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                                Welcome to Kautantowit's Mecautea


It's important that you know first and foremost, we were, are and maintain ourselves as an independent church, and understand how legally we have came to be that way.  We as Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) are an aboriginally based "church" that was established as Soldier's of Jah Ministries (SOJM) in the Pacific Northwest in early 2011. Some of our more notable credentials come through blessings gifted our sachem and spiritual leader, sachem Joy Graves.

First, we would like to begin by explaining to you what Kautantowit's Mecautea means, and then we will go in a bit to the goals, beliefs, teachings, functionings Etc. as to what we're all about. Kautantowit is the Narragansett tribal word for "Great Creator", and Mecautea means "Great Warrior soldiers whom fight off evil and the enemy", so, in short, we as Kautantowit's Mecautea are in fact Great Creator's warrior soldiers whom fight off evil and the enemy! This name was blessed to us by Narragansett tribal chief sachem Matthew 'Seventh Hawk' Thomas on the 31st of August in the year 2013 KNOWING it was a blessing of recognition of we as a church and acknowledging us as being of the rainbow Warrior tribal nation prophecized long ago and passed down as such in regards to this generation and our role in the fulfilling of the 7th sacred fire times.


 The next logical question most likely have at this point, is, whom are the "Enemy" in which a "Church" would declare? The answer from our position and perspective as KM is simple, it is not We whom declare our enemies, it is those who choose to declare themselves an enemy of All of ours when They choose to stand against Great Creator and Creator's creation. We are all part of Creators creation, and though we may be but a single thread in the web of creation, we each are a significant part of creation with the obligation and expectation to honor, respect and preserve the whole of it above Most others because WE are the Warrior Soldiers OF Great Creator!

We then willingly agreed to associate as well as confederate with other like-minded churches and still to date are continuing to do so With like-minded and honorable people and churches, especially those willing to rise as fellow Mecautea and For those who for whatever reason are unable to rise and stand on or for themselves.


Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church founder 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney came to sachem Graves  in August of 2013 seeking such a confederation, and in addition to it, blessing her as a medicine woman and Then additionally blessed our church as an ONAC in which we became publicly known as Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea, more commonly known as "ONAC KM." The Native American Church of Morning Star and Half Moon also has come to KM and have gifted sachem Graves with the blessing of ordainment and medicine person for their NAC, and too, have extended the same blessing for KM which came to us in the form of a blessing as Kautantowit's Mecautea Native American Church, or "KM NAC" in September of 2017!

It is important to TRY to emphasize the significance and importance of this for and well beyond the scope of Kautantowit's Mecautea as this is HISTORIC in a multitude of ways because we as KM are and should well be Honored beyond to be part of such a historic event as this created. ONAC has Never been respected by any NAC because of the questionable honor and integrity surrounding them, and especially publicly seen over the last few Years, the NAC's have out-right and point blank stood directly Against ONAC across the board! Most, including Especially "Indian Country" never Thought they would see the Day that a NAC stood Anywhere NEAR an ONAC, but in KM this historic event has Now officially taken place as of November 2017 as both stand with Kautantowit's Mecautea!

 Aside from that momentous occasion, all would agree that the second aspect of this being a Historic event is in that no-one ever thought they would see the day that a NAC would rise to stand for ALL indigenous earth-based medicines, especially specifically in the defense of our mother medicine Cannabis... but it IS the case here in the Native American Church of Morning Star and Half Moon's blessing to KM and it specifically reflects as so in the official Ordainment document given to Graves in November of 2017. We highly encourage you to check out our page that goes into this in more depth than we do here because it is amazing, beautiful and absolutely mind-blowing when you really take a moment to stop and truly understand it.

We continue flourishing including establishing limbs as well as producing pine-cones we Hope to see grow into strong healthy independent trees of their own and continue to do all we can to aid and assist in them doing so. Our associations and confederations continue to flourish as well. as do abundant blessings because we maintain the good medicine road in spite of the great many obstacles that have bumpied our journey... but we know it's worth it so we tread onward... and our faith continues to pay off in the greater good for the whole of us... further validating us as the true Mecautea of the Rainbow!

 Historically, the most common division that was applied to the native born peoples of the America's was in the declaration establishment of "the tribe." A tribe was an indigenous group that shared a common language, common beliefs, and who saw themselves as sharing a common heritage. In their own language, they often named themselves "the people", such as did the tribe of our Sachem's great grandmother and in turn. so do we as Kautantowit's Mecautea!.


 Today, many tribes call themselves nations because they fit the basic definition of a nation. The term "First Nations" is used commonly to refer to the various indigenous groups living in Canada, and some tribal governments in the United States, e.g, the Navajos, have voted to refer to themselves as nations. The rest of us, not born upon a POW Camp, aka "Indian Reservation" With a certain amount of "tribal blood quantum" (1/4 if Not more and Not mixed If that minimal), well we are the Mongreal Americans... the one's no-one wants around and yet everyone seems to blame... for Everything. Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) strive to overcome that line of division... meaning in turn that ALL of our fellow human beings can come to learn the traditional ways necessary to properly live with our land, especially those born here on what we know to be "Turtle Island".


 The term "tribe" often has connotations of being a primitive grouping, but just as indigenous languages can be very sophisticated and complex, so can the social systems of tribes. Some tribes can be very similar to other tribes, speaking dialects of the same language and practicing similar customs. However, they can also be very different from each other with their languages as different as Chinese is from English, and their customs as different as well.

 Most "American Indian" tribes or nations have internal subdivisions. One of the most common is the clan, which consists of members who are related to each other theoretically or actually. Because KM as it's Own independent church blessed by  a tribe and Two Native American Churches, we Are honored and declared as being Spirit Bear Clan, and as we continue growing and producing offspring "children" KM are birthing Clans! The true honor of being bear clan is beyond descriptive words, as Inasmuch as the Thunderbird Clan did not originate from the earth, they have no control over it... the Bear Clan leader is in charge of all things on the earth's surface.  Sometimes, tribes and clans were also divided into bands and other smaller groups, which is what we have began doing as well as we continue to flourish as Kautantowit's Mecautea and prove to need to.


 Many but not All tribes are matriarchal in their disposition. Kautantowit's Mecautea is Matriarchal but we Do have Patriarchal offspring such as is seen in our child churches such as in Winidigo Kahn of KM which roots in the Ojibwe tribe of Leech Lake, a Patriarchal based tribe. Historically speaking, according to the tribal ways and Creed of the "American Indians" where  in that a child is "born into" one's mother's clan, all adopted members into KM are so determined and declared to be of the Matriarchal Bear Clan that is Kautantowit's Mecautea of the Rainbow Warrior tribal nation whether they themselves turn out to be Matriarchal Or Patriarchal! 

 After the Thunderbird Clan, the Bear Clan was the most important, its prominence owing mainly to its function: members of this clan being called mą́ną́pe, conventionally translated as "soldiers," although their function was rather more like that of police officers. This is one of the obligations Oklevueha emphasized they needed and expected of us when they blessed us as an ONAC... that we would be the warriors to honorably protect they and all our members. The role of bear clan, meaning the obligation expectation set upon us by Creator, has Always been to, to ensure proper discipline within the tribe, and to control prisoners taken in war. 

 Historically bear clan were always known and to be respected as being the village criers (wijája) who went about making known the commands of the chief.* The chief never gave orders to the people directly, but informed the Bear Clan who then spoke on his behalf. The Bear Clan would also announce through the village any upcoming council meeting. A Bear Clan guard would be stationed by the chief's lodge. When the chief woke up in the morning, it was time for the whole village to arise. It was the duty of the Soldier, the Bear clan to announce that the chief was awake and that it was time for everyone to get up. This is another reason why ONAC declared sachem Graves as being the Spokesperson for the whole of ONAC since back in 2014!

 In Bear Clan, the members advise the sachem by coming to a position by majority rule. The leader then makes his decision after obtaining this collective advice. Then someone is appointed to represent their opinion in council. Kautantowit's Mecautea functions in the exact same way, and too, have many councils within our core structuring. KM have general councils and specialty councils as well as high councils, elder councils, emissary councils which ultimately go to the Supreme High Council BEFORE reaching the Founder's council for final decision, which ultimately can only be vetoed by the sachem herself IF such a decision is to ever be made.


Besides being seen as good medicine and healers in Native American folklore, bears are often portrayed as a sort of enforcer figure who punishes those doing wrong, which is now unfortunately what we have found ourselves struggling to do, especially when it's instructed that we become the disciplinary to our own siblings of ONAC, and Without any official support from ONAC who continues expecting it be done, and may choose to wheel severe to extreme unjust punishment If we should fail or even refuse. 


We explain all of this so that you have a more clear coherent understanding as to why when looking at a group such as ours, that you understand how to parallel's to our family trees, because we as the churches we are are to be viewed as being our own living breathing being, and so it's the easiest way we can think to paint the moral picture for you and especially so for our members. 


"ONAC KM" is but only ONE of our blessings as a Native American Church, Kautantowit's Mecautea has gained another Native American Church blessing as well in Addition to the ONAC blessing and recognition as a Native American Church... we have been gifted the blessing of "KM NAC" from the Native American Church of Morning Star and Half Moon as well as of September of 2017!


 Sachem Graves has also honored by the Sovran Tuscarora Nation and Native American Church of Canada as a director, and also she has been declared a founder of Broken Arrows Native American Church of the Morning Star as well.


Now, onto our Bands. Bands were formed by grouping of tribal clan members that tended to live and travel together, just as do a wolf pack. That combined with the fact that our name Mecautea was given us distinctly declaring us as being "Warrior Soldiers", our Wolf Band was first response to our Sachem's smoke and prayers regarding our core functioning root systems as Kautantowit's Mecautea. This too is why our Mecautea Tactical Preservation Training Program is governed under our Wolf Band as it is they who are best suited to provide such crucial education. We as KM do have additional Bands within as well including various bear clans, buffalo and on down the animal totem.

 Finally, we speak of the smallest yet most key essential of the "American Indian" groupings within a tribe...  "Extended Families." Many American Indian families are "extended families," where grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins often live nearby and are in constant contact with each other. All members of the extended family may help with child rearing. For example, in some tribes, uncles have an important role in disciplining their nieces and nephews as if they were the parent themselves. In some tribes, an aunt is addressed with the same term of "mother" as a child's biological mother.


A perfect example of an extended family member to Kautantowit's Mecautea are found in our Confederations. If you would like to know who are extended family include,please check out our Confederations page.  Educators working with extended families need to know that grandparents, uncles, and aunts may play an important role in their students' lives and that is why we as Kautantowit's Mecautea also honor and strive to maintain it.

Awânick ûchick ? = “Who are these              people ?

 The basic foundation of Kautantowit's Mecautea are deeply planted in the Creator Given rights that the all of creation here upon mother world that were given we who exist here. We not only Believe that we have the right to exist, live, and aspire to be, succeed and achieve happiness, we demand it, nor will we accept any Less Than those of our rights honored by the all encompassing our existence here among the creation.  


 Because we rightfully take this stand, here upon the land of our and our relations birth, in short, we are known and commonly referred to as "The Native American Civil Rights Church." What many do Not realize though, is that to  a "Native American" does not mean nor Require that a person be born a "federally recognized American Indian"... that Everyone born upon either chunks of land called "The America's" are encouraged and invited to check us out, see what we're all about, and if we're a church organization that you might be spiritually motivated to become part of with us and that ALL Human Beings from wherever upon the globe Are Welcomed to attend as well as Join us.


 So many people born and living upon the land here are not happy with the way things are being done, run, dictated as well as squandered. For at Least the last 40 years, the people have complained about corruptness in government, yet still turn to and rely upon the same systems functioning to somehow magically correct it, which is rather rediculous and ultimately proving a pointless and wasted effort. Meanwhile, day by day, each of all we the livings rights are being infringed upon if not outright being lost to us.


 Too many have fought hard, and even gave up their literal lives in effort of protecting the land as well as preserving our rights to exist upon it to simply stand by and watch it happen without Some form of effort. That is what KM is... an option of opportunity being offered our communities within society to honorably continue in the defense and preservation and our right to exist upon the earth, and learn too how to respectfully live With she and all the web of living creation as well as for mother earth to lovingly support and care for us and our descending generations.

None of us asked to be born here... none of us had any say in any of it... Creator decided all upon his own... we are to either accept it... or... not, but, it is what it is and that's the bottom line truth and fact of the case.

 We... are the Warriors that the tribal elders of the America's spoke and taught about... until they were victimized beyond measure until they vowed to turn from the teachings and wisdom of their ancestors and cling to that which was force-indoctrinated into they and all of us... the "Ways of Oppressor" as we call it... government, religion and politic "Systems"... builders of the Rainbow Bridge of Unification, and make no mistake, we are far from Idle nor will we tolerate Victimization on Any Level, especially when it comes to our members!

Kuppeeyaúmen!    We are coming!

 Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) is the grassroots independent Church of and for all the living beings upon Mother Earth. We are blessed and recognized as being the front line Martyr defenders and physical symbolical fulfillment's as the Rainbow Warriors of the prophecy that are to unite all the skins of human being upon Turtle Island, as just shared in part with you above... that Is our purpose & position!  

 These are Some of the virtues of a Kautantowit's Mecautea warrior. These are the very characteristics that have made the mystique of the warrior legendary, even today.

Our Way

Kautantowit's Mecautea




Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people. Believe in justice, not from other people, but from yourself. To the true Exemplar, there are no shades of gray in the question of honesty and justice. There is only right and wrong.



A Warrior has no reason to be cruel. They do not need to prove their strength. An Exemplar is courteous even to his enemies. Without this outward show of respect, we are nothing more than animals.



Rise up above the masses of people who are afraid to act. Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A Fighter must have heroic courage. It is absolutely risky, It is dangerous. It is living life completely, fully, wonderfully. Heroic courage is not blind, it is intelligent and strong.



A true person of honor has only one judge of honor, and this is him/herself. Decisions you make and how these decisions are carried out are a refection of whom you truly are. You cannot hide from yourself.



Through intense training the Fighter becomes quick and strong. He is not as other men. He develops a power that must be used for the good of all. He has compassion. He helps his fellow man at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise, he goes out of his way to find one.



When a Warrior has said he will perform an action, it is as good as done. Nothing will stop him from completing what he has said he will do. He does not have to "give his word." He does not have to "promise."



For the Warrior, having done some "thing" or said some "thing," he knows he owns that "thing." He is responsible for it, and all the consequences that follow. A Warrior is immensely loyal to those in his care, to those he is responsible for, he remains fiercely true.


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