“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com

KM is a FREE and Vow of POVERTY Spiritual based collective organization ("Church") whom relies 1,000% upon it's members and supporters Willingness to pu forth positive effort and resource materials needed for our front-line warriors to continue the fight for our Creator given rights to exist and live in good medicine way all the days we are upon mother globe.
Spiritual Help
KM is a WARRIOR Soldier tribe of Great Creator who strives to preserve and protect the whole of the webs and sacred hoops of and all-encompassing to Creation. Actively doing such does wear on the morale of our front-line warriors, But seeing our fellow individual human being WILLING to show your appreciation for our efforts by respecting enough to stand among us and be counted, is the most valuable and priceless morale boost you could possibly ever be Hoped to willingly give.
As we are seeing more and more by the day, especially here upon Turtle Island (Continental North America), individual rights, civil liberties and freedoms are disregarded as obsolete and the voice of we individuals more and more go willfully Ignored, especially be those employed and paid to serve we and our best of interests.
COLLECTIVELY however, and especially as the voice of a Church, we the warriors of Great Creator are re-staking our rightful claim of right entitlement of RESPECT and POWER as intended for as living breathing human beings and As protected in man's Written Laws. We WILL be heard and we WILL NOT back down from our front-line advocacy for our people and whole of mother planet with or without any one specific person because we ARE the Mecautea (Warrior Soldiers) of Kautantowit (Great Creator) and that is our obligation and expectation so long as we live and breath life upon mother globe in our physical earthly existence for he sake of the proceeding future generations and their best interest.
Here are two very simple ways YOU can help us to make the much needed positive differences in the right here right now and that don't cost a single cent IF your interested:
Mentorship Programs
If you are interested in contributing to our efforts, KM do offer the following ADDITIONAL benefit options for your consideration regarding solidifying your treasured membership into our spiritual tribal family, and we hope you will check them out and see if any interest you... just click on any of the following links for more specific information if you would please, and thank you in advance for even just considering them!
Membership Certificates
Letter of Good Standing
Physical Help
As a pro-active organization, KM is constantly finding ourselves in siuations of positive opportunity ariseBUT we Lack physical presence willing to put forth the good medicine time, energy and efforts needed and depended upon to keep flourishing in the ways the whole of creation are depending upon us to successfully do. And so, we need YOU if you've got some time on your hands, unique gifts and tanents your willing to contribute and share, great and small.
Volunteer Staff Positions
Adoption Options
Materialistic Help
KM is an actively active collective of like-minded human beings who strive Daily to make a positive Good Medicine effort, but with effort comes financial expense, and being a FREE and Vow of Poverty organization only makes our struggles that much harder to achieve.
Financial Help
KM is unlike the great majority of church and other "Non-Profit" organizations you will likely encounter throughout your lifetime in that
We Do NOT Do the following:

OBLIGATE/EXPECT "Tithings/Pledges"
Instead, we prefer to EARN our way and our keep, which is why you will find the following options offered for your consideration IF you would like or are willing to consider supporting our efforts and flourishment. We kindly ASK that you take a few moments of your time and click on any/all offering options we have included below for your convenience:
KM have a handful of different membership card options for our members (including our child churches members) and our confederated members to choose from which range in quality, style and Power.
We also have membership card options available for our Associate and Professional Supporters as well that also range in quality, style and Power for those who are interested. If you would like to learn more, please click on the link immediately below regarding membership card options, knowing there is NO OBLIGATION or EXPECTATION other than your mere Consideration, which we greatly appreciate... Thank you.
Membership Identification Card Options
Another way KM has chosen to Honorably attempt to generate the means necessary to operate as well as flourish is to establish a platform in which highlights our members unique gifts and artistic talents as well as to gather together as many resource and material options as is possible to best benefit our members as well as our spiritual tribal family and the whole of our communities throughout society as a whole... all in one spot which We call "KM's Den" - we Hope that you will take a few quick moments and check it out.
Because we are fortunate enough to have so many wonderfully gifted and talented members who Do appreciate your interest and willingness to support our efforts in and for Good Medicine ways, KM remain constantly excited to become in position to offer Fundraisers as a means of helping to gather support and resources together to benefit good causes internally as well too as beyond the KM spiritual tribal family circle as well. Please click on the link below to see if we have anything going that may be of interest to you.
Km's fundraisers