“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
Q’ero Prophecy
The Q'ero are the last of the Incas - a tribe of 600 who sought refuge at altitudes above 14,000 feet in order to escape the conquering conquistadors.
Recently, Q'ero elders journeyed to North America in fulfillment of their prophecies.
In November 1996, a small group of Q'ero, including the tribal leader and the head shaman, visited several cities in the US, including New York, where they performed a private ceremony at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
The shamanic ritual had not been performed for 500 years. But in the very home of those who symbolized the former conquerors of their Incan ancestors they shared their ritual and knowledge, not only with interested Westerners who were learning their ways, but also with the Dean of the great cathedral, thereby symbolically and spiritually linking the two continents of North and South America.
According to ancient prophecy, this is the time of the great gathering called the "mastay" and reintegration of the peoples of the four directions.
According to legend, when the Q’ero first appeared at the feast of the Collor Riti wearing ponchos emblazoned with the royal emblem of the Sun, and aisle parted in the thousands gathered and the elders of the medicine people welcomed them, saying, “We have been waiting for you for five hundred years.” They are the Inkas, the last original descendants of the Children of the Sun, and they have returned to deliver the prophecy entrusted to them foretelling of the End of Time. But they have also been the keepers of a body of processes, of rites of passage that usher in who we are becoming as a people and a planet.
they spoke of the great and rapid changes coming to the Earth. They spoke of the floods, earthquakes, fires, etc. that would herald a time of great transformation for the Earth and all of its inhabitants. They say that there is tremendous upheaval happening on all levels: physical, emotional, and energetic; and now we are faced with an evolutionary leap in human consciousness, and now is the time to choose how we make that leap. Now is the time for individuals to leave behind the victim consciousness that has brought the human species to its knees and to the brink of destruction and step into the free and empowered consciousness of co-creators. And as more and more deliberate individuals such as you make this evolutionary leap a critical mass is reached and the entire human species is pulled forward all at once.
For the Inkas, the coming “Pachakuti” means the possible end of the world as we know it. But while presenting the possibility of annihilation and return to chaos, they also promise the emergence of a new human at the end of this turmoil. They announce the beginning of a millennium of gold on the Earth. Even more important, for the medicine people the prophecies speak about a tear in the fabric of time itself.
The Inka believe a new day is dawning. The doorways between the worlds are opening holes in time that we can step through and beyond, where our human capabilities propel us to heights never experienced before. We have the knowledge to craft new physical bodies that age differently, heal differently, and that possibly may never die. These bodies offer us the opportunity to step beyond the world we have known, where we can once again embark on our journey, returning to the stars.