“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
KM's Specialty "Craft" Services
Humans have practiced astrology since before recorded history. Our ancient ancestors looked to the sky to discover when to plant and harvest crops, when to move their herds, when to perform rituals and ceremonies, and when to anticipate or initiate battles. Babylonians and Assyrians mapped the planets and made predictions based on the sky as early as 4000 BC, constellations were established around 3000 BC, and the earliest surviving birth chart is dated 410 BC, found in what is now Iraq.
Historian Benson Bobrick, who wrote a fascinating history of astrology called The Fated Sky, offers ample evidence for his claim that astrology is “the oldest of occult sciences and the origin of science itself.” Until the “scientific revolution” of the 17th century, the terms astronomy and astrology were interchangeable. Those who practiced the cosmic science were highly educated scholars in mathematics, philosophy, theology and medicine, as well as astronomy. Although most contemporary astronomers would rather not admit it, the fathers of modern astronomy, including Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, and Galileo Galilei, also practiced astrology.
Considering that many people have not been exposed to astrology’s true depth and relevance, it’s not surprising that astrology is often dismissed as a superstition for those ignorant or foolish enough to "believe in it." Actually, astrology is not a belief system, but rather a symbolic language through which we can read cosmic patterns and cycles.
Astrology is an amazing tool for decoding the archetypal patterns that are inherent to our life’s journey, and identifying our unique role in the Universe. Becoming conscious of and understanding these archetypes in ourselves enables us to see our own lives from a higher perspective, giving a cosmic lens through which to view our earthly experience. This perspective empowers us to move through blocks, expand, and heal much more quickly and easily.
The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. In this vision astrology and alchemy, the two classical functionaries of the psychology of the collective unconscious, join hands. - Carl .G. Jung
Natal "Birth" Chart

One of the most important things for anyone who knows about or is studying Astrology is the birth or natal chart. The birth chart “a manual for working on oneself.” Indeed, the birth chart is neither definitive nor immutable. It is merely the sum total of character and destiny predispositions that you have inherited at the time of your birth.
​Astrology believes a soul moves through planetary dimensions prior to incarnation, collecting both desired energy and cosmic distortions. This process sets an intention for one’s lifetime, influencing virtually all facets of the incarnate’s personality and decisions. The “best efforts” mapping of the journey is depicted by one of the oldest known spiritual tools — the natal chart.
Natal charts explain what lies behind your behavior and the reasons for your reactions. To see where you fit on the path towards emotional and spiritual maturity and in order to check out the direction you are embarked upon as well as the speed at which you are progressing, you should return to your natal chart from time to time.
“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."
— C.S. Lewis
You're probably familiar with Sun-sign astrology or the "horoscope" you see online that generalizes the current planetary activity for each of the twelve signs. But your horoscope, tailored to you, is actually your birth or "natal chart."
It's a virtual snapshot of where the planets were positioned the moment you took your first breath. No one else would have the same reading as you unless all of these details were the same. And with 250 births per minute worldwide, it's unlikely that you're sharing an identical birth chart with many, or maybe anyone, for that matter.
As well as 12 signs of the astrological zodiac being implimented into the char as seen in the photo , the Natal has 12 houses as well, which are represented by the 12 numbered ‘wedges’ that divide the chart.
These houses represent focal areas of expression in the birth chart such as shown in the photo immediately above. The size of the houses and house positions varies depending on where in the world you were born and at what time.
Also, the house system will also determine how the houses appear on the chart. This reveals to you the means by which you will be able to overcome the negative aspects of your character and to transform them into something positive. Indeed, the energy that you possess is neither negative nor positive. What is negative or positive is only the manner in which you use it.
The specific longitudes and latitudes of your birth chart will reveal, among other things, your Sun sign -- which is the one thing you already know even if you don’t know anything about astrology: that you’re a Leo, a Gemini, a Pisces, whatever. That’s the sign most dominant in your personality, but there’s also your rising sign -- aka your ascendant -- which is kind of like what you’re flavored by.
With all birth charts and natal chart events, you need to have a birth date, birth city and birth time (aka birth data).
The birth date is the most important.
The birth city is normally to identify the time zone and whether daylight time is involved in the calculations.
The birth time needs to be as close to the exact time as possible.
Note: An unknown birth time would affect the accurate data of an astrology chart

​All truth be told, certain parts of the description concerning you may appear strange to you. This is not to say that these characteristics are not in you. Perhaps your ego is simply not allowing you to see them. Or it may be that you are not yet aware of them. Or that the moment of their outward expression has not yet arrived. It is equally possible that in spite of your predispositions, these character traits have changed somewhat because of the influence exerted by your family, your education, your social environment, the work you have already done on yourself or as a result of a traumatizing event in your past. It may even be that they were altered because of influence exercised by a quasar close to one of your planets at the moment you were born. Nevertheless, do not attempt to recognize yourself at all cost in everything that your natal chart reveals.
If you've come upon something in your life that you can't make sense of, or are transitioning (new job, getting married), or just feeling like you need direction, a natal chart reading could be for you. Some people come back yearly or quarterly to check in with the cosmos.
Getting your Natal Chart from us, gives you your natal chart such as shown above but personalized to You, along with easy-to-read listings of the positions of the planets and houses in your chart and how they fit and apply to your individual life as a whole, as well as the aspects between planets and points. Interpretations of these positions are provided, many of which are our original interpretations.
Before getting a natal chart reading, be open-minded, ready to listen, and realistic. It's exciting to know that you'll be solving some of the mysteries of your personality—but let's be clear: this isn't fortune-telling. Astrology isn't a science and it won't tell you who your husband will be and where to find him. You're co-creating your experience with the universe, and you have free reign over the choices you make; astrology is a tool that tells you when to push the pedal to the medal and when to pump the brakes.
Tarot Readings

Tarot card is an ancient and popular tool in the metaphysical world. Tarot is a practice with a fascinating history that goes back centuries, yet is still one of the most popular divination tools used by spiritual advisors today. A tarot reading is conducted with the intent of predicting potential outcomes while assessing miscellaneous influences connected to a person, circumstance, or both.A lot of accurate, specific and clear psychic readings utilize tarot cards. Hence, more and more people are seeking tarot readings for different issues and aspects of life. Tarot card reading could certainly help you accomplish different things with the help and guidance of authentic psychics.The events foreseen are based upon interpreting chance distribution of cards.
These random events are actually seen to be synchronistic in revealing many aspects of the questioners mind, character and life situation at the time of question.A tarot reading is a great way to streamline your needs and wants so you can pinpoint which goals you should be focusing on. An advisor can also help identify any potential roadblocks so you can work out an action plan to overcome them. Even those without a family and a full-time job can have a problem finding balance in life. A harmonious lifestyle means you are able to give equal (or as equal as possible) attention to all of the things that matter to you in your world. This includes self-care and self-love, two very important elements that often get put to the wayside when life gets crazy. Whether you bite off more than you can chew or life threw you some unexpected curveballs, a tarot reading can give you the tools you need to lead a more balanced existence.
In a strange way your spiritual and unconscious energies seem to attract the cards which reveal events about to take place. Tarot spreads and daily tarot use can be very useful in a personal development path. As such, when asked whether the tarot is a tool for divination or personal development, the answer is neither, and both, at the same time. It is a complex and multi-faceted tool, and its actual use depends more on the user than on the deck itself. Some will willingly agree that we should not live with the knowledge of what has yet to happen. Other will readily use any tool at their disposal to meet their own goals.
The Tarot deck is a collection of 78 images representing ancient and universal archetypes, as well as situations that might arise in the course of the lifetime of an individual. Their are 22 cards in a tarot deck known as the major arcana The Tarot archetypes represented in the major arcana are pictures that represent life and the stages and experiences we all go through. It's meant to be the story of one's journey through life starting as The Fool (young, pure energy in spirit form) moving through events and cycles and finding completion in The World (the end of our life cycle).
Then their are 56 minor arcana which are considered Minor Cards. These describes the people, events, feelings and circumstances we encounter on our personal "Fool's Journey."[2] It represents events that are within the control of the individual and indicate how you do something. The minor arcana fairly closely resembles a traditional deck of playing cards. It's made up of four suits, and each of these suits are associated with one of the elements: Wands (Fire), Cups (Water), Pentacles (Earth) and Swords (Air). There are also the Queen, King and Knight (or Jack) of each suit plus the addition of Pages or Princesses.
A Tarot spread is a configuration or pattern of cards. That pattern provides the framework for a tarot reading. Further, each position of the tarot cards in a spread has a specific meaning. Your reading will use the placement or position of the cards within an identified theme. For example, many spreads include positions for the past, present and future. They can also include positions for internal feelings, specific challenges, external factors and so on. There are hundreds of spreads to try- we mainly offer the "Celtic Spread" and if need be, build off your personalized reading from there.
Some possible specific build off positions for a reading designed to understand a situation are: past/present/future, current situation/obstacle/advice, where you stand now/what you aspire to/how to get there and what will help you/what will hinder you/what is your unrealized potential.
Some possible specific build off positions for a reading are designed to understand relationships are: you/the other person/the relationship, opportunities/challenges/outcomes, what brings you together/what pulls you apart/what needs your attention and what you want from the relationship/what you want from the relationship/where the relationship is heading.
Some possible build off positions for a reading are designed to understand relationships are: mind/body/spirit, material state/emotional state/spiritual state, you/your current path/your potential and stop/start/continue