“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
KM NAC Membership Options
Thank you for coming This Far with your interest as to what we're about and what our purpose and objectives are, we greatly appreciate your interest.
So, here is Our mandated procedures regarding recognition of an applicant to be affiliated with the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon:
Individual Adoption by one or more of our Child Churches: Because the churches that we have adopted as the child churches of the Broken Arrow of the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon not only contain at least ONE officially ordained Spiritual Leader/Medicine Person of the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon but too, additionally carry a blessing upon the whole of their church, all members of our child churches Are recognized and honored as being Associated with us. However, there is a big difference in having that association And having Official recognition as being an Official Member of the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon directly via the Broken Arrow. One of the key essential differences Is that we stand By our child church and Do trust their judgement BUT without an Official Adoption being processed, we do NOT stand Directly with the what we call "Informally adopted member" our child church has adopted. IF your desire is to have the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon stand Unquestionably by your side as if you are one of our family, then we Highly Encourage you to ensure You initiate a formal "Official Adoption" through our child church so you can achieve that security personally for yourself and or your loved ones or other relations. Please understand that IF a member is caught being dis-aligned with Our Moral and Ethical Compass Code, we will NOT stand with or for you in whatever dishonorable situation you may find yourself in, regardless of whether your officially adopted or not - it's Important to Us that you understand and Respect this position BEFORE electing to and initiating yourself as a prospective member. We will NOT allow one or even a few bad seeds put the entirety of our church family in question when it comes to the Integrity of our position as a Native American Church and will make NO EXCEPTIONS to this strict code of standard. If you Cannot meet or agree to our compass, we thank you for your time and interest and Welcome you to still consider being an associate To us, but we could not in good conscious consider accepting and receiving you as among our Family as of the time.
Having clarified that, Below you will find the following membership options We offer You through the churches of our children"
Apprentice Adoption: An apprentice adoption is the basic membership option the the descendants of Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon offers as "Official Recognition" meaning that We stand Directly With you along with our child church who has willingly adopted and is now Sponsoring your ability to be our member. This option MUST BE ATTAINED before Any additional options For members become open to you, period, no exceptions.
This option is available to ANY human being Over the age of 13 years of age, though minors Will need a parent or guardian to consent, which we Do have a form for them to complete and also too, we have an option called a Family Ryder that we extend for members who have minor children younger than age 13 as well in the hopes it will help you.
Apprentice Adoption Packages are offered in the following link included here for your review and consideration, Please review them and determine Which Apprentice Adoption would personally best suit your needs as well as expectations:
2. Church Affiliation Adoption option: Our Church Affiliation Adoption option is an offering to our members in Good Standing which already have a Pre-Existing Church whom are seeking a layer of protection as well as recognition For Your Church.
This option will Require some additional contractual agreements ANNUALLY as well as a recommencement token offering Annually which you will be able to review in basic general format by clicking on the link provided here for your convenience:
3. Tribal Nation Confederation Adoption option: A Tribal Nation Confederation Adoption is an option which we Welcome ALL Tribal Nations to consider, whether federally recognized or Not, Especially those tribes which stand in support and solidarity for the goal of our objectives as the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon.
This option will Require some additional contractual agreements ANNUALLY as well as a recommencement token offering Annually which we KNOW will benefit our tribes immensely and will prove to be among the most Honorable endeavors we ever undertake. For more information and detail we Highly Encourage you to contact us with your inquiry and see how we may be of good medicine for your tribe and tribal community, we're confident we will have something to benefit you.
4. Corporation Affiliation Adoption option: Our Corporation Affiliation Association Adoption option is a unique opportunity for members and non-members alike who Support and Want to support the goals of our objectives as the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon family.
This option will Require some additional contractual agreements ANNUALLY as well as a recommencement token offering Annually which we believe will prove itself to be worth it's weight in gold in the broader scope of the picture, especially as we continue to flourish across as well as Beyond the bounds of Turtle Island!
Level One: Informal Adoption. "Initiate"
A Level One membership is the first formal step in adoption because it is our official documenting that you are in process of becoming an official member. Individuals over the age of 13, or under age 13 but with parent/guardian consent who are interested in becoming members of Kautantowit's Mecautea can initiate themselves or be initiated by their parent/guardian as a Level One which is an official Apprentice membership.
Initiating yourself into Level One is FREE of Charge. It consists of your submitting a formal request of membership consideration application, learning key points to being an KM Member including your benefits, obligations and basic standards of conduct expectation as a KM Member.
Applicants MUST Read and AGREE to the Moral Compass Code of Ethical Conduct of Kautantowit Mecautea in order to be considered for official membership. for your official record. If you cannot agree to respect our Moral Compass Code of ethical conduct then we ask that you kindly not apply for official membership into Kautantowit Mecautea as of the present time.
Once your application is received and processed. upon approval you will receive an official Letter from Kautantowit Mecautea Native American Church (KM NAC) either confirming or denying your membership application, whichever the case may be.
To learn more about the benefits of becoming a Level One Member in Kautantowit's Mecautea and to submit your request for membership consideration application, please click the following link here:
Level Two: Formal Adoption.
A Level TWO membership is the second formal step in adoption because it is our official confirming that you are sincere in progress of becoming a formal member. Members who are interested in becoming members of Kautantowit's Mecutea Native American Church (KM NAC) family must advance themselves as a Level Two member, including the Round-table between you and the spiritual leader of Kautantowit's Mecautea... sachem Hawkeye Graves.
Initiating yourself into Level Two consists of the spiritual leader submitting a formal "Letter of Adoption & Good Standing" request of membership which in turn results in the official recording on the KM NAC roll.
To learn more about the benefits of becoming a Level Two Member in Kautantowit's Mecautea and to submit your request for membership consideration application, please click the following link here:
Level Three: Complete Adoption
A Level THREE membership is the Final formal step in adoption because it is our Mother Churches Confirmation to the Federal Government that you are an Undisputable MEMBER!
Members who are interested in becoming members of Oklevueha Native American church via Kautantowit's Mecutea must advance themselves as a Level Two member, including the Round-table between you and ta spiritual leader of Kautantowit's Mecautea..
Initiating yourself into Level THREE requires a
This consists of Kautantowit Mecautea officially recording you on our Roll. The process of the official recording on the KM NAC roll is more often than not what the federal government checks when attempting to confirm a members membership, especially when it comes to your being in possession of our sacred sacraments, bird of prey feathers, and other sacred objects used within Kautantowit Mecautea Native American Church that others do not have the right to use or possess.
It is HIGHLY encouraged as well as emphasized that you accomplish a Level THREE Membership in Kautantowit's Mecautea ESPECIALLY if you intend on utilizing and or possessing sacred objects & Sacraments ceremonially and too, if you intend on partaking on other ONAC branch ceremonies.
To obtain your Complete Membership consideration application, please click the following link here: (being sure to select option #3 in the adoption type area of the application and noting "KM NAC" as your adopted branch so to secure your membership is for LIFE and is as cheap as possible for you to join... IF you are Tribal OR a Veteran please make Sure to contact us BEFORE you submit this application so we can ensure the mother church Knows to reflect your membership on your membership Card as being an KM NAC branch member.)