“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
As you may or may not know, KM strives for Unification for the best benefit of the whole of Creator's Earthly creation so we can come together and make good medicine for the entire web of earthly life for the sake of all future generations regardless of species. After all, it is our species ALONE that reaps the most havoc and HARM to mother globe which in turn afflicts all living breathing species... we OWE positive effort at minimum of at Least cleaning up the messes We human beings have made - don't ya think?!
Those who do we Welcome you to join with us individuals And like-minded up-right "Churches" who take their integrity Seriously - WE NEED YOU especially now more than ever because KM knows well that in order for our common oppressor to attain their goal of a "New World Order" and becoming the "One World Government" they continue striving to be that they have NO CHOICE but to Eliminate Great Creator from our conscious once and for all because so long as we the people they're trying to turn all into sheeple will NOT obediently comply if we seek guidance or "signs" from other sources!
Because MOST "Churches" obtain a 501c3 recognition from the federal government of the Unite States they are FORBIDDEN to speak of such things as the true objective of our oppressor as "New World Order" or "One World Government" though to our surprise they themselves Openly ADMIT to this in writing on their own website! There is quite a long list of rights and freedoms willingly given up in exchange for a tax free money business and of coarse we Highly Encourage you to go take a look for yourselves because when you read their list you can SEE where they admit to being the corrupt and tyrannous "government" by telling you the things they do and have done but that YOU can't Talk about or address so long as you maintain a 501c3 status. You can find more on this in our Legal Conception as well as our Legal Disposition pages but long story short of it is that KM has NEVER had reason or need to surrender our rights liberties and freedoms to Honorably operate and function as an upright church.
Please note that not ALL 501c3 organizations or churches are willfully corrupt, truth is most Didn't KNOW that by obtaining a 501c3 that they were willingly giving up their rights of free speech. The sadder part of it is that "Churches" are AUTOMATICALLY TAX EXEMPT under federal law per USC26 508c1a, which is what we as KM proudly maintain as far as our foundation and legal standing are concerned. Those among us who Are operating upright and with integrity who have been duped into thinking their churches Needed to obtain a 501c3 we STRONGLY Encourage you to consider un-doing and relinquishing it so to restore your full rights and liberties, but those who don't want to find a platform for all the no-no topics to still be properly addressed.
So below you're going to find a list of some of the great many Confederations that KM are honored to have with other like-minded churches, and what this means to us is that they are considered essential parts of the KM spiritual tribal family, and you especially our members and supporters are highly encouraged to support them in any and every way you can as Creator inclines you to do so as they truly do, are and continue striving in the shallowest of trenches at the front lines when it comes to defending and protecting All of our rights, liberties and freedoms and could sure use the support, especially morally as it gets very frustrating out on the front lines and like when in jail/prison... word from others really helps reassure that they're not forgotten and are actually Appreciated for their efforts struggles and strife's. You CAN and we Hope you choose to make such a positive difference.
Now, without further a-due, please feel welcomed and encouraged to check out Any and All of the following confederated family, you can click on provided links for more in-depth information on them specifically Without losing your place here on our site as they should open for you in a new window... just so ya know.

The United Cannabis Ministry (UCM)
Liberty Bell Temple I, II, III
Liberty bell temple II, inc is a 503(c)r religious organization - ( xxxxxxxxxx ). Founded in 2008 by Edward Forchion in California - internet based. We opened the Liberty Bell Temple III as a Temple of Peace & Love. Selling Turkey burgers in our Restaurant called THE JOINT and providing a SANCTUARY in this Government waged Drug war torn community.
You Must come to LBT3 to apply for membership and agree to our CREED.
Details will be discussed in person. ( most questions won't be answered online ) come in if your seriously thinking of becoming a member of this congregation.
The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministries

Aloha. The THC Ministry is a religious organization. We support the discovery and appreciate the mystery of using Cannabis as our spiritual sacrament. We know that Cannabis hemp is a natural, God given plant; not a man-made, artificial drug.
On June 19, 2000, Roger received a license to perform marriages in the State of Hawai`i, becoming the nation’s first licensed Cannabis Sacrament Minister (Hawai`i Department of Health License # 00-313).
Roger founded The Hawai`i Cannabis (THC) Ministry in Hilo, Hawai`i to share the blessing of the Ministry with the world. The THC Ministry is a universal religious organization that uses Cannabis to exalt consciousness, facilitate harmony, and become closer to God and Nature. Roger opens the Ministry to all sincere religious users and cultivators of Cannabis and has built a world-wide congregation of Cannabis sacrament practitioners from more than 60 countries.
Oklevueha NAC of Huntington
A branch of Oklevueha Earthwalks Native American Church of Utah inc.
Recognizing Grandmother Rosa Maria As our Holy Sacrament!

Green Faith Ministry
A Rastafari rooted religious organization very firmly rooted in Nunn, Colorado. Green Faith is also gifted an Olive Branch confederation from Oklevueha Earthwalks Native American Church of Utah inc.
ONAC Garden of Unity
ONAC Garden of Unity is rooted in Auburn, Washington.
The First Church of Cannabis
The First Church of Cannabis is a cannabis-based registered church in the U.S. state of Indiana founded in March 2015 by Bill Levin. “People of different faiths go to churches for inner satisfaction,” Levin says. “And with the dogma, the guilt, and the judgment that many of the other churches use, I see people coming over and embracing us, because we don’t use guilt and judgment as our cornerstones. We don’t down-talk people, we uplift people.”
Oratory of Mystical Sacraments
OMS is an all-encompassing religious organization that respects, values, and draws upon the ethical religious, mystical, and spiritual arts and wisdom of any and all of Earth’s peoples, developed or practiced at any point throughout mankind’s existence, and has a nationwide network of members successfully exercising their rights to religious freedom and the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, as they pertain to Sacraments.
The Sacraments OMS offers will help advance the human experience to one more suitable for all, and though they are not the only piece to that puzzle, they are indisputably an essential piece.
OMS is a religious organization offering its members an opportunity to learn & practice the Secret Doctrine.
ONAC Inner Light
Hello my name is Christopher Rushing, Chief Leader. We love Jesus and want people to see Him as the pure Love that we know He truly is!! AHO/AMEN!!!!!

Sangrie de Christo
Sante Christo teaches respect and utilizes the wisdom of our plant uncles, the cacti down in he Four Corners region of Turtle Island.

ONAC of Hilo
ONAC of Hilo is also known as The Hawai'i Cannabis (THC) Ministries.

ONAC Faith Ministries
Members of Green Faith hold one and only one sacrament as sacred that is cannabis. No other plants or synthetic derivatives Shall be used in place of our holy sacrament cannabis.
We have only one ceremony. That is the pipe ceremony. Without cannabis our prayer pipe ceremony cannot take place.
Cannabis is the Base of our religion, without Cannabis we have no religion.

ONAC of Hayfork
Members of Green Faith hold one and only one sacrament as sacred that is cannabis. No other plants or synthetic derivatives Shall be used in place of our holy sacrament cannabis.
We have only one ceremony. That is the pipe ceremony. Without cannabis our prayer pipe ceremony cannot take place.
Cannabis is the Base of our religion, without Cannabis we have no religion.
Wild Witches of the Willamette Valley
The Wild Witches of the Willamette Valley are an Earth Based Spirituality Community in the Willamette Valley. In honoring and educating to traditional ways, they prove to be an essential warrior.
Wild Witches of the Willamette Valley frequently host witch walks around the Salem, Oregon area which are highly educational as well as spiritually enlightening in a multitude of varying ways.
Immediately below you will find a link to their Facebook social media platform where your highly encouraged to check out and gain witch pics, as well as share and network to create a witch wide web across the Willamette Valley and beyond.
Salem Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
First Nation Chikamauga Native Community Church

We are an Independent Free Church for the First Nation Chickamauga ( FNC ) an American Indian Tribe, its people and community. We are Devoted to the free exercise of our religious beliefs and education of our heritage to our people in a good way.
Canna Cures
ONAC Canna Cures