“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
Unification Confederation Options
Because we KNOW that individuallly, our voices are more often than not Overlooked by those who wish to not hear what we personally have to say, including those whose jobs it is to listen to us when we speak and too, to Honor and Respect what we have to say and teach them... BUT that Collectively our voices are harder for them to Ignore, we are Honored to be in the position of establishing our Unification Confederation Options in the hopes of ensuring our voices Are heard and too, that our efforts DO make the positive Good Medicine in which they were initiated and intended.
Please understand that these options we are going to touch on below, are in addition to our different options for individual membership adoption into Kautantowit's Mecuatea, that these are for collective groups and organizations and such which align in our goals as Kautantowit's Mecautea. We are honored in that we have these unique few additional option opportunities To offer, and we feel they might prove to be of interest and benefit to any like-minded among you who represent a collective voice based organization in which Kautantowit's Mecautea share interest and effort toward.
We feel that by our ability to extend this type of a membership option so you can give in whatever way is best for you. Learn more about these special giving programs and their exclusive benefits:
If you are a member, leader or founder of a collective group that are focused on protecting and preserving the rights of All human beings as allotted us by Creator, we Hope that this if not another might prove to be a wonderful option of consideration we can present to the table for you that will help us all support our fellow human beings in the good medicine ways that Creator wishes for us to strive toward doing.
Earth Conservation Guardian Mecautea
If you are a member of an organization or other such group of people whom are dedicated into making positive efforts and strives toward preserving our beloved Mother Earth and aiding in the conscious awareness seemingly lacking over the last so many hundred years here, longer elsewhere, and basically for Too Long Everywhere across our globe as far as Our species of created being is concerned, we hope to find that this Unification Confederation oprtion proves beneficial not only to use but to the whole of life living within the web of our beloved creation gifted us by Creator to honor, enjoy and Benefit while we're here wandering about it as we daily do.
Land, Air and Sea Critter Beings Guardian Mecautea
Most individual human beings find themselves magnetically drawn to one sort of animal species or another throughout the coarse of their lifetime, and not just one but many. As we do, we happen upon groups and organizations which are geared toward positively benefitting the preservation of an animal species in a good medicine and honorable way. As a Critter Being Guardian, we humbly extend the hand of Unification Confederation between your organization and our church by encouraging you to collectively Mecautea,
Plant, Tree and Fungi Guardian Mecautea
As a defender of Mother Earth, so to comes some coals which spark our individual beings even more so than do others, and we know that the plant, tree and fungi are among the most important of them. As the front line warriors of Creator in regards to his creation, this is why we cannot help but to conclude anything otherwise than the fact that this Unification Confederation option is absolutely Essential for any and everyone of you who are involved in collective community organizations whom are geared specifically towards the preservation and honoring of our beloved and extremely necessary Plant, Tree and Fungi Medicines!
Tribal Wisdom Restoration Guardian Mecautea
If you are a member or a leader and or organizer of a group that is organized with the purpose of making a commitment toward preserving and restoring the cultural wisdom and creed inheritances oppressed and out-right attempted to be forever lost and forgotten from among our tribal brother and sister relations, we believe that This might prove to be the absolute Best opportunity option that Kautantowit's Mecautea may have to offer you right here in our Tribal Wisdom Restoration Guardian Mecautea.