“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
Your Donations & Contributions
First off, we cannot Thank You Enough for your willingness to jump in and Willingly help us out! Most churches and organized religions REQUIRE their members to give them at least a Tenth of what they have and make, some even More and too, some Require they give 100% of Everything!
Not Kautantowit's Mecautea... we Don't Require our members give us Anything other than your Honorable Respect towards your fellow brothers & sisters. Instead,we Hope Creator moves your spirit to choose to Freely GIVE... In fact,the growth and successful benefit of Kautantowit's Mecautea is Counting on it!
It is unfortunate that on our technological society today it Takes to Make, and believe it or not,even sustaining the functionality of our branch is no different. We are Kautantowit's Mecautea... the warrior people, soldiers of Great Creator, and as such we have needs as well as goals and objectives. By OUR devotional contributions we Are, and we have.
Some give their time, some bring their skill, some donate wisdom, some give materialistically, and some give financially... and when we all come together, we have the whole which Is Kautantowit's Mecautea! Some give less while others give more, but whatever the contribution is, it is we who make the whole... whatever it is.
As it comes in, This is how it breaks down...like metabolism within!:
The General Fund is the primary account which receives any and all financial contributions Unless Otherwise Specified BY the Contributor.
This fund is overseen by the Elder High Counsel and is distributed as decided by they and the (Grandmother nElder High Counsel).
Neen kuttánnûmous = I will help you
Absolutely 100% of Whatever contribution is received financially be it from Within Or outside source by ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea will in turn be EVENLY be disbursed into each of the Sub-Accounts established by the churches Supreme Counsel for the benefit of the whole of our members best of interests as Their church.
The KM Legal Fund is a primary account which is so established by the Grass Root Supreme Counsel in effort of sustaining our ability to properly protect the while f our church and it's members from what's claimed as "Legal" victimization regarding rights, liberties and freedoms allotted them in which a church gains good medicine standing for our members self-preservation,
ALL financial proceeds acquired by this account are to be governed by the ONAC KM Legal High Circle Counsel during their Round Table meeting, to ensure proper flow.
The Legal High Circle Counsel are to establish and maintain an accurate permanent accounting record of ALL Funds received and disbursed to provide ultimate protection and preservation of the whole of the church.
They are to provide monthly account reporting to the High Counsel's during their Round Table Meeting with assurance of proper flow, such as does the water.
This find is ultimately accountable for All contributions received as well as disbursed.
The Sacrament Fund is the primary account which receives any and all financial contributions encompassing ONAC KM's Sacraments.
This find is ultimately accountable for All contributions received as well as disbursed.
The P&E Fund is the primary account which receives any and all financial contributions for ONAC KM's Projects and Endeavors.
This find is ultimately accountable for All contributions received as well as disbursed.
The above funds are governed by the applicable Circle Counsels as elected and appointed By Kautantowit's Mecautea members!