“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
Sacred Feather Messages
The spiritual meaning of feathers
As a symbol across many cultures, feathers have always represented a connection to spiritual realms and to divinity. And because of their connection to birds, they have always been a symbol of flight and freedom, not just physically, but also in a mental or spiritual sense.
Like a bird that soars through the boundless sky and has a view of all things from high above, feathers symbolize the ability to transcend and move beyond your mental barriers and limitations - to see the larger picture and understand what really matters.
Since time immemorial, various cultures from all around the world consider feathers as magical, mystical items that, when encountered, signal a special message to the receiver. It’s a belief that is seen in most tribal/ancient cultures, from the Egyptians and the Celtics, to the Native Americans and the Aborigines of Australia. All around the world, people revere feathers as a direct line to the divine.
Animism which embodies the spiritual idea that all natural things within the universe, including birds, have souls or spirits. Animists believe that souls or spirits exist, not only in humans, but also in birds, their feathers and in animals, plants, rocks and natural phenomena. The doctrine of animism is that everything is alive, and possesses an inherent virtue, power and wisdom.
​Simply put, animism is a world-view according to which all things – animals, plants, rivers, weather systems, even spoken words, buildings and other structures as well as certain artifacts – are experienced as animate and alive. It is sometimes described as a “religious”, or more accurately spiritual, belief that various objects, places, creatures and other livings forms possess distinctive spiritual qualities.

Being given a feather of any kind was considered a gift. However, the feathers of Bald and Golden Eagles are considered the most prestigious. This is because Native Americans believe that because these eagles soar so high in the air they have a connection with the heavens. Eagles are believed to be sent by the gods. Eagles are the most important of all Native American feathers, because they are supposed to be the superior species of bird.
Once a Native American feather is given to a tribesman it must be displayed proudly. It can be hung in the home, or attached to an article of clothing. It is considered disrespectful to place the feather somewhere it can not be seen.
The individual in possession of the Native American feather is also responsible for it well being. It must be cared for and kept out of harms way. It should be seen a s a daily reminder of how one should behave. It should be kept clean and never touch the ground for any reason.
A feather from an eagle symbolizes great strength, courage leadership and prestige. The bald eagle and the golden eagle were considered sacred birds
A feather from a hawk symbolizes guardianship, strength and far-sightedness
A feather from the hummingbird symbolizes love, beauty, intelligence - A Spirit Messenger and Stopper of Time
A feather from a owl symbolizes wisdom, the ability to see things normally, a creature of the night - silent and swift,
A feather from a falcon symbolizes soul healing, speed and movement
A feather from a raven symbolizes creation & knowledge - the Bringer of the Light
A feather from a crow symbolizes balance, release from past beliefs, skill and cunning
A feather from a dove symbolizes love, gentleness and kindness
A feather from a bluebird symbolizes happiness and fulfilment
A feather from a Woodpecker symbolizes self discovery
A feather from a turkey symbolizes abundance, pride and fertility
A feather from a heron symbolizes patience, grace and confidence
A feather from a Swallow symbolizes peace and love
A feather from a kingfisher symbolizes luck, patience, speed and agility
Sparrows: The sparrow is the bringer of joy, protection, friendships and togetherness (team work) a very fortunate bird to see or dream of. Great things are on their way to you.
A feather from a Wren symbolizes protection
Cardinals: You have an extremely spiritual nature. You are loved, and loved ones are letting you know they’re ok. The cardinal is known as a spiritual messenger from the other worldly realms. It can also symbolise power, wealth, harmony and love. So if you’re single, this is a great sign for you.
Peacocks: Pride, honour, beauty, and importance. You need to learn to love yourself again. It’s time to for rebirth and new direction. Shed your cocoon and turn into that beautiful butterfly (or in this case peacock).
Feather Colours and Signs
As well as which species of the bird the feather comes from, the colour of it also gives great meaning. Just how colours contribute how we think, feel, and act, Native Americans view different colours as signs from the spirit.
Orange, for many tribes, associates with the sacral chakra, conveying physical love, energy, creativity, optimism, and success. Pink often represents romance, friendship, compassion, empathy, kindness, and inspiration.
Red usually connects to the root chakra relating to life, force, passion, courage, good fortune, and emotion.
Blue can relate to the throat chakra. This means communication, peace, knowledge, and spiritual connection.
Purple often connects to the universal consciousness, higher thought, and heightened spirituality.
While black is often associated with death, this isn’t always the case. It can also represent growth, protection, and closing a chapter.
And if a black feather is shimmering, it means ‘high mystical insight’.
Similarly perceived as it is in most cultures around the globe, a pristine white feather represents peace, purification, faith, and the heavens among many tribes.