“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
KM's Wolf Band Creed
Kautantowit's Mecautea Native American Church's Warrior Self Defense Band has a Creed and Code of Ethics all of their own that ultimately lines up directly with Kautantowit's Mecautea's position as a Warrior Church overall, just with clearer details as to their obligation to conduct as their reflection as a member of Kautantowit's Mecautea Native American Church, at All Times. The reason for this is for ultimate clarity regarding this when the Warrior Self Defense Band is referenced to for those yet unaware of what the WSDB is all about, including their expectations, obligations and goals within KM NAC.
Please note that they Are "In Addition To" opposed to "In Place Of" the Creeds and Codes of both our Native American Church tribal family and too, Kautantowit's Mecautea independent church as well. Below, you will find them now... let us begin with the Band Creed that is to be recitable audibly by our actively participating members:
Learn the ways to preserve rather than to destroy,
Avoid rather than Check,
Check rather than Hurt,
Hurt rather than Mame,
Mame rather than Destroy
for all life is precious
nor can we replace any.
I learn from You,
You learn from Me,
We learn from Eachother.
The point overall of being part of Kautantowit's Mecautea Native American church and our KM Wolf Band Tactical Self Preservation Training programs include the Ethical physical, spiritual and materialistic Goals such as the following:
To mold the mind and body.
To cultivate a vigorous spirit,
And through correct and rigid training,
To strive for improvement in the art of Kendo.
To hold in esteem human courtesy and honor.
To associate with others with sincerity.
And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself.
Thus will one be able:
To love one's country and society;
To contribute to the development of culture;
And to promote peace and prosperity among all peoples.
Therefore Kautantowit's Mecautea put strong emphasis on the following goals of honorable conduct in which our members daily are to strive toward:
1. To promote the spirit of mutual concessions
2. To be ashamed of one’s vices, contempting those of others
3. To be polite to one another
4. To encourage the sense of justice and humanity
5. To distinguish instructor from student, senior from junior, and elder from younger
6. To behave oneself according to etiquette
7. To respect others’ possessions
8. To handle matters with fairness and sincerity
9. To refrain from giving or accepting a gift when in doubt
And so, we as the whole of Kautantowit's Mecautea specifically cannot emphasize Enough, especially within the Wolf Band Tactical Self Preservation Training program(s) the moral and conduct expectations of participants Always Being and including the following goal expectations set upon each individual member participant:
To Behave honorably. Always treat others with respect.
To Practice humility. Recognize that you are a member of a group sharing common goals and interest and that progress is always achieved as part of a team.
To Never use profanity or coarse language in class, and apologize Immediately If you Do. Show respect for others beliefs and opinions.
To Always exercise self-control. Never lose your temper or react in anger.
To Set a good example. Your behavior always sets an example for those students in lower ranks.
To Practice cleanliness and order. The condition of your school is a reflection of its students. Be proud of your reflection.
To Always listen attentively to the instructor. Raise your hand if you have a question and wait patiently for the answer.
To Come early to class. It is always a good idea to give yourself extra time. Prompt and regular attendance shows respect to your instructor and fellow students.
To Remember that your actions outside the school reflect its character and spirit. You are an ambassador of your school.
To Always behave appropriately with good manners and respect.
That Progress is never alone. Help others improve and succeed. Recognize that you are all members of a strong group sharing common goals and interests.
That As you advance, ego is a constant enemy. Remain humble at all times.
To Bow when entering and leaving the training and mat area.
That there is No talking while an instructor is demonstrating a technique.
That there is No chewing gum or eating candy while participating in class.
That Sparring is not a game or a contest. There is no winner or loser. The goal is to learn, not win. You do not have an opponent, you have a partner. You are both polishing your skills. In the real world, escape can be a victory.
To Practice at home whenever possible. It is essential to advancement.
To Have a clean uniform on and have your belt tied correctly when you enter class. If you are wearing an undershirt, it must be tucked in your pants.
And most Importantly of all, to Have fun! You’re a part of an extended family – take care of one another
If today is to be THE DAY, so be it.
If you seek to do battle with me this day you will receive the best that I am capable of giving.
It may not be enough, but it will be everything that I have to give and it will be impressive for I have constantly prepared myself for this day.
I have trained, drilled and rehearsed my actions so that I might have the best chance of defeating you.
I have kept myself in peak physical condition, schooled myself in the martial skills and have become proficient in the application of combat tactics.
You may defeat me, but you will pay a severe price and will be lucky to escape with your life.
You may kill me, but I am willing to die if necessary.
I do not fear Death, for I have been close enough to it on enough occasions that it no longer concerns me.
But I do fear the loss of my Honor and would rather die fighting than to have it said that I was without Courage.
So I WILL FIGHT YOU, no matter how insurmountable it may seem, and to the death if need be, in order that it may never be said of me that I was not a Warrior.
Warrior Self Defense Bands Participant Acknowledgement
As a member of Kautantowit's Mecautea's (KM's) Warrior Self Defense Band (WSDB), I acknowledge that I too am considered a martial arts professional in training, and therefore as such I am an ambassador for my profession as well as my tribe and our Creed, meaning our cultural belief, practice and way of life. I agree to uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in my professionalism and personal dealings with others.
I am responsible for the well-being of my church members and fellow warriors also in training. Therefore, I agree to always act in the best interests of my church and family tribes and also my fellow human being and all our relations.
I am and strive to remain unquestionably honorable, honest and transparent in my dealings with others.
I am responsible for setting a positive example for others. I maintain the highest personal standards of physical fitness and skill development, and I practice what I preach.
I agree to being learned and trained to be a positive and honorable reflection of Kautantowit's Mecautea's Warrior Self Defense Band, and operate and conduct myself Always in a manner that brings honor to the church as the whole, as well as to the martial arts and other implimented industries encompassing my training as a Kautantowit's Mecautea Warrior overall. I am a Human Being, Created as among Creator's Creation. I have Rights because I am Connected to Creation. and I Deserve to be rightfully Respected.