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“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email:
The United Cannabis Ministry of the Pacific Northwest
Our initial birth as an infant church was in the golden state of California of the United Cannabis Ministry (UCM) to the care of Reverend's Steven & Seeva Cherms. Our name was publicly established as being The United Cannabis Ministry of the Pacific Northwest.
Being born a completely FREE church in every way 100% as UCM along with our family relations growing up as such plus proceeding onward in life's journey, we began to flourish beyond the scopes and deeper into Civil Rights defense. Then our elder now ancestor Abba bestowed upon we specifically the additional task of proteccting not only specifically the "Manna Medicines" but ALL Creator gifted and mother earth bestowed natural earthly medicines which include but not limit to all plants, fungi, minerals and trace minerals, metals, vitimins, liquids, and so forth as intended and instructed by Great Creator to be our inheritance as earth born living breathing beings all our days completely co-dependant and Dependant upon our earthly mother.
Soldiers of Jah Ministries (SOJM)
Our initial free standing was as Soldiers of Jah Ministries (SOJM) which was ceremonially consecrated into existence on Valentines Day of 2010 by the respect and blessing by many varying spiritual and religious based faith's to to avoid any form of backlash upon our Abba's already flourishing Cannabis Ministries as well as his Global Cannabis and true Hemp Liberation movement.
In effort of being beneficial as well as successful in our expectation standards as well as maintaining complete integrity in our moral compass, SOJM sought out a "Brick and Morter Building" in respect to societies conclusion being tha such does a "Real Church" make. To accomplish such flourishment, SOJM Finally incorporated itself with the state of Oregon in early 2011.
Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM)
KM as more commonly referred to beings most remain insecure in attempting to pronounciate the full name, is in essence the Same as Soldiers of Jah Ministries (SOJM) in that it is also a Spiritually based core root collective organization open to ALL human beings and their individual as well as collective belief systems and claims inalienable birth-rite inheritaance to ALL Creator made earthly creation in respectful moderation towards all including Especially our beloved mother earth.
The "Blessing of the name" is not just of the name itself Bu also and more-so on the Acknowledgement of such recognition as well too as ensuring the Obligation and Expectations are clearly and coherently comprehended as well. The short of it is that it's the tribes acknowledgement that SOJM was evolving honorably into Kauantowit's (Great Creator's) Mecautea (Warrior soldiers who Fight Off evil and the enemy) and too, proof of fulfillment of the coming Eighth sacred fire times that are vastly approaching Turtle Island... that we were soon back in that time to become honorable warriors of the rainbow as well as among the builders of rainbow bridge as prophecized by their tribal elders now ancestors such as Crazyhorse.
Also we became among the "re-weavers" of the many great sacred hoops woven with webs of various hoops within the sacred hoop webs of earthly as well as father skies, which we know each are endless of the "Grander scheme" or "bigger piture" of creators created hoops that entail existence.
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM)

Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) is a Turtle Island tribally based belief and religious organization that contain additional concepts, beliefs, practices and sacredness etc.
ONAC KM as more commonly called and referred to, is the focal Oklevueha branch of both Oregon and Washington states, and too, is honored as being among the front-line branches of Oklevueha in the defense and preservation of the right to utilize ALL of our Mother Earth produced Creator given medicines Including but no limited to such sacred essential medicines as "Cannabis" and what KM refers to as the "Manna medicines" as well.
Due to her unquestionable loyalty to the preservation of the foundation that root values of both the Oklevueha Native American Church and the Naive American Church of he Morning Star and Half Moon, and his very PERSONAL REASONS for wanting to help to ensure the preservation of his and All indigenous tribal cultures of Turtle Island, his knowledge of Native creed, and too, his LIFETIME of daily CREED of and among the Original Paiute tribe, Sachem Graves has also been blessed with a Second Independently established of Oklevueha 'Wahupta Oyate" (Cannabis Nation) rooted in heart of central California, and has been declared Emissary as well as official spokesperson for the whole of the Oklevueha Native American Church tree.
Additionally Sachem Graves has been solidified by Oklevueha founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney as being in fact a bona-fide medicine person according o native tradition, "Especially when it comes to the dealing and administering of Cannabis sacrament" in a court of law an on the official record. Since that time, James also declared Graves as able to bless both Inipi Lodge as well as actual Oklevueha Church branches into official existence!
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