTSD and other damage aquired while defending our land, rights, liberties and freedoms, but even then he never backed down nor turned tail and walked away. Instead, he continued his battle by utalizing his wits and wisdom which is found in the many articles he wrote for all the way to his final days upon mother earth.


Dr. Leveque passed away May 2, 2015 at the age of 92 years old from Cancer.

 1923 - 2015

 Doc was always a fighter since his days in the Army during World War II, when he captured 26 Nazi officers in a single day by himself. As a young man, he served as a combat infantryman in World War Two under Gen. George S. Patton as a forward scout. 


 In his memoir "Gen. Patton’s Dogface Soldier" he expresses what couldn’t be spoken about. It helped him move through the nightmares, and he began speaking to groups and helping other dogface soldiers cope  with PTSD. He dealt with PTSD for over 70 years himself, so he could relate.


 Phillip was a doctor of Osteopathy with a PhD in Pharmacology, which he spent most of his career teaching at the medical-school level, and was also a Forensic Toxicologist. He and his family literally traveled the globe so he could teach medicine, including the first successful baboon brain transplant


 The brilliant doctor was a consummate scientist. He researched and studied with intensity every subject that he took on, and he studied Cannabis/Marijuana for 63 years.


 He was a prominent supporter of Oregon’s 1998 medical marijuana initiative, and when it passed he became known  as "Oregon's most Dangerous Doctor"according to The Oregonian news media when he lept out of retirement to sign patients sanctions into the state's program. Doc was the first physician to Boldly go where many remain still to date fearing to tread.


 Doc was known and ultimately illegally punished by the state medical board for personally signing thousands of patients into the medical program in its first year in legal effect by revoking his  license to practice medicine. While he was  able,he's credited for having signed over  1/3 of the patients FREE of charge for all military veteran patients he saw The "Pot Doc" was instrumental in changing Oregon law.


 Dr. Leveque was a regular co-host of the weekly show in Portland, Oregon, "Cannabis Common Sense"with host D. Paul Stanford,  who says the pair hosted 350 episodes of the show between 1998 and 2006 together.He was also an annual VIP Guest Speaker at the Portland Hempstalk.


 His wife, Eve, died in 2004 short after the death of their daughter who suffereded a foranoxic brain injury due to a fall. He is survived by four children.

Joy C. Graves
 1926 - 2016

Joy Callista Graves (Robison), mother of Sachem Joy M. 'Hawkeye' Graves, crossed over on the 4th of January 2016 at the age of 89 years 2 months exactly to the day.


 Joy was born in Los Angeles, California as the baby, and only living daughter of her parents 4 children.


 Joy graduated from Los Angeles High School and married while she was putting herself through college, and actually went on from there into medical school where she was her second year into becoming a doctor when she came to the realization that she didn't handle the sight of blood well enough to continue. Her husband Aaron "mack" was serving in the US Navy during World War 2.


 Joy then went to work with her father at McDonald Douglas, starting off as a "Rosey Riviter" and working her way up to Quality Assurance Inspector, while having a total of 4 sons And working an additional 2 jobs on average, her second main job being a bartender.

 Joy divorced Aaron and next married Enrique "Henry" Gonzales for a few years but ultimately too filed for a divorce, without having any children between them continuing to work and provide for the ones she had... until in the beginning of 1973 when she would again get pregnant with her final daughter, Sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves... she was 46 years old when she had her daughter... our Sachem.


 In September of 1973 she married our Sachem's father, Raymond W. Graves Jr. and "Lived happily ever after" in both southern California and in the Pacific Northwest, in Oregon. Raymond crossed over in August of 2006, leaving the two Joy's to fend off the world together. 


 Ultimately she, as did her husband, lost their battle for survival against their health insurance company and she finally ascended from mother earth with her mother on the 4th of January 2016.

John Trudell

 John Trudell is a legendary warrior soldier of Great Creator beyond verbal measure. John was among the head leaders of the American Indian Movement (AIM) throughout the 1970's and well renoun in the "Longest Walk" march to DC after the illegal handling of Occupy Alcatraz at the hand of the federal government. 


 John was additionally respected as an artist, poet, singer/song writer, and considered among the wise prophets of and by our native tribal brothers and sisters here on Turtle Island. John was also highly praised for his acting in multiple movies depicting the struggles of the native born American tribal peoples, and among our most treasured Elder Counsel members ONAC KM was ever fortunate enough to have been blessed with, especially during our structural and establishment period. 


 John crossed over at age 69, of terminal cancer in Santa Clara County, California. 

 1946 - 2016

 John was born in Omaha, Nebraska on  the day  after Vanentine's- February 15, 1946. He grew up in small towns near the Santee Sioux Reservation in northern Nebraska near the southeast corner of South Dakota.  His father was Santee Sioux and his mother was of MexicanIndian lineage. Hismotherpassedon when he was just 6 years old.


John was best known as a frontline freedom-fighter attempting to preserve and defend Indigenous rights. In addition to being an  Indigenous rights activist, John was also renowned  as being a poet, musician, actor, prophet and spiritual motivator and counselor for Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea of the Pacific Northwest, and a frontline Hemp & Cannabis activist.


In 1963 when John was 17 years old, he dropped out of high school and joined the US Navy. He served two tours during the early years of the Vietnam War and stayed in the Navy until 1967. In 1969 when Native American students and organizers occupied Alcatraz Island from November 20, 1969 to June 11, 1970 John was among them and hosted "Radio Free Alcatraz." That group became  known as “Indians of All Tribes,” and they issued the manifesto, We Hold the Rock, and eventually the book, Alcatraz is Not an Island


John held the First Chair position as national chairman for AIM (the American Indian Movement from 1973 until 1979, and from then on maintained focus on emphasizing that all these political actions were not just moral, ethical issues but were legal issues, according to Native treaty rights and federal trust responsibilities.  The scattering of activists after the BIA take-over led to AIM actions at the Custer County Courthouse, followed by the 1973 Liberation/Occupation of Wounded Knee village by AIM and the Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization.


He was also involved with the Seva Foundation and their great many Native American programs, and was the co-founder of Hempstead Project Heart with Willie Nelson, another elder member of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea. In 1990 John Trudell also took part in Tony Hymas's Oyaté project.


His second wife Tina Manning- Trudell's father was a member of the Duckwater Shoshone Tribe's Tribal Council who was working for treaty rights until the murder of  she, their 3 children, Ricarda Star, Sunshine Karma, and Eli Changing Sun, and Tina's mother Leah Hicks-Manning at the dishonorable hands of the federal government. Tina was pregnant at the time with their son Josiah Hawk. 
















 Tina's mother Leah, was a coordinator for social services on the reservation, and Tina had been working actively in a local campaign to preserve the tribe's water rights at Wildhorse Resorvoir until her murder. The house fire that killed Trudell's family happened within 24 hours of him burning a US flag on the steps of the FBI building in Washington D.C. in protest of the government's treatment of Native Americans and the Sioux Nation.


About six months after the deaths of his family, John Trudell started writing poetry. He described what would become his life's  work by saying: “They're called poems, but in reality they're lines given to me to hang on to.” Hundreds of poems John wrote, many of which went on to become songs  beginning in 1982 when he set them to traditional American "Indian" music . 


In all, John wrote and published the following three books:


  • Living in Reality: Songs Called Poems, Society of the People Struggling to be Free, 1982, 

  •  Stickman: Poems, Lyrics, Talks, 1999,

  •  Lines From a Mined Mind: The Words of John Trudell, 2008.


John Trudell performed and released on the following 18 albums:

  • 1983 Tribal Voice

  • 1986 aka grafitti Man (with Jesse Ed Davis)

  • 1987 ...But This Isn't El Salvador (as Tribal Voice)

  • 1987 Heart Jump Bouquet (with Jesse Ed Davis)

  • 1991 Fables and Other Realities

  • 1992 Child's Voice: Children of the Earth (vocals performed by Trudell's daughters)

  • 1992 AKA Grafitti Man

  • 1994 Johnny Damas & Me

  • 1999 Blue Indians

  • 2001 Descendant Now Ancestor (spoken word)

  • 2001 Bone Days (produced by the actress Angelina Jolie)

  • 2003 The Collection: 1985-1992 (anthology of first six albums)

  • 2005 Live à Fip

  • 2007 Madness & The Moremes (double album)

  • 2010 Crazier Than Hell

  • 2014 Through The Dust (with Kwest)

  • 2015 Wazi's Dream (feat. Bad Dog: Quiltman, Mark Shark, Billy Watts, Ricky Eckstein)

  • 2016 Like Broken Butterflies (with Kwest)

  • ​

His music draws from a blend of styles, including rock, blues and native beats, pop and political protest songs, and ultimately he won recognition at the NAMMY awards in 1999 for his album "Blue Indians."


Trudell created a career as an actor, performing in roles in "Pow Wow Highway" (1989), Thunderheart (1992), On Deadly Ground (1995) and Smoke Signals (1998) (as the Radio speaker Randy Peone on K-REZ radio[21]). He was an adviser to the production of Incident at Oglala, directed by Michael Apted and produced by Robert Redford. A kind of companion piece to the fictional Thunderheart, the 1992 documentary explores facts related to the 1975 shooting of two FBI agents at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, for which Leonard Peltier was convicted in 1977. In Thunderheart, Trudell played a character who resembles Peltier.  John also was in  the  movie  "Dreamkeeper" in 2003, "The Legends of American Nations Come to Life" features several traditional native stories. Trudell played a character named coyote in a story about A Spider and Coyote.


 Filmmaker Heather Rae spent more than a decade making a documentary about John's life titled "Trudell", which was released in 2005. Her intent was to demonstrate how his political and cultural activities were tied to contemporary history and inspired people.


John has several children, as he has said, “spread around the country so they will always be safe.” His daughters Sage, Song and Star are featured in the 2005 documentary and his daughter Tara and her sisters were at Alcatraz. His youngest boy, Cetan, lives in San Francisco. He also was a proud grandfather as well.

Elaine Sammons

 Elaine Sammons is a beloved ONAC KM member who was and will forever remain among the fuel of our forces in the fight for liberation of our mother medicine as well as the preservation of liberty and justice for all Oklevueha members passed away on the 26th of Febuary 2015.


 Elaine was a cancer survivor who turned to our mother medicine as an ace in the hole for her remission. She greatly improved in her battle, until it became known she was in remission, that is when her care deprivition began by medical professionals.


 Elaine was the glue of and for her relations, treasured mother of three, grandmother and great grandmother, Elaine truly lived a happy and blessed life.

 - 2016
Merle Haggard
 1937 - 2016

 Merle Ronald Haggard, honored and beloved elder member of ONAC KM crossed over at age 79 on his birthday, of complications from pneumonia at his 168-acre ranch outside Redding in the Lake Shasta area home in Northern California. Haggard recorded more than three dozen No. 1 country hits in a musical career that spanned six decades, from the 1960s into the 2010's.


 Beloved father of Seven, Merle was born in 1937 as the youngest of three children of James Frances Haggard and Flossie Mae nee Harp. He was born near Bakersfield, California in the small town of Oildale.


 Merle's father died when he was a 9 year young child, and he ran away from home, spent his teenage years in and out of reform schools, and later served five years in San Quentin prison. He drank -- one of his best-known songs is called "I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink" -- and partied. He was married five times.


Haggard was elected to the Songwriters' Hall of Fame in 1977. In 1994, his wealth of artistic achievements, including 38 No. 1 hits, earned him an induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame.


"A week ago dad told us he was gonna pass on his birthday, and he wasn't wrong. A hour ago he took his last breath surrounded by family and friends," said Merle's son Ben Haggard.

James T. Robison

 James Thomas Robison, honorary elder Mecautea counsel,  crossed over to the next realm on the 4th of May 2017 at the age of 94.


 James was born and raised in Los Angeles, California to his mother Freda Thomas and his father William E. Robison Sr., Growing up in the home, James had an elder brother "Bill" and his baby sister "Joy". James had an elder sister but she passed at just a month old, which is what prompted his parents to move out west from Kansas City, Missouri.


 1923 - 2017


 James attended and graduated from Freemont High School in Los Angeles, got married right out of high school, and then enlisted into the US Navy where he served in both World War 2 and in the Korean Conflict.


 James and his wife Thelma were blessed with a total of 5 children, four boys and a daughter, and from them, an abundance of grandchildren and great grandchildren!


 James worked as president of First National Bank for a grand total of 42 years before retiring and he enjoyed his golden years traveling the world with and too, spending time with his family. 


 James and his wife are layed to rest in riverside National Cemetery in California among his mother and step-father, brother and sister-in-law, and many other relatives who served in the armed forces and their spouses.

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Nathan Wilkerson
 1952 - 2017

Nathan "Nate" Crosson Wilkerson, a beloved member of ONAC KM passed away on Friday, May 30th 2017 at the age of 40 thanks to prescription opate medication being his only option for medicine. Nathan was an honorable front-line defender of Cannabis, Human Rights and Anti War, and believed in One Love, Universal Consciousness and cannabis liberation for one and all. He was also a culinary chef in the US Navy.


 Nathan was a graduate of Jacksonville University in Alabama, class of 2015 and also a graduate of Alexandria High School in Alabama, Class of 1995.



Funeral Services for Nathan Crosson "Nate" Wilkerson, 40 of Anniston were held at 3:00 pm, Sunday, July 2, 2017 at Gray Brown-Service Mortuary with Rev. David Phillips and Dan Mattox officiating. Burial followed at Antioch Baptist Cemetery.

Aaron J. McDaniel Jr.
 1952 - 2017

Aaron Julian McDaniel of Alameda, California passed away on the 20th of June 2017 at the age of 65 years 3 months.


 Aaron was born in Los Angeles, California in 1952 and grew up between there and Myrtle Beach, south Carolina.



Aaron was the third born son of his mother and father's four boys and then his mother went on to have the only baby sister he would have... Sachem Joy Graves.

 Aaron served in the Viet Nam conflict from 1970-1972 where he refused two purple heart medals and honorably discharged from the US Army where he additionally earned credentials as an electronics engineer.


 Aaron went on educationally to graduate from Chaffey Community College where he attained credentials in Photography and also too, photo journalism.


Additionally he attended and graduated from San Francisco Art Institute where he attained degrees in Fine Arts, sculpturing of sorts and also Photography.


 Aaron was also a musician who taught himself how to play guitar while serving our nation in combat in Viet Nam.

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 Aaron married his wife Debra in September of 1988. They had no children but many cats who filled their hearts and home with love.

Mark Heinrich
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        - 2017

April 22, 1955 - February 15, 2017

Mark Heinrich was a very strong and essential front line warrior for mother medicine and our pepople in Austrailia for many a year and will be sorely missed for all the wonderous strides he'd made in Austrailia's cannabis liberation movement.


Mark was recruited as a volunteer Moderator & contributing writer for 420 Magazine of which he took great pride in being as with  being deemed "International Visitor Coordinator" for Nimbin HEMP Industry and in his membership and activism for the "Hemp Party of Austrailia"


Peter Leveque
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 At about 11:00pm on the first of July in the year of 2017, Peter C. Walter Leveque, son of Dr. Phillip E. Leveque passed into the arms of those of his relations preceding him -- son Sean, Mother & father, along with sister Rochelle, his mother & father-in-law and others.


 Peter followed in the footsteps of his father as far as his passion for wanting to help comfort and heal his fellow human being by becoming a Registered Nurse.

He will find peace and be pain free in their comforting loving spirits.

        - 2017
Melissa Griggs
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Melissa Griggs, best known as proud native "Michigan Missy" broke the hearts of a great many on May 13, 2018 (Mother's Day) when Great Creator called her home to the netherworld, leaving behind a son, a daughter and her 73 year old mother who with her help remains fighting cancernow without her warrior daughter by her side.


Missy was born on the 5th of October in the year 1967. At the time of her death, the cause remained undetermined though many close to her suspect it May have had something to do with vaping. Ultimately though this could not be proven and so heart failure became he official prognosis. Later on the communiy would come to learn of contaminated vape pens that were linked to peoples deaths that had in fact hit Michigan state from as far away as California.


        - 2017
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Michael Dussault-Jensen
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        - 2018

On the night of June 5th, 2018 Great Creator called another frontline canna-warrior and beloved brother home to the realms of eternal peace. 

I am a computer technician and have been for over a decade now.  Being diagnosed with degenerative spinal disease and other major diseases I have been forced to live on a disability that barely covers my living expenses month to month. I am also a medicinal cannabis user as opiates are a short term fix (at best) for chronic pain. Whereas cannabis is a healthy alternative in many cases and it does work for me. I am a Canadian that believes Canada has got to remain sovereign to itself and not the USA. I have a family with 6 children, 2 grandchildren, 2 son in laws and a new grandaughter coming into this world in November of 2011. With these proposed laws and dehumanization of Canadians as well as our American neighbors how are our children supposed to enjoy the quality of life that they deserve to have?

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Michael McShane
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Michael McShane, a very beloved warrior member passed on to the angels the morning of August 7th, 2018. Michael originally was from Los Angeles, California but became best known for his frontline activism in Michigan and well-known for helping patients in need with RSO and buds and topicals and tinctures throughout the state of Michigan.


He was featured in the newspaper for fighting his cancer with RSO. He was also known for his love of helping those in need gain health... so others may live.


Michael passed in San Diego, California after a long uphill Painful and very Draining medical battle against cancer, may his spirit soar high and his spirit finally rest in paradise physically pain free.

        - 2018
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Lisa Lentz
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Lisa Lentz will forever be remembered and honored as the valient young warrior she was when it came to her fellow human beings. 


Lisa is survived by her mother, 

also her daughter Celes Lentz and her son Jake Lentz.


She also leaes behind many tear stained eyes including her best friend and mother-in-law Evelyn Lentz

   03/07/      - 04/13/2018
Ron Anderson
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Ronald Anderson, a very beloved warrior member passed on to the angels the morning ofFebuary 20th, 2020 in his home state of California after a long uphill  battle against cancer. Ron worked as a Programmer and IT Manager at Synergetic Data Systems Inc. from 2002 until his passing. Prior to that he owned his own company after years of being a sales consultant.


Ron LOVED the outdoors and loved seeking out new exciting adventures as well as enjoying the finer things in life, which his spirit was overfilled with.



May Ron's spirit soar high in the heavens and his body, mind and spirit finally rest in paradise eternally.

        - 2020
Charlotte Figi
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        - 2020
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Charlotte and her entire immediate family fell ill with the Covid-19 (aka Carona) Virus and it is with great heartbreak that her seizures returned during and the combination took her from mother world on April the 7th, 2020 while in the hospital. 

        - 2020

Charlotte and her entire immediate family fell ill with the Covid-19 (aka Carona) Virus and it is with great heartbreak that her seizures returned during and the combination took her from mother world on April the 7th, 2020 while in the hospital. 

Jaime Lyn Quinto
  02/01/1979      -06/ 2020

Jaime Lyn Quinto is an irreplaceable treasure to many including especially the KM spiritual tribal family. Jaime was a founder and officer member as well as secretary

Michael Reed
    09/25/    - 09/25/ 2020

Michael Reed is eternally remembered as a treasure spirit more pure than gold.

Timothy Andrew King

Timothy Andrew King is forever remembered as a warrior spirit who fought for truth liberty justice and peace for all upon and across mother globe. Born in Los Angeles, California on April 2nd in 1963, younges of his parents 3 sons.


Tim grew up a typical So-Cal boy, enjoying surfing, and all things fun in the sun thru to his mid-high school years which began at Huntington Park High and completed his high school and teenage years living and still loving the beach life in Morro Bay California to which he graduated from Morrow Bay High about 1981.


Tim entered into the U.S. Marine Corps. hoining  with MWSG-37 in the 3rd Marine Air Wing and served at El Toro 1981 thru 1983.


Tim was first drawn into the media world back in 1988 when he landed his first job serving as a News Anchor/Reporter for Lincoln City, Oregon`s cable TV station, TV 10. In toal Tim put in more than 30 years of passion into journalism and covered endless arrays of  global affairs including both he Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well as elsewhere including the on-going atrocities happening in the middle east which remained a very strong passion within his heart.


Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), the first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); awards from the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs including "The Silver Spoke Award" and the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting.


Tim is best remembered  throughout the Pacific Northwest as being a founder of which was the very first online news source on the internet he and Bonnie established for their children as a family legacy inheritance and remains where the strongest light of the King moral compass shines.


After a heart-breaking divorce from Bonnie, Tim would later proceed onward to become founder and chief news editor as well as journalist of Global News Centre. Additionally, Tim was honored to be a columnist at American Herald Tribune in Washington D.C., and anyalist for Press TV and also a staff writer at the, all of which he was proud to be part of until the accident and ultimately his passing of realms.


Anotther newfound passion for Tim was establishing as owner/operator of Salem Ghost Tours


On the evening of September 30th, 2020, word was received that Tim was involved in what would prove to be his final ride across town, while swerving to avoid a vehicle who abruptlypulle out in front of him, he wound up smacking Hard into another vehicle stopped at a turn light and causing great internal injuries and also amputation of his lower left leg from the knee down. Still facing multiple surgeries and on life support. On the night of October 3rd, his family made the decision to remove him from life support and with prayers and crossed fingers, see how it would go. Shortly later Tim succomed to his injuries and crossed over to eternal realms.



Tim is survived by 5 sons Nathan, Matthew, Austin, Sean & Christian and his first born grandson Ronin.

    04/02/1963    - 10/03/ 2020
Jason F. Wilcox

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