“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
The majority of Your role in the Cleansing & Renewal Ceremony as the person Seeking the ceremony is to be pre-prepared By You 24 hours Before the ceremony is to commence in the following way:
All you will need for this, is some paper, a pen, and you being true with your inner-most self.
What your going to do is grab a piece of paper and then Label this paper:
'I Am Releasing ALL Emotions and Regrets from my Body, Mind And Soul'
This is the page(s) where every issue of concern and or stress, disappointment, heartache, pain, suffering, let down, etc. physically as well as mentally and spiritually including every could have, would have or should have that's distressing to you
are to be written down. Write a word, a list, a paragraph or a page of detail as Your Spirit and soul guide you. Your feelings MATTER, so recognize them as part of you and respect them because ultimately they have made you who you are today.
By writing it, you are confirming giving yourself permission to feel, address, release, heal and then grow from it. This is not about forgetting it, this is to Not be burdened of hindered by them causing bad medicine within your daily life.
The feelings that bring you such as unworthiness or sadness is a life experience from the past. Nothing can be changed or relived, so the goal of this ceremony is to instead set yourself FREE~ acknowledgement is the first step in all things... followed by addressment and then healing in good medicine ways. Think of it like a physical cut... after the bleeding stops, you must look at and analyze the degree so to plan the course of treatment needed to get it healed as good as is possible. This is the same thing only on the non-physical levels.
Now we will proceed to Label the second aspect and paper(s) :
'I Am Creating my Future, Today'
This is where you're going to list Everything that you want to do, accomplish, create, manifest, strive for and BE!
It is YOUR Divine Right to be TRUE to YOUR HEART and this part of the ceremony reenforces that!!! Feel the feeling of receiving what you desire! Here is where you're going to give yourself permission to open the non-physical doors and let abundance flow in and encompass you in a shield bubble during the ceremony, allowing New pathways and the life of your dreams begin to present themselves to you......when YOU make this room for it.
That night, you are to bathe envisioning all the emotions contained within your pages washing Off of you and Into the pages. When you're done bathing, smudge yourself and then anoint yourself with essential oil of lavender, eucalyptus and cannabis on your chakra points and intensely upon your feet and then lay as flat as is possible in meditative position power-hand (The hand you write with) with palm and fingers down, receiving hand with palm and fingers pointing up, knees as close to together as they can be with feet flat as possible and toes pointing straight upward... eyes closed, mind clear and clearing. Incense and or medative music can be playing if you prefer, and unnatural light should be indirect if not off all together...but the key focus is to RELAX as much as is possible, for tomorrow will be a Big "Whole body" healing day!
In ceremony, you will go inside for an herbal sweat where specific healing herbs will be burned within the fire for your ingestion. This is when the Medicine Man/Roadman will lead you through the cleansing aspects of the ceremony The specifics will vary depending on the ceremony situation, but ultimately YOU will burn these first set of pages addressing the disappointments and cleansed of them as of that moment that the smoke carries everything listed up to the Great Creator for your release.
Next, the Medicine Man/Roadman will initiate the second phase of the ceremony... The Renewal aspect... to overfill the newly freed up area within your being. Again, this aspect will likely vary depending on the situation of the ceremony, but ultimately again YOU will burn these pages too, your hopes and dreams, for the same reason as you did the first set... for Creator to get and know them.
You will begin to feel a lifting of weight on your shoulders and chest as soon as you burn the first set of pages, though you may not truly know that you have released them to be felt, heard and seen by Great Spirit until the final conclusion of the ceremony, when you are smudged anew on your way out of the sweat and the healing song sung! Once outside, do not stray away, for there is one more important aspect to truly bring closure to the ceremony... and you as the patient need to be part of it.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the fire keeper will then prepare for the Burial of the fires remains. You are then going to initiate their burial into the ground as would the nearest member of a deceased persons loved one, into Mother Earth. The intention behind this is to 'plant the seeds for tomorrow and every day after'.